

【作者】 廖雄英

【导师】 施放;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 物流工程, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 当今世界经济结构的深刻变革,市场范围急剧扩大,消费需求多样化。如何为消费者提供高质量的服务,为企业带来更多的效益,使企业在生存中逐步发展,这是已被企业家们提到战略高度的重要问题。被认为是“第三利润源”的现代物流,在经济全球化和信息技术革命的条件下得到了快速发展。国内许多省市将物流产业作为今后经济发展的新兴产业或支柱产业。无论是商业流通企业还是制造型企业,也都越来越关注现代物流的效益。我国传统的储运企业与现代物流企业一样都是第三产业的流通服务业,是连接生产与消费、从事流通服务的主体。但是,二者在管理模式上、运营效率等都存在明显差异。浙江M集团公司从2000年以来,在流通产业化战略方针指导下,在几年的管理实践中,集团整体销售规模、赢利水平和竞争实力得到显著提升,已经从一个传统的流通型企业,发展成为一个拥有金属、汽车、现代物流等各大业务板块和100多家成员企业的大型现代流通企业集团,年营业额到2005年的400多亿元,跻身中国企业500强之列。在取得骄人业绩的同时,该集团公司高层领导敏锐的感觉到,在全球化背景下,随着现代流通业的快速发展,只有锐意探索、勇于创新发展思路才能保持竞争优势,才能实现集团整体业务水平的跳越式发展。本论文的研究目的在于结合近年来环境、条件变化与浙江M集团公司经营管理实践经验,以推动流通产业化,并结合物流业务的业务特点,提出物流业务板块转型目标、发展思路与实施措施。以此为浙江M集团公司的转型与发展建言献策,以推进战略规划在该集团物流企业的有效落实。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the world economics structure is changing, the market scope expands largely, consumers’ demand is diversifing. How to provide the high quality service for the consumers, bringing more benefits for the enterprise, causing the enterprise to develop gradually in the society, that the strategic high important questions were mentioned by the entrepreneurs. The modern physical distribution was considered "the third profit source" , under the Information Technology Revolution’s condition, which gets the fast development in the economic globalization. In China, many provinces and cities will take the physical distribution industry as the economic development emergent industry or the pillar industry. Not only the commercial circulation enterprises but also the manufacture enterprises, will pay more attention to the benefit of the modern logistics.Both the traditional storage and transport enterprises and the modern logistic enterprises equally belong to service industry of the tertiary industrial circulation. They are the connection and the main parts of producing and expending, are engaged in the circulation service. But, the two kinds of enterprises have the obvious differences in the management patterns, the operation of efficiency and so on.Since 2000, The Zhejiang Group M with the instruction of circulation industrial production strategic conception, of several years’ management practice, has obtained the remarkable promotion in the group whole sale scale, the profit level and the competition strength, already changed a traditional circulation enterprise into one modern circulation enterprise group who has the metal, the automobile, the modern logistic enterprise and many other large service tectonic plate and more than 100 members in enterprise’s large-scale modern circulation enterprise group, the year’s turnover was 48, 600, 000, 000 Yuan in 2005, became one of the largest 500 of the Chinese Enterprises.While obtaining the rapid achievement under globalized background, this Group high-level leader’s a keen feeling, along with modern circulation industrial fast development,that the firm will explore the innovation of the development mentality in order to maintain the competitive advantage, to make the group overall jump -liking development.The purpose of writing the thesis is that taking some advice and opinion to forward Zhejiang Group’s reforming and the development. In recent years , the environment and the condition changed with the Zhejiang Group M management and operation experience. It promoted the circulation industrial production, and unified the logistic tectonic plate’s service characteristic, set the logistic service tectonic plate reforming goal, the development mentality and the implementation measurement, advances the strategic plan in this group logistic enterprise’s effective realization.


