

The Research on Wear Leveling Algorithm for Flash Memory

【作者】 邢春波

【导师】 黄德才; 杨良怀; 龚卫华;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 嵌入式系统已经广泛地渗透到科学研究、工程设计、军事技术、各类产业和商业文化艺术、娱乐业以及人们的日常生活等各方面。随着嵌入式系统越来越广泛的应用,嵌入式系统中的数据存储和数据管理已经成为一个重要的课题摆在设计人员面前。闪存(Flash Memory)是嵌入式系统中一种常用的存储介质,具有体积小、容量大、成本低、掉电数据不丢失等一系列优点。目前已经逐步取代其他半导体存储元件,成为嵌入式系统中的主要数据和程序载体。通常,一个闪存是由若干个闪存块组成,每个闪存块又分为若干个物理页。闪存块是擦除操作的最小单位,而读和写都是以页为单位进行,对一个物理页进行重写之前,必须先对该页所在的块执行擦除操作。而每一个闪存块的擦除次数是有限的,一般是在10万次到100万次之间,只要有一个闪存块的擦除次数达到了上限,数据存储就变得不可靠,会影响到整个闪存的读写效率和性能。因此,需要设计高效的磨损均衡处理(wear-leveling)策略,尽可能让各闪存块保持相近的擦除次数以延长闪存的使用寿命。本文首先介绍国内外现有的磨损均衡算法,通过仿真试验对比各算法的优缺点。然后从理论上给出了在任何一个闪存块达到擦除次数上限前,闪存可执行的擦除操作次数的上下界,并对此进行了证明。接着,对现有的算法进行改进,提出了两种基于不同目标的磨损均衡算法:1、闪存在每次初始化的时候,都需要将块的擦除情况读入到内存中,然后根据这些信息实现块的均匀擦除,但嵌入式设备的内存非常有限,减少磨损均衡处理时的内存消耗是磨损均衡策略设计中应当考虑的问题。本文创造性地在确定性算法中加入了随机处理的成分,减少了算法执行过程中的内存开销。2、节能是嵌入式系统设计的关键目标之一。嵌入式系统使用过程中不断进行着数据的存取,大量的能量消耗在作为外部存储介质的闪存的操作上。因此,减少嵌入式设备外部存储介质上的能耗是实现节能的重要途径。本文提出了一种基于低能耗的磨损均衡算法,既能够使各物理块有相近的擦除次数,从而延长闪存的使用寿命,又能够减少闪存操作上的能耗,从而延长了嵌入式设备一次充电后的使用时间。

【Abstract】 Embedded devices has been developed rapidly in the research lab and used widely in many fields such as industry, military department, personal consumption. With a great widely use of embedded devices, various optimization techniques are proposed to resolve the problems of data storage and data management in these devices.With the recent technology breakthroughs in both capacity and reliability, more and more embedded systems now deploy flash memory as their storage systems, due to its small bulk, big capacity, low cost and nonvolatile features. Flash memory has gradually replaced the use of other semiconductor storages and has become the primary data and program storages. Due to the hardware architecture, data on the flash memory is written in a page and erasing is done in a block. A block must be erased before any new data is written in it. But a block could tolerate a limited number of erasing before the block becomes unreliable. The number is typically 100K to 1000K cycles. Therefore the wear leveling algorithm is to have an even erasure count distribution of flash memory blocks so that the endurance of flash memory could be improved.This paper presents the current wear leveling algorithms published in papers or patents and compares with each other in computer simulations. Then the paper lays out and prove a low bound and a upper bound of erasing count before any block reaches the maximum count. Next, two wear leveling algorithms are proposed in order to solve two different problems:During the initialization process of flash memory, block erasure information is to load into the main memory which is used to realize the even erasure. But the capacity of main memory in embedded device is not enough, reducing the consumption of main memory should be taken into account. By combining the deterministic and randomized algorithms, we invent an effective algorithm to evenly leverage the placements of cold-hot data while consumes less memory.Energy-conservation is one of the critical issues in the design of embedded systems. One promising approach is to reduce the energy consumption of secondary storage, here the flash-memory in particular. We presents a set of energy-aware flash memory management strategies. the proposed strategies can optimize the energy distribution, and the saved energy from shutting down the idle banks can effectively serve the read and write requests of applications while blocks have close erasures.

  • 【分类号】TP333
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】371

