

Grass-roots Public Security Organs of Public Security Service Model Optimization

【作者】 袁菁

【导师】 任宗哲;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 公共管理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 当前,我国市场经济迅速发展,推动着我国社会在各方面发生着深刻的变革。新情况的出现、新矛盾的凸显、各种因素相互交织在一起,社会治安形势复杂而严峻。公安机关担负着维护社会治安稳定、提供公共安全服务的重任,应该说,社会各个方面对于警察服务的供给非常重视,有效需求强劲,然而面对原有城市社会结构和组织管理方式的巨大变化,运行了几十年的传统警务机制越发面临新的挑战。树立一种新的公共管理理念,推行公共安全服务变革势在必行。而目前实践中正在推行的社区警务机制正是一次变革的尝试,它是公共安全服务从“单一中心”向“多中心”转变的实际例证,是公安机关公共安全服务模式优化的有效途径之一,是政府的治安管理体制由集权式向分权式转变的过程。如何深入开展社区警务,如何建立、完善社区警务工作机制,如何为公众提供更好的公共安全服务等一系列问题,日益成为公共管理部门以及专家、学者不断思考、探索的焦点之一。因此,从公安机关公共安全服务有效供给的角度,透视社区警务战略,既是理论上的探讨,也对实践有很强的指导作用。对此,笔者依据社会学、经济学和行政学中的社会治理、公益物品和社会需求等基础理论,对当前我国公安机关公共安全服务进行了较为深入的理论和制度分析,引入分析了公共安全服务模式优化的可行途径——社区警务,并以陕西省西安市社区警务运行实践为例证,最后提出公安机关公共安全服务模式优化的根本途径在于警民合作。

【Abstract】 At present, the rapid development of China’s market economy, driving in various aspects of our society undergoing profound changes. The emergence of new situations and new contradictions of the highlights, a variety of factors are intertwined with each other, law and order situation in the complex and grim. Public security organs responsible for maintaining law and order management, the responsibility to provide public safety services,it should be said that all aspects of social services for the police attach great importance to supply, strong demand for effective, but in the face of the original urban social structure and organization of the management changes, Run for decades more traditional policing mechanisms to face new challenges. To establish a new concept of public management, public service reform must be implemented.And in the present, the community police service mechanism which is carrying out in practice exactly is a trial transforming, it is the actual illustration for public safety services from the "single center"to "multi-center" , is the public security organs of public security service model to optimize one of the effective ways, the process of change for the Government’s law and order-management system from centralized to decentralized . How in-depth development of community policing, how to establish and improve mechanisms for community policing, how to provide better public services, public safety and other issues, has become increasingly public administration, as well as experts and scholars continue to explore one of the focal points . Therefore, from the angle of Public security organ public security service effective supply, perspective community police service strategy, since discussion theoretically, also has the very strong instruction function to the practice. Regarding this, the author rests on sociological, the economic and the science of administration society governs, basic theories and so on public welfare goods and social demand, has carried on a more thorough theory and the system analysis to the current our country Public security organ public security service, the introduction has analyzed the feasible way - - community police service which the public security service pattern optimizes, and take the Shanxi Province Xi’an city community police service movement practice as the illustration, Finally, police-community cooperation is the fundamental way to optimize the pattern of public security organs of public security service.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期
  • 【分类号】D631.1
  • 【下载频次】340

