

Water Environment Ecological Security Appraisal System and Applied Research of Guangzhou Haizhu Area

【作者】 蔡莹

【导师】 王建琼;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 水资源和水环境质量问题是当前社会关注的热点问题之一。随着社会与经济的高速发展,珠江三角洲地区城市水环境污染不断加重,水质性缺水问题越来越突出,珠江三角洲地区城市水生态安全形势已经变得非常严峻,对该地区城市的社会与经济发展产生了不利影响。因此,城市水环境生态安全已经成为各级政府管理部门的一项重要工作。而客观评价城市水环境生态安全,发现其中存在的各种问题,并提出相应的解决对策则是科学开展该项工作应遵循的一般思路。在借鉴已有研究成果的基础上,本研究运用管理学方法,结合生态学的有关理论,提出了城市水环境生态安全评价体系。并应用该评价体系,对珠江三角洲中心城市——广州市海珠区进行实例剖析。本文主要分成四个部分,第一部分绪论,主要介绍论文研究的背景、意义以及研究现状;第二部分水环境生态安全评价体系综述,主要从水环境安全评价体系的层面、具体指标、指标体系三个方面为研究打下理论基础;第三部分,研究海珠区水环境生态安全现状,对海珠区的水文环境、水污染现状进行阐述,并利用前文所建立的水资源指标体系对海珠区的水资源现状进行分析,指出海珠区水环境生态安全管理中存在的问题;第四部分,海珠区水环境生态安全管理策略研究,在前文研究的基础上,提出海珠区水环境生态安全管理的策略,并从环境效益、经济效益、社会效益三个方面对水环境生态安全管理的效益进行分析,以期对海珠区水环境生态安全管理起到一定的借鉴作用。同时,也希望有关研究成果能对整个珠江三角洲地区乃至全国城市水环境生态安全管理具有借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Water resources and water quality of the environment is one of the hot issue. With the rapid economic and social development of urban water pollution in the Pearl River Delta region continue to increase, water quality and water shortages become more and more prominent, the Pearl River Delta city water ecological security situation has become very serious, the region’s cities Social and economic development had a negative impact. As a result, the ecological security of urban water environment has become governments at all levels of management is an important task. And objective evaluation of the urban water environment, ecological safety and found that there are various problems and propose solutions is to carry out the scientific work should follow the general line of thought. In the research results have been drawing on the basis of this study was the use of management methods, combined with relevant ecological theory, put forward the urban water environment, ecological security evaluation system, and the Pearl River Delta cities of Guangzhou’s old city - District Application of the evaluation system as an example, pointing out that the ecological environment in the area of water safety problems, and the corresponding countermeasures. This thesis is divided into four parts, the first part is the introduction, the paper introduces the research background, as well as the significance of research; The second part of the Water Environment Review of ecological security evaluation system, mainly from the water environmental safety evaluation of the system level, specific indicators, three indicators In regard to lay a theoretical foundation for research; The third part reseach Haizhu District water eco-environment safety status , the District of hydrology, water pollution on the current situation and to make use of previously established targets of the water resources of the District’s water system to analyze the status , Haizhu District clear water environment management of ecological security problems; The fourth part of the eco-environment safety of District Water Management Strategy, on the basis of the previous chapter ,the thesis proposed Water District environmental and ecological safety management strategies ,and analyze the water eco-environment safety management effectiveness from environmen, economic and social aspects, with a view to the Haizhu District for water safety management of ecological environment play a role in the draw. At the same time, I hope that the outcome of the entire Pearl River Delta Region to the country as well as urban water environment management of ecological security is of important reference.

  • 【分类号】X826
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】423

