

Design of Automatic Testing System and Monitoring Software of Responders

【作者】 丁栋威

【导师】 王雪梅; 周林;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 测试计量技术与仪器, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪末,航天测控技术的发展进入了一个高潮。航天测控技术是当代高新科技的一个重要领域。国内外测控技术发展的历程表明,测控技术是与卫星技术、运载器技术以及载人航天技术等同步协调发展的。最能集中展现测控技术的航天测控系统是航天工程的重要组成部分,它既是火箭,航天运载器及其发射、在轨、返回段的重要支持保障系统,又是运行大回路中的重要环节。航天测控系统主要包括飞行器测控系统和地面外安系统。外安系统,即无线电外弹道测量及靶场安全控制系统,包括箭上设备(主要是箭载应答机)、地面测量控制站和靶场测试设备三部分。其中,应答机作为应答式无线电测控系统箭载合作设备,安装于各类飞行器上,用于完成地面雷达上行信号的接收、处理,向测控雷达发送下行信号,实现测控系统上下行信号的转接功能,是实现高精度轨道测量的关键设备。箭载应答机作为地面测量控制站重要组成部分,建立一种精确、高效的应答机测试系统成为解决发射前应答机测试的重要内容。应答机测试系统是外安系统地面测量控制站的主要组成部分。应答机测试系统由信息采集分机、信道分机、信号处理分机以及常用仪器组成,与地面控制台及光传输系统一起配合工作完成箭载应答机的单机功能测试和联机系统功能测试。论文首先介绍了当前国内外航天测控技术的发展概况。在此基础上对箭载应答机进行了介绍。论文在介绍外安系统的组成及各个组成部分的基本功能的基础上,重点设计并完成了测速应答机、测距应答机和逃逸接收机在内的三种箭载应答机的单元测试和系统联试。论文对应答机测试系统的硬件组成和软件设计进行了详细介绍。系统硬件设计采用模块化的设计方法,三种应答机的测试系统都是由信息采集分机、信道分机、信号处理分机等模块组成。论文以测速应答机测试系统为例,对各个功能模块的组成和性能指标的设计要求进行了详细介绍。软件的设计部分重点解决了总线信息实时处理与监控系统的实现问题,编写了各个软件模块的程序。此外,结合实际探讨了人机界面的设计原则与方法,并编程实现了人机交互界面。应答机测试系统在针对包括测速应答机在内的三种应答机的系统测试中,达到了预期设计的各项要求。进一步的测试工作还在进行。

【Abstract】 In the end of the 20th century, the development of the space monitoring and controlling technology had reached a climax. The Space monitoring and controlling technology is an important high-tech flied. By viewing the development of the domestic and international space extracting course, it can be concluded that space monitoring and controlling is improving along with missile technology, satellite technology, transportation technology, as well as manned spacecraft technology. As a significant part of the missile launching test and spacecraft engineering, the measuring and controlling system for spacecraft is not only the critical supporting and safeguarding system for the missile and launch vehicle, also play a significant role in the whole system.The space monitoring and controlling system consists of aerocraft measuring system and the outside ballistic measuring and safe-controlling system. The outside ballistic measuring and safe-controlling system consists of devices on board, the ground controlling station and division safe-controlling system. Responders is the most familiar device on board, which is a wireless device for receiving up data and send it back after certain process to realize high-precision measurement. As an important part of the ground controlling station, to gesign an effective measuring system for responders before launching is a critical subject.The monitoring system of responding beacons (RSP) on board is the main part of the outside ballistic measuring and safe-controlling system. The system consists by the information collecting subsystem, the data channel subsysrem, the signal processing subsystem and universal apparatuses. By working with ground console and the optical transporting system, the system can accomplish the testing of capacity index and system function.First of all, the paper introduced the general situation of the domestic and international development of space monitoring and controlling technology, especially the outside ballistic measuring techniques. Then, the responding beacons are particularly discussed. The paper also introduced the consisting strunture of the outside ballistic measuring and safe-controlling system and the function of each part, and designed and accomplished the monitoring system for three main responding beacons on board.The paper gives a full description of the structure of the hardware and the designing method of the monitoring software. The whole system is built based on the module method.Taking speed measuring system as example, the paper discussed the principle of every module.The monitoring software focused on the real-time disposing of the bus data, the software modules are accomplished based on it.Besides, according to the engineering and practial guide, a friendly operational HMI(Human Machine Interface) is presented in the paper.The system in the paper has qualified for the prospective requirements, the more testing method will be implemented until the system meets all the qualifications.


