

Contemporary Inspiration from Sichuan Traditional Sculpture

【作者】 刘春尧

【导师】 徐伯初;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 设计艺术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 “和传统相结合,走中国化道路”是中国雕塑研究和创作中一支重要的力量。一开始,这是上世纪初在法国学习雕塑的一批中国学生自发的艺术追求。而后,随着毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》成为中国文艺路线的指导方针,来自西方的写实传统同中国民族文化、民间传统最终紧密结合起来,成为中国雕塑创作的重要方法论。在全球经济一体化的背景下,中国传统文化作为一种宝贵的资源,在艺术创作中得到了广泛的研究和运用。但在具体的实践中,一直存在两种截然不同的方法和局面。本文以四川传统雕塑优秀作品为例,分析四川雕塑创作中,浓厚的现实主义、超现实主义传统形成和演变的原因。讨论的案例包括:公元前2000至1200年的三星堆青铜面具、汉代画像石画像砖艺术、开凿于唐宋时期的大足石刻、清代的昆明筇竹寺五百罗汉泥塑,再到上世纪六十年代,中国现代美术史上第一件拥有世界级影响的雕塑作品——大邑地主庄园《收租院》泥塑。在作品多样的面貌和创作的目的、理念之间存在着密切关联。本文通过揭示隐藏在造型特点和技术语言背后的创作逻辑,来回答对今天的创作而言,“究竟什么是传统?”以及“应该如何继承传统?”的问题。只有把握住中国人独特的世界观、生命观才能真正了解中国雕塑的精髓。传统样式的丰富多彩,这说明传统是活的资源。不能死守传统的形骸,只有大胆吸收古今中外一切有用的元素,产生新的综合,才可能创作出有价值的当代作品。

【Abstract】 "To create with China’ s characteristics combined highly Realism and Chinese folk techniques" is one of the most important schools in Chinese modern sculpture.This school can trace its root back to last century early,when Chinese art students in France considered the style as their own personal expression.But as the spirit of "Mao Zedong’s Talks at Yan’an Forum on Literature and Art" became the national ideology,the school finally dominated in Chinese modern sculpture.In the context of globalization of capitalist markets, Chinese traditional culture contributes a lot to prevent the destruction of native culture.But,some works failed in misread of traditional spirit.The paper focused on Sichuan’s traditional sculpture in history,and explores the relationship between the Realism,Sur-realism and Sichuan traditional sculptures, with majority of cases including Bronze Mask from Sanxingdui(from 2000 B.C.to 1200 B.C),Pictorial Stone and Brick(Han dynasty),Dazu Rock Carving(from Tang dynasty to Song dynasty),Five-hundred Arhats clay sculpture in Kunming(Qing dynasty ),and clay sculpture Rent Collecting Courtyard in 1960s which is the first one that owns the worldwide influence in Chinese sculpture history. Multi-characteristics of these artifacts show that Chinese sculpture is strongly influenced in style by both western and Chinese traditional culture.The global media are largely interpreting the original of Chinese traditional culture." What is tradition?"," How to ground in tradition? ".One can understand the spirit of China traditional sculpture from unique viewpoint of the world and life.The paper try to express that tradition is changing with the times but the Chinese unique characteristic never lose while strongly influenced by western modern culture.To some degree,traditionalist means revisionist.Only open to both west and east,to tradition and modern civilization,can survive Chinese contemporary sculpture.


