

The New Concept Sketches

【作者】 祁璇

【导师】 欧阳德彪;

【作者基本信息】 湖北美术学院 , 想象素描与造型语言, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 素描教学一直是造型艺术学科的一个重要的课题。大家都知道素描是造型的基础,以往的传统素描教学对现代的艺术发展起了非常大的作用。但随着社会的日益进步和科学的飞速发展,造型艺术自身所涉及的范围不断扩大,传统意义上的素描教学也随之面临着一些新的课题、要求和挑战。人们需要更具多样性和灵活性的教学模式和丰富、科学的教学方法来进一步促进素描教学的发展,以适应社会对艺术人才的高素质要求。在此背景下,近年来有关艺术设计以及素描艺术的理论著作不断涌现,艺术基础教学的改革方向也成为广大艺术院校师生普遍关注的话题。实践证明在这条探索“设计基础素描的最优化教学模式”的道路上,任何变相延续或全盘否定传统素描教学模式的思路都是不可取的;任何不从根本上认识素描基础教学的内涵而盲目进行的教学形式上的应变都是徒劳无功的。要建立素描观念和素描教学的新篇章,就必须联系当代的美学观念,从目前设计素描基础教学的实情和面临的问题出发,从根源上改变传统模式中陈旧的价值观。基于这个观点,笔者对各地的基础素描教学改革做了一次横向比较和得失分析,认为:没有挖掘设计素描在“设计能力培养”上的价值是目前中国设计素描教学模式的通病和本质问题。“新概念素描”正是围绕着“当代”、“设计素描”和“最优化”三个关键词而提出的一套具有一定解答意义的教学模式。它的目标价值在于:以素描训练为手段,培养学生的观察力、审美力、表现力、创造力等设计素养,使学生完成从“美术考生”到“设计者”的转变。论文在第一章分别论述了“当代”、“设计素描”和“最优化”这三个关键词所暗含的要求。第二章详细阐述了新概念素描的教程设置,并论述了其作为一种解答所具备的价值量及优越性。第三章针对教程中的部分练习展开了全方位的解读,是对新概念素描课程设计中一些重要内容与特色练习的补充说明。

【Abstract】 We all know that sketch is the basis of modeling. Traditional sketch teaching on the development of modern art has played a very big role. With the growing social and scientific progress, expanding development of plastic arts, traditional sketch teaching also will be facing some new challenges. People need more diversity and flexibility in the teaching mode in order to further promote the development of sketch teaching and meet social demands of high-quality talents. In this context, in recent years the artistic design and sketch theoretical works have emerged. Reform orientation of basic art teaching have also become a topic of concern to teachers and students.Practice has proved that any ideas that denial of traditional sketch teaching model is undesirable. To establish a new chapter in sketch concepts and sketch teaching, we must link the contemporary aesthetic concepts. We must change the old values of the traditional model with concerning the facts of current design drawings.Based on this viewpoint, the author has done a comparison and analysis for the sketch teaching innovation and has a conclusion: the handicap of China’s current design drawings teaching mode is no excavation the value of design drawings in the "design capacity-building". "The New Concept of Sketch" is a significant teaching mode that put forward to solve the "contemporary”,”Design Sketch" and "optimization". Paper discussed in the first chapter the requirements of the "Contemporary", "Design Sketch" and the "optimization”. Chapter II elaborated on the new concept sketch course settings, and discusses its available as a value and the advantages. The third chapter interpreted the exercise of courses. This chapter is an added interpretation on some important elements and characteristics of practice of the new curriculum design sketch.

  • 【分类号】J214
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】461

