

The Research of Humor Advertisement in the Numerical Medium Art

【作者】 王妮林

【导师】 范汉成; 冯学伟;

【作者基本信息】 湖北美术学院 , 视觉传达设计, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 有人说,艺术是社会的镜子。社会什么模样,艺术就该有所反映。当电脑和各种科技成为你我生活中不可缺少的工具,视觉艺术工作者开始以电脑和数字科技取代纸和笔,一种被广泛称为数字媒体的新艺术形式应运而生。在20世纪末数字媒体以其丰富多样的表现性获得了迅猛发展。电脑成功地解决了艺术数字化的可能,运用到数字技术的媒体已有电影、电视、资讯、传播、艺术设计、建筑、电信、旅游等领域。在形形色色五花八门的广告中,幽默广告光彩夺目。在广告创意中借助幽默的表达方法,使人们在轻松愉快的同时心甘情愿的掏出腰包。幽默在我们日常生活中不可或缺,而将幽默巧妙的运用在广告创意中,更是会起到意想不到的效果。它不仅能加强广告的可看性,而且会使广告的诉求重点更加明确。在幽默广告中那些令人捧腹的“小乐子”迅速成为幽默广告中的闪光点,在戛纳广告节影视广告的现场获得掌声的广告大部分来自于幽默。在数字媒体艺术中成功运用幽默广告,将获得最大可能的成功。一个典型的数字媒体作品,可以是文本、图片、计算机图形、动画、声音、视频的任何几种的组合,当然不是简单的组合。数字媒体产品的最大特点是交互性,这样不仅为广告的推广和传播提供多种途径,而且能让消费者参与其中,获得不尽的乐趣。把幽默广告和数字媒体结合起来,不仅获得资源的优化组合,无疑也是为广告业的发展锦上添花。

【Abstract】 Someone says the art is a social mirror of society, which reflects the appearance of society. When computers and various science and technology become a requisite tool of our life, visual art workers starts replacing paper and pen by the computer and numerical science and technology, a kind of new art form which is extensively called numerical medium emerges with the tide of the times. The numerical medium developes quickly because of its diverse performace at the end of 20 centuries. The computers make the art numeralization possible, which is widely used in the field such as movie, television, information, dissemination and art design, building, telecommunication, tour etc.In the all kinds of advertisement, the humor advertisement is brilliant.The using of humorous expression method in the advertising creation makes people willing to purse happily. The humor is necessary in our daily life.If the humor is used in the advertising creation, the unexpected result in the advertisement is achieved. It not only can strengthen enjoyment of advertisement,but also can make the emphasis of advertisement more explicit.The using of humor advertisement in the numerical medium makes the successful effect possible. A typical numerical medium work can be any combination of a few kind of the text, picture, computer graph, animation, voice and video, but it can not be a simple combination. The biggest characteristics of numerical medium product is hands-on.Thus it not only provides various paths of expansion and dissemination of advertisement, but also let the consumer participate in it enjoyably. The combination of humor advertisement and numerical medium can not only achieve optimized association of resource,but also is important in the development of advertisement.

  • 【分类号】F713.8
  • 【下载频次】642

