

The Research of Book Design of the Chinese in Interpreting Drawings Time

【作者】 蒋建军

【导师】 范汉成; 冯学伟;

【作者基本信息】 湖北美术学院 , 视觉传达, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 书籍设计的本质是什么?中国书籍设计应如何应对读图时代的到来?这是当代中国书籍设计师在新的视觉文化语境下不断追问的问题。带着对这一问题的疑问,本文从读图时代的概念界定入手,分析其文化特征,从中探讨大众视觉阅读心理对书籍设计的影响,从而指出文化形态的演变决定了书籍设计的理念。本文从在文化形态历史演变的分析基础上,以设计功能、设计师角色及设计语言三方面的视角,通过对中国书籍设计历史的回顾,阐述了设计功能、设计师角色以及设计语言在历史进程中由实用到表现、从信息传递者到信息创造者以及本土化到国际化的演变过程,并以此为比较,探讨读图时代语境下中国书籍设计现状及特征,提出了信息化设计、感官设计和简约设计等书籍设计方法。最后,以当代文化形态的分析为基础,再从设计功能、设计师角色以及设计语言等三方面角度对时代语境下的中国书籍设计进行总结,得出了设计功能的信息“再创造”、作为文化“清道夫”的设计师角色以及多元化的设计语言是读图时代中国书籍设计的发展方向的结论。本文共四章。第一章提出问题并指出研究的意义与方法。第二章从对读图时代概念的界定简要分析了其文化特征及其对书籍设计的影响。第三章站在文化形态的角度出发,对中国书籍设计的设计功能、设计师角色以及设计语言的历史演变和当代特征进行探讨。第四章提出读图时代中国书籍设计的设计理念与设计方法。最后,对论文的观点进行总结。

【Abstract】 What is the essence of book design? How to reply the arriving of the chart-reading time is a question that Chinese book design must envisage. And this is a problem that was questioned closely again and again by the contemporary book designer of China.Based on this question, the paper begins to define the chart-reading time, and probe into the impact of the masses’ visual psychology on the book design. Ultimately, we point out that the evolvement of the cultural forms chooses the idea of the book design.Based on the analysis of the history evolvement of the cultural forms, the paper reviewed the history of the Chinese book design through the particular views such as the function of design, the role of designer and the design language. We expatiated on the course of the particular views as above from utility to expressionism, from transmitter to author of the information, from the localization to the internationalization. Comparing the three facets with each other, we probe into the actuality and character of the Chinese book design in the language situation of the chart-reading time, and bring forward the methods of the book design such as design of informationization, sense-based design, reduced design, and so on. Finally, use the analysis of current culture form as the base, to summarize the design of Chinese book which under the nowadays’ language situation from the function, role and language of design and then get the information recreation of design function, designer as the role of culture scavenger and multiple project languages are the direction of the development of Chinese book design in the chart-reading time.The paper consists of four chapters. In Chapter one put a question and point out the methodology relating to research. From the definition of the chart-reading time giving a simple directions for cultural identity have an effect on book design in Chapter two. In Chapter three, From cultural forms, focus on book design functions, the part of the designers and historical evolution of design language. In Chapter four, point out the philosophy and method for the Chinese book design in the chart-reading time. Finally, the standpoint of the paper is summarized.


