

The View into Flexible Horizons Artistic Thinking out of Visual Property in Space Design

【作者】 金慧

【导师】 张昕;

【作者基本信息】 湖北美术学院 , 设计艺术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的发展和社会的进步,现代空间设计己经有了长足的发展。在空间设计中,人们更注重通过居住和生活空间达到缓解外来压力,保护自身的目的。本文从空间美学的角度对空间设计中的“虚拟”特质进行研究,提出“柔性视界”的设计理念,将空间设计中简单停留在边界的柔性设计,上升到对空间系统中各个元素的考量。所谓“柔性边界”的空间设计概念,以一种虚拟的、模糊的界面来分割不同的功能空间,使空间之间相互渗透、相互联系,体现出亲切、开放的个性。“刚性边界”表现为内向型的自我保护,对外排斥,充满强烈的冲突与对抗;“柔性边界”表现为外向的包容与贯通,内外的双向交流,给人友善、平易的感受。在传统的空间设计中,人们是通过“刚性边界”来实现空间上的界定,区分公共性空间和私密性空间,充分体现了安全、封闭的个性。但是空间是一个大的系统,并非简单的边界设计就能从本质上改变人们的居住和生活环境,真正实现人们的需求。本文分为四个部分,第一部分:绪论,指出了现代空间设计中存在的问题,以及国内外对柔性设计的研究现状,提出“柔性视界”的设计理念;第二部分:论述“柔性视界”的构成元素和性质特征;第三部分:解释“柔性视界”的美学特征,从展示设计和景观设计两个方面,分析相应的设计方法和实现的空间效果,进一步将“柔性视界”的理念延伸到各个设计领域;第四部分:论文结语,对“柔性视界”在空间设计中的前景进行展望。

【Abstract】 With modern economic development, social progress, the modern urban space design has been a significant development. In the modern design of the space, we found that people pay more attention to housing and living space by easing foreign pressure to protect their own purposes. In the traditional design of the space, it is through "rigid border" for the realization of space defined distinction between public and private space, space, fully embodies the security, closed personality. Along with the changes in people’s standard of living, there has been "soft border" space design concept to a virtual, and blurring the interface to separate different functions, space, space between infiltration and mutual ties, reflecting a cordial, open personality. "Rigid boundaries" for the performance of inward-looking self-protection, external exclusion, a strong conflict and confrontation; "soft border" for the performance of the inclusive and outward flows within and outside the two-way exchanges, people-friendly, Accessibilty feelings.But space is a big system, the border is not a simple design can essentially change the way people live and living environment, and to achieve real people’s needs. Therefore, based on the concept of the border, the paper from the perspective of the aesthetic design of the modern space "virtual" character study, which proposed "flexible Horizon" design concept, the design of space will remain in the border simple flexible design, increased to on space systems in the various elements of consideration.This paper is divided into four parts, Part I: Introduction, pointed out that the modern design of the space problems, both at home and abroad, as well as the flexible design of the status quo, the "flexible Horizon" design concepts; the second part: The "soft Horizon" Component and nature of the characteristics of the third part: Interpretation "soft horizon" aesthetic features, from the design and landscape design show two aspects of the corresponding design and implementation of spatial effect, further "soft vision," the concept of extension to the various design; Part IV: Papers conclusion, the "soft horizon" in the space design of the future prospects.

【关键词】 柔性视界空间虚拟美学
【Key words】 soft eyeshotspacevirtualaesthetics
  • 【分类号】J525
  • 【下载频次】150

