

The Model of Eco-landscape Research in Campus

【作者】 李冬梅

【导师】 陈顺安;

【作者基本信息】 湖北美术学院 , 景观艺术设计与理论研究, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 水资源问题已经成社会经济发展中的突出问题。城市化水平的提高带来人口规模和经济规模的扩张,水资源需求量增加,城市水资源短缺问题严重。本研究充分调查了国内外雨水利用的发展现状和工程实例。研究结合湖北美术学院新校区的实际情况,对新校区基本概况、雨水利用的必要性和可行性,雨水的可利用量进行了分析探讨,提出了将雨水利用和景观设计相结合的的方法和发展前景。本文主要研究了以下内容:1.湖北美术学院新校区雨水资源利用现状。通过介绍湖北美术学院新校区水资源的利用现状和雨水资源的现有利用研究,对湖北美术学院新校区雨水资源利用的可行性在降雨总量、土壤地势、用地面积等方面做出详尽的分析,并提出雨水资源在湖北美术学院新校区可能利用的方式。2.雨水资源利用模式各国经验借鉴。对国外雨水资源的先进经验在法律法规、地表回灌、屋顶收集、家庭利用、资金扶持、科研研究、器材出售等方面加以归纳式介绍,总结国内外雨水资源利用的经验与启示。3.剖析湖北美术学院新校区的区域特点和存在问题,积极构建生态景观保护与合理利用的平台。从建筑屋面雨水收集、道路和广场雨水收集、绿地雨水收集、稻田滤水、水塘蓄水、梯级地形排水等几个方面,为湖北美术学院新校区的雨水利用与景观设计提出新的思路。本文的创新之处在于:以湖北美术学院新校区为代表,把属于水利技术层面的雨水资源利用落实到具体的应用实处,提出雨水资源在本区的可能应用形式,具体分析雨水集蓄直接利用、间接利用,以及园区雨水综合利用,把雨水资源的利用和景观设计结合起来,营造现代的、生态的校园环境。

【Abstract】 The issue of water resources has already become prominent in the development of socio-economic problems. Raising the level of urbanization brought about the size of the population and the expansion of economies of scale, increased demand of water resources, urban water shortage problem is serious. The full investigation describes rainwater utilization at home and abroad status and the development of engineering examples. Hubei Institute of Fine Arts study of the actual situation of the new campus, the new campus basic profiles, rainwater utilization, the necessity and feasibility of rainwater can be used for the analysis of volume, and rainwater utilization will be made of the landscape design and combination of water-saving landscape Methods and development prospects.This paper studies the following:1. Hubei Institute of Fine Arts New Campus rainwater resource utilization status. Hubei Institute of Fine Arts through the presentation of the new campus and the use of water resources status of the existing use of water resources research, the Hubei Institute of Fine Arts on the new campus the feasibility of using water resources in the total amount of rainfall, soil topography, land area and other areas to make a detailed analysis of, and made rainwater resources in Hubei Institute of Fine Arts campus may use the new approach.2. Water resources use patterns to learn from experience. Water resources of the advanced foreign experience in the laws and regulations, the surface recharge, roof collection, household use, financial support, research studies, the sale of equipment in such fields as inductive, summarizing the use of rainwater resources at home and abroad experience and enlightenment.3. Analysis of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts New Campus of the regional characteristics and problems, and actively build ecological landscape protection and rational use of the platform. Collect rainwater from the roof construction, roads and squares rainwater harvesting, green rainwater harvesting, paddy water treatment, water storage reservoirs, drainage, and several steps terrain, the Hubei Institute of Fine Arts for the new campus landscape design of the new water-saving ideas.The innovation lies in this: Hubei Institute of Fine Arts for the new campus on behalf of the technical aspects of water resource utilization of rainwater into specific application is the proposed water resources in the form of the possible applications, specifically the direct use of rainwater harvesting indirectly use, and comprehensive utilization of water parks, the use of rainwater resources and landscape design combine to create a modern, eco-campus environment.

  • 【分类号】TV213.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】460

