

Performance Mathematic Model and Operation Characteristic Analysis for Turbine Based Combined Cycle Engine

【作者】 李龙

【导师】 梁德旺; 黄国平;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 航空宇航推进理论与工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 涡轮基组合循环(Turbine-Based-Combined-Cycle,TBCC)发动机具有较优越的弹道性能,是一种可应用于高超声速飞行器的吸气式动力方案,在军民用航空航天领域具有广泛的应用前景。建立TBCC发动机总体性能模型在高超声速飞行器方案选型、推进系统总体设计,发动机整机及相关部件工作特性分析等研究中都具有非常重要的作用。本文利用拟一维流路分析方法,初步构建了TBCC总体性能的分析框架,并基于发动机部件特性建立了TBCC总体性能计算模型,利用C语言开发了相应的计算软件。完成了组合发动机各典型工作模态下的稳态性能计算,分析了组合发动机沿飞行轨迹线的性能参数变化规律。通过本文工作,给出了涡轮发动机工作特性曲线,所得结论与航空发动机经典理论相符。通过对进气道与发动机的匹配工作以及喷管与飞行器后体共同工作的分析,本文建立了并联式组合发动机进排气系统的数学模型。分析了进气道和喷管在不同模态下的工作性能及其变化规律,初步讨论了进排气部件共同工作中的相互影响。以进气道出口气动参数为对比目标,将进气道计算结果与CFD结果进行了对比,本文给出的计算结果基本符合进气道工作的物理规律,除设计工作点总压恢复系数这一指标外,其它参数误差基本不超过10%。根据计算结果,分析了冲压发动机燃烧室工作压力变化对发动机总体性能的影响,初步讨论了燃烧室压力脉动对发动机工作的危害,给出了燃烧室压力脉动的设计允许范围。最后,本文对组合发动机过渡工作态的总体性能进行了探索研究。以发动机流量分配比例变化为条件,分析了组合发动机过渡工作段性能参数的变化规律,确定了涡轮发动机的关车位置。阐述了接力工作点发动机性能衰减的主要原因,提出了改善发动机工作稳定性的初步方案。

【Abstract】 For it’s excellent performance, Turbine-Based-Combined-Cycle(TBCC) should be the most competitive propulsion system for the future Hypersonic Flight Vehicle. TBCC system includes some pivotal ingredient, for example, scheme selection and model design of Vehicle, engine design, all-body and components performance analysis, in all of which, the engine modeling play an important role.Based on quasi 1-D flow equation, the relationship between airdynamical parameters and engine performance index was found. With this precondition, the performance analysis model was estabilished based on the components maps, which reflect the property of components.In this paper, a calculated tool has been created, which was written in C++. The program can analyze many configurations including a turbojet, afterburning turbojet, ramjet and TBCC engine. During the simulation, the effect of the radius of the leading edge on the flow fields and the performance of the inlet were investigated, meanwhile, the effects of the inlet design by the bluntness were pointed, and some ways were provided to solve the problem. Using this program, the main modes of the TBCC has been calculated. The results told that the program was feasible.Based on the inlet/engine matching, inlet performance analysis model was established, from which, the characteristic of inlet was analyzed. Similarly, the nozzle analysis model was also realized, with the capability of simulating integration of nozzle/vehicle-afterbody.In view of surge in combustor would bring ruinous effect to the ramjet, influence which was led from the burner’s pressure has been discussed. From the result, a limitative range of the pressure’s change is less than±10%.At the end of this paper, property of the transition state has been analyzed. In this state, the performance of engine would slack up at the point of turbojet shutdown quickly. Both improving the temperature after the ramjet combustor and extending the operation range of turbojet, could meliorate the performance of propulsion system at the transition state.


