

Legal Research on the Interest Balance System of Urban House Removal

【作者】 周海平

【导师】 孟繁超;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 经济法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 自建国以来我国就一直在坚持走城市化发展的道路,为调整和完善城市功能,需要对不符合城市规划的建筑进行拆除,于是就产生了城市房屋拆迁的概念。我国特有的城市土地所有制使得我们国家的城市房屋拆迁制度也区别于其他任何国家和地区。随着国民经济的持续快速发展和城市化进程的推进,全国各地掀起了大规模的旧城改造和城市扩张运动,拆迁规模不断加大,涉及面越来越广,同时导致的拆迁矛盾和冲突也愈演愈烈,严重影响了社会稳定和经济发展。任何一种社会矛盾的后面,必定存在着相应的不合理运作机制。要解决这些问题和矛盾,需要对这种不合理的运作机制进行利益的衡平。本文从研究城市房屋拆迁的概念和特征着手,重点揭示在城市房屋拆迁立法和实践中存在的问题,继而对我国城市房屋拆迁制度的历史进行了考察,并对欧洲等相关国家和我国港澳台地区的拆迁立法和实践进行了制度比较,期望能从历史的进程和先进的经验中吸取有益的元素,为解决我国拆迁困局提供借鉴。然后,在对城市房屋拆迁各方主体的利益立场和利益诉求进行考察的基础上,得出当前的拆迁制度设计其实是有利益偏向的结论。《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》中的拆迁实施程序和拆迁救济程序都是从一定的利益立场出发来设计的,这实际上为各拆迁主体不均衡的追求各自利益的最大化铺平了道路。显然,当前城市房屋拆迁制度的主体和程序制度设计并不能为拆迁的顺利进行提供保障,从整个拆迁运行法律机制上进行利益衡平的探讨有其现实意义。本文致力于在对城市房屋拆迁相关利益进行分析的基础上,为和谐拆迁制度的构建探讨出路。

【Abstract】 Since the foundation of our country we have been steadily in the way of urbanization. To adjust and perfect the function of our cities we have to remove some old buildings that do not accord with the city’s layout, which results in the system of urban house removal. Because of the special land tenure our urban house removal system is different from any of the other countries. As the boom of the development of our economic and urbanization, we had a cosmically campaign of city rebuilding and expansion, which at the same time results in a more severe situation of inconsistency and conflict in the process of removal. And also it impact the social stabilization as well as the economic development. There must be an inconsequence system behind any social conflict, so as to resolve these problems we have to make interest equity to the system.This paper starts from the conception and character of urban house removal and pays more attention on the problems of the legislation and practice of this system. Then it reviewed the urban house removal history and made a comparison of this system in some countries and districts for the sake of finding some useful ingredients to help us out of the difficult situation. After this it came into a conclusion that the actual system design has an obvious interest bias based on the study of relative interest analysis. The administrative statute of urban house removal projects the implement and remedy process from some certain consideration of interests, which actually helped the subjects to pursue their maximal interests disproportionally. Apparently, the present urban house removal system can’t effectively ensure the favoring carrying out of removing. So discussing the legal system from the point of interest balance has a realistically significance. This paper tries to analyze the relative interests and rebuild a harmony removal system.


