

Research on the Dynamics and Control Strategy of Ship Servo Hoisting Mechanism

【作者】 袁志刚

【导师】 臧铁钢;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 机械电子工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济和社会的快速发展,水上运输所拥有的低成本、运载量大等优势更为突出地体现出来。近几年,特别是在国际贸易中,水上运输占有了很大的运输比例。水上运输贸易的不断扩大,使得水上运输的安全性越来越受到关注。船舶吊装机构是港口船舶装卸的重要工具,在港建水工作业、造船工程、桥梁建筑、水下打捞以及各种海洋工程中均有广泛的应用。吊装的安全性在水上运输安全中占有重要的地位。特别是在水上作战或救援时,船舶吊装机构要在海情恶劣的情况下实现大宗货物的及时移交和转移。此时,吊装过程的安全性集中体现在吊装机械的动态稳定性上。船舶吊装机构在吊装货物时,水上波浪的作用会引起船体的运动,导致吊装货物的摆动加大,给起吊操作带来危险,有时需被迫中止起吊作业。这可能导致极大的经济损失或军情延误,后果严重。研究船舶吊装随动机构的目的就是要提高吊装机构的动态稳定性,从而实现在较恶劣海情下,圆满完成军事和救援任务。针对船舶吊装机构稳定性的高要求,本文主要从吊装机构控制策略的仿真分析上入手,结合Pro/E、ADAMS、MatLab/Simulink工具箱等辅助分析工具,在前人研究成果的基础上进一步优化完善船舶吊装随动系统的控制策略,来进一步提高船舶吊装机构的实际应用价值。本文在分析研究船舶吊装机构时,主要研究了吊装机构在起吊作业时,如何更有效地对吊装货物的摆动进行控制,并结合延迟定位反馈控制的概念,设计了一种较合理的延迟定位反馈控制系统,减小船舶吊装机构在吊装货物时的摆动,使得在本来不能进行吊装作业的水况下能进行物资的起吊和运送。本文的研究具有较大的商业价值和潜在的军事价值。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of economy and society, water transport plays an important role with the advantages of low cost, big load amount, and so on. In recent years, water transport has occupied a large proportion of transport in the international trade. As the expanding trade, the safety of water transportation has been attracted more and more attention.Marine hoisting mechanism is quite important in port handling. It is widely used in building ports, shipbuilding projects and other kinds of ocean engineering. The safety of hoisting plays an important role in the safety of water transport. Especially in aquatic combat or rescue, it is used to transfer or shift cargo in time. Under this condition, the safety of hoisting process is depended on dynamic stability of hoisting mechanism. The wave-induced motion of the crane ship may produce severe pendulation of hoisting cargo, which brings danger to hoisting process, and sometimes hoisting operations have to be stopped. As a result, serious economic losses and military delay may be caused. Thus, it’s very necessary to study how to improve the dynamic stability of hoisting mechanism.In view of the hoisting stability of ship-mounted crane, a new stability control strategy of hoisting is simulated and analyzed in this dissertation. The control strategy of marine hoisting servo system is optimized and improved through several assistant softwares just like Pro/E, ADAMS and MatLab/Simulink toolbox. Result of the simulation shows that the pendulation of cargo could be suppressed very well by this strategy.The mechanism of pendulation of hoisting cargo and the ways to design an effective pendulation suppression system are mainly discussed in this dissertation. The concept of delayed-position feedback is adopted in this pendulation suppression strategy, which can evidently reduce pendulation of hoisting cargo. Consequently, cargo transferring under worse conditions can be realized. Both commercial and military value could be got through the result of this dissertation.


