

Vector Control System of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on Input Current Space Vector-Output Hysteresis Current Control Modulated Matrix Converter

【作者】 苏国庆

【导师】 葛红娟;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 永磁同步电机(PMSM)具有体积小、重量轻、低惯性、效率高、转子无发热问题的特点。因此它一经出现,便在高性能的伺服系统中得到了广泛地应用,例如工业机器人、数控机床、柔性制造系统、各种自动化设备等领域。矢量控制技术的发展使永磁同步电机的调速性能接近直流电机的性能指标,成为现代传动系统的优选方案。交-交矩阵变换器可以实现输入电流波形的正弦化,输入功率因数可以调节,没有大体积的直流电容环节,在交流传动系统中具有良好的应用前景。采用矩阵变换器供电实现永磁同步电机的矢量控制是交流传动系统的一种优化组合,已引起了国内外学者的关注。本文研究基于输入空间矢量-输出滞环控制策略的矩阵变换器-永磁同步电机(MC-PMSM)矢量控制系统。文章对基于输入空间矢量-输出滞环控制策略的实现方法、输入电流波形、系统的调速性能等进行了一系列理论分析和仿真研究;设计制作了以数字信号处理器(DSP)和复杂可编程逻辑控制器(CPLD)为控制单元的数字化MC-PMSM矢量控制系统原理样机,并进行了实验分析。论文的主要工作有:详细分析了基于输入空间矢量-输出滞环控制的MC-PMSM矢量控制系统中矩阵变换器的各种开关状态组合,为控制系统的设计提供了依据。建立了基于输入空间矢量-输出滞环控制的MC-PMSM矢量控制系统的Matlab仿真模型,并进行仿真研究。最后,本文设计并实现了以DSP和CPLD为控制单元的MC-PMSM矢量控制系统平台,利用该平台验证了本文方法的可行性和正确性,并为进一步研究提供了可靠的实验条件。

【Abstract】 Permanent magnet synchronous motor is small in size, light weight, low inertia, high efficiency, the rotor without heating characteristics. Once there it will in high-performance servo system has been widely applied, such as industrial robots, CNC machine tools, flexible manufacturing systems, various automation equipment, and other fields. The evolution of vector control technology has enabled PMSM to possess as good performance as that of DC motors and become the preference of modern drive systems. Also AC-AC matrix converters hold good potentialities in AC drive systems owing to its unity power factor, without bulky capacitors, and sinusoidal input currents. Therefore, the combination of the PMSM vector control and the matrix converter has recently arrested substantial attentions from scholars both at home and abroad.The present paper presents the research on the vector control system of matrix converter-permanent magnet synchronous motor (MC-PMSM) based on input current space vector-output hysteresis current modulation, and introduce theoretical analyses and simulation research about the implementation method, the input current quality and the speed regulating performance of the system. The MC-PMSM system prototype is designed and implemented, in which the digital signal processor (DSP) and the complicated programmable logic device (CPLD) act as the control units. Then experiments are also performed.Main contents concerned in the paper are as follows:The switch state combinations of MC-PMSM vector control system, which is based on the input current space vector-output hysteresis current modulation, are analyzed at full length, providing basis for the designing of the control system.The modle of MC-PMSM vcotor control system which based on the input current space vector-output hysteresis current modulation is build, and then the simulation and analysis are taken.Finally, the platform of the MC-PMSM vector control system is constructed in the present research on which the correctness and feasibility of the methods provided in the paper are verified, highlighting the significance of the present research for further researches.


