

Research of Methods for Vortex Control of Aircraft of Tailless Layout

【作者】 林万波

【导师】 陆宇平;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 导航、制导与控制, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在飞行器设计采用无尾翼布局后,减小了重量、阻力和雷达散射面积,可以极大提高飞行器的作战和隐身性能,也是当今全隐身飞行器的发展趋势。但同时在操纵效率和阻尼特性上比有尾飞行器差,稳定性控制的难度也增大。为了进一步提高和改善飞行器的操作性能,特别是在大迎角、过失速机动等情况下,常规的飞行器控制方法控制效率低或失效,必须借助新概念操纵机构。本文在对无尾翼飞机进行研究的基础上,提出了涡流控制方法,并进行了初步的探讨和仿真分析。本文首先建立了无尾翼飞机在典型状态下的数学模型,之后介绍了对模型的线性化和在Matlab环境下实现的方法。为下一步的仿真分析做好了准备。然后在简单介绍空气动力学和流体力学的理论基础上,对涡流的产生机制和控制原理进行了说明,并对涡流的控制方法、分类和特点进行了介绍。结合当前涡流控制的热点的MEMS技术,详细的介绍了MEMS技术的发展、特点和硬件基础、原理。最后,针对基于MEMS技术的涡流控制简化三角翼模型,结合实验数据提出了不同作动器配置下飞行器的控制方案,并对方案进行比较分析。在对作动器的仿真分析同时针对涡流控制的强非线性和耦合性,提出了应用涡流控制的简化思想。在将简化涡流控制应用于飞机模型,进行仿真分析。大量的仿真分析表明,涡流控制方法能实现对飞行器的控制,并可以辅助常规的控制方法,从而改善飞行器的操作性能。

【Abstract】 Aircraft used in the design of the layout with no tail, reduced weight, resistance and radar scattering area can be greatly enhanced the combat and stealth aircraft performance, but also all the contemporary trend of the development of stealth aircraft. But at the same time in the control efficiency and damping characteristics than the vertical tail aircraft is poor, stability control also increases the difficulty. To further enhance and improve the aircraft’s performance, particularly in the high angle of attack, and post-stall maneuver, and other circumstances, the conventional control methods to control the aircraft or inefficient failure, we must use new concept manipulation institutions. In this paper, with no tail carried out on the basis of proposed vortex control methods, and conducted a preliminary exploration and simulation analysis.This paper established a plane with no tail in a typical state of the mathematical model, introduced after the model of linear and Matlab under way. For the next phase of simulation analysis prepared for.Then briefly aerodynamics and fluid dynamics on the basis of the theory of the mechanism of the formation of eddy current and control principle is that the control and eddy current method, classification and characteristics were introduced. In connection with the vortex control of the hot spots of the MEMS technology, detailed account of the development of the MEMS technology, features and hardware based, principle.Finally, based on MEMS technology to simplify the vortex control delta wing model, the experimental data with a different actuator configuration of the aircraft under control scheme, scheme and carried out comparative analysis. In the actuator at the same time for the simulation of the control of highly nonlinear eddy current coupling and, by using the simplified thinking vortex control. To be applied to simplify the swirl control aircraft models, simulation analysis.Simulation analysis showed that a large number of, vortex control method to achieve control of the aircraft control, and can support the conventional control methods, thereby improving vehicle performance.

【关键词】 无尾翼布局飞行器涡流控制MEMS仿真
【Key words】 tailless layoutaircraftVortex ControlMEMSsimulation

