

Research on the Effectiveness of the Labor Contract

【作者】 王玉明

【导师】 冯彦君;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 劳动合同效力问题是劳动合同的核心问题,体现劳动合同的本质属性。根据我国劳动合同具有的主体不平等、内容不完全、人身性和关系性、意思自治受到限制和附合性等特点,结合我国国情,确立我国劳动合同法律效力认定的价值取向,即保护劳动者合法权益的原则;构建和发展和谐稳定劳动关系的原则;用全面、运动、发展的视角审视劳动合同效力的原则;坚持从生产力发展的实际出发,坚持劳动标准、劳动条件与经济社会发展阶段相适应的原则。通过对书面劳动合同成立效力、生效效力、证据效力分析,得出书面劳动合同为证据效力的结论,提出应当确认口头劳动合同的法律效力。通过对可撤销劳动合同制度的分析,认为建立可撤销劳动合同制度,对于维护劳动者合法权益,建立和谐稳定的劳动关系具有重大意义。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the author makes a comparison between labor contract law effective system and the force of civil contract legal effect. At the same time, learning from foreign labor contract force system, the author makes an analysis of the special nature of the labor contract, how to define the labor contract law values, the review of the Labor Contract Law the effectiveness of labor contract law the system’s flaws suggestion is made to confirm our verbal contract labor force of law, establish the revocable labor contract system. The full text is divided into three chapters:The first chapter makes an analysis of the special nature of labor contracts, based on the labor contract proposed by the special nature of the labor contract that the force of law values. Compared with civil contracts, labor contracts have following specificity:One is the inequality of main body. Employer is subordinate to the personality of workers; workers is economically subordinate to the employer; workers has no freedom to choose is limited; workers and employers’exchange did not achieve the just distribution of the exchange; Second, not entirely content. First of all, workers in the signing of labor contracts are not often fully express the true meaning of the results, although this option has been identified as desirable. Secondly, the labor contract is a dynamic process over time, the labor contract Content in the inevitable process of exchange is changing. Labor contracts is provided with continuity, so a lot of labor contract terms are not very clear, defined by the working conditions are not complete; Third, labor contracts is with personal and sexual relationship. Workers get through the labor remuneration, with the exception of the labor force to meet their own reproduction need but also to maintain their family life, or termination of the lifting of labor relations, confidentiality, the loyalty restrict such as the rights and obligations of a certain period of time in memory may be added; Fourth, the meaning of self-government, freedom of contract is limited. Labor contracts enter into content no longer fully implement the principle of freedom, and made in the form of labor contract is not fully in the implementation of the principle of freedom; Fifth, in the form of adhesion. Socialization in the rapid development of large-scale production today, the labor contract standard text is used in various fields, the workers signed labor contracts, to show very strong adhesion of. In the course of its work, workers also show strong adhesion. From the special nature of our labor contracts and the people-oriented, building a harmonious socialist society of the overall situation, we should work to establish the correct value of the contract the force of law. First, it is protection of the principle of the legitimate rights and interests of workers; second, build a harmonious and stable development labor relations; third, with a comprehensive, sports, look at the perspective of the development of the labor contract the force of law principles; fourth, from the reality of the development of productive forces, adhere to labor standards, working conditions and stage of economic development.Chapter two studies the representation of the labor contract in the form of proposed labor contract and the force ad effect of verbal confirmation of the verbal labor contract.At present, about the academic understanding in the form of labor contracts on the force of law, one is that no use legal forms belongs to null and void labor contracts; Another view is that the law should be taken to form. There are a number of guiding norms. Some of the norms of propaganda, can not be simply interpreted as a need to be taken in the form of legislators in a labor contract for the provision of statutory forms, can be given to the statutory three different forms of the force of law, one for the establishment of the effectiveness, and the second for the entry into force of effect, the evidence for the effectiveness of the three. I believe that the labor contract is in the form of a written employment contract and existing evidence of the effectiveness and China’s Labor Contract Law should be confirmed in writing the legal effect of the labor contract.Verbal confirmation of the idea of the labor contract is that (1) use of an oral contract between the parties will not have any objection, should be acknowledged that the oral contract labor force of law. Laws and regulations must be adopted as otherwise provided in the form of a written labor contracts with the exception of. (2) Orally in the form of labor contracts in the performance of the process of the dispute by the parties on the content of labor contracts with the responsibility to prove a negative, to prove that the labor contract in force; failed to prove that the labor contract null and void, but the basic existence of labor relations, according to the fact that labor To deal with the relationship. (3) A written labor contracts on an oral contract has the effect of confrontation.Chapter three analyses the labor contract law, expatiates revocable effectiveness of the system on the labor contract, and put forward the establishment of the revocable labor contract system concept. The reason why the revocable labor contract is focused and expected by people is because it embodies the legal system for the maintenance of fair trade, and the principle of party autonomy. The first is the establishment of the labor contract system can be removed, and is able to achieve the maximum acts of self-government contract in private law enforcement and national organic integration. The establishment of the revocable labor contract system, takes both the stability of the labor contract and the harmony with the interests of the individual into account, so that the spirit of the civil law of the autonomy of private law in this age-old can be carried forward; The second is conducive to maintaining the stability of the labor contract. Encouraged from the transaction to avoid waste and to encourage employment, the maintenance of stability in labor relations point of view, the Labor Contract Law will not use too much null and void, but as far as possible to maintain the stability of the labor contract ; Third, the labor contract law to avoid conflict between the law. If you will be fraud, coercion as a means to enter into a contract can be revoked as a result of the labor contract could be avoided labor contract law provides that as part of the invalid or void labor contracts, as well as labor contracts arising from the legal obstacles. Because the contract can be revoked after a period of withdrawal became effective on the contract will automatically be lifted; revoked if the parties in the revocation of the contract period, the labor contract does not apply to lift the requirement of the labor The contract null and void Culpa, that labor contracts be recognized as invalid, the damage to the other side, there is the fault of one party should bear the liability; Fourth, in favor of the labor contract disputes. Revocable system not only embodies all of the system is invalid Function at the same time to make up for the void can not be reflected in the meaning of self-government system, it is difficult to protect the interests of the people affected by fraud defects. Soften null and void in the rigid system at the same time, there is no loss of its own with sanctions and containment of the offense.The author believes that the fraud, coercion, and hitting somebody when he is down, major misunderstanding and unconscionability in violation of workers so that the true meaning of the labor contracts, as long as the content of the labor contract does not violate laws and administrative regulations of mandatory requirements, without prejudice to the community. The public interest, national interest, the effectiveness of the labor contract option contract should give the parties, in addition to the period of exclusion. One can exercise the right to revoke the right to revoke; one wants to revoke the right to maintain labor relations, the maintenance of the labor contract effect; revocation of the right to request changes, the parties by mutual agreement may change.To sum up, according to the special nature of our labor contracts and the effectiveness of the labor contract system, values, our country should be recognized oral contract labor force of law, and establish the revocable labor contract system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期
  • 【分类号】D922.5
  • 【下载频次】530

