

Study of the Methods to Chinese College Students’ Mental Health

【作者】 康新昌

【导师】 李靖;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 行政管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 因为竞争不断加剧,我国高校的学生生活压力越来越大,由此而出现的各种心理问题和心理障碍也越来越多,如焦虑苦闷、孤独、烦恼、自杀、杀人、精神抑郁等现代社会问题接踵而来,这些事件也频繁地发生在大学生群体中,严重干扰了大学生正常的学习、工作和生活。近年来,高等院校大学生的心理健康问题已引起了社会各界的普遍关注,高校及社会的理论工作者关于大学生心理健康方面的调查和研究也日益增多。目前,虽然教育主管部门针对大学生心理健康教育的政策导向有力,但贯彻落实不到位。他们的做法往往是出现了问题才想起来解决,并且表现的形式比较浮躁,因为国家教育主管部门对大学生心理健康问题没有充分重视,同时也没有制定切实可行的预防措施,导致高校对大学生心理健康的忽视。国家的心理健康政策导向与各地方政府、各高校贯彻落实之间存在明显的脱节现象。本文主要采用问卷调查和深度访谈的方式,对渤海大学学生心理健康现状进行调研分析。由于大学生所处的年龄阶段、社会环境、政府存在不作为等原因,因此产生各种心理不健康问题。最后,针对政府、社会、高校、家庭等各方面如何完善大学生心理健康教育进行分析,并提出了相应的完善途径。

【Abstract】 This thesis studies students’ mental health condition in Bohai University with questionnaires and profound interview. It points out that in the process of students’ mental health education, the administrative department and government should undertake more responsibilities. And the administrative department, government, society, schools and families should combine together to perfect the methods to the students’ mental health.This thesis consists of five parts. The first part is the introduction part which is composed with the background of topic choosing, the significance of the study, the study summary of home ,abroad , the methods of the study and the advocacy of the thesis.For the background, goal and significance of the topic choosing the thesis proposes that for the government did not pay enough attention to students’ mental health and did not establish effective prevention regulations ,schools also did not emphasis much on students’ mental health. The aim of the thesis is to arouse governments’ attention to the problem of students’ mental health and undertake more responsibilities to the problem.The second part is about the theoretical analysis of students’ mental health. It is composed of the primary connotation and the judgment of students’ mental health. In the primary connotation part, the thesis introduces the mental characteristics of college students. In the judgment of students’ mental health part, the thesis introduces some opinions about the standard of students’ mental health at home and abroad.The third part introduces the significance of the study of students’ mental health in our country. Including a total of five, that is, first, to strengthen the mental health of college education is the government department in charge of education responsibility. Second, to strengthen the mental health education,to promote the building of a harmonious socialist society. Thirdly, to strengthen the mental health of college education is higher education teaching to ensure the normal order. Fourthly, to strengthen the mental health of college students at the university level education in the healthy growth of the real need. Fifthly, to enhance mental health education to improve the quality of family life is of great significanceThe thesis points out that in the dealing with the accidents caused by mental health problems the government is far more powerful than colleges. The government should take most responsibility of prevention and resolving students’ mental health problems. And it will connect to the development, steadiness, civilization and progress of our country.The forth part analyzes the problems and reasons of student mental health. In the problem analysis part the thesis judges the overall condition of students’ mental health in our country. Then 500 students were investigated with two questionnaires and profound interview. After the analysis of students’ mental health condition at last the thesis points out that the emotion of OCD, hostility, depression, anxiety and handicap of interpersonal relationship are very common among students. Bigoted emotion and mental disorder are also existed but low in rate.In the reason analysis part the thesis proposes the effect of government policy on students’ mental health. It emphasis on the directional roles of policy and this part also points out that our government is short of the effective help to students. In overall the government policies are powerful but are hard to be conducted. For the attitude of the government the schools also neglect the problems of SMH, which causes the rising of the problems. As for the reasons of students’ mental health the society, families of students and students themselves are also the inseparable factors.The fifth part proposes the educational methods of students’ mental health. It is composed of six parts. We need to construct the policy system and social convention of students’ mental health. We should also build up the educational model composed of schools, families and society and the internal operational mechanisms of student’s mental health in universities to innovate the methods of mental health. We should also guide students to develop self education.In constructing the internal operational mechanisms of student’s mental health in universities the thesis proposes that the government should pour more funds, put forward the regulation of organizations and agencies in universities and cities and perfect management system. The government should also strengthen the construction of management troop in universities and establish the student mental problem prevention and intervention mechanism. In the innovation of the methods of mental health the thesis proposes that the administrative department of education should reform exam system and instructive content. In the specialized subject teaching healthy mental education should be infiltrated to combine mental health education and thought political education together. And the new appraisal system should be established, together with the new education administration method be innovated.In the self education part the thesis points out that administrative department, schools and society should create perfect grow environment and encourage students to develop self education and construct the supportive system of their own.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期
  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】968

