

Research on Human Resources Development in Senior Intellectuals Retired from Jilin University

【作者】 苏佰辉

【导师】 孙乃纪;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 吉林大学是国内办学规模最大的一所综合性研究型大学,吉林大学离退休高级知识分子曾长期奋斗在教育、科研、社会服务的第一线,具有很高的专业技术能力和丰富的工作经验,但由于种种原因,在他们离退休后,这样宝贵的人才资源并没有得到充分地利用。根据我们进行初步调查统计,在这些2292名高级知识分子中,只有20%的人能较好的发挥作用,不能发挥作用的比例高达49.1%。本文正是在这样的背景下,以吉林大学退休高级知识分子为研究对象,运用文献法、调查法和比较法,依据生理学理论、需要层次理论、社会学理论,全面深入地探究吉林大学退休高级知识分子人才资源开发的现状、存在的问题及其原因,并提出管理对策和参与对策:加强各部门及领导的重视,把吉林大学退休高级知识分子人才资源的开发纳入总体规划,建立补偿性的退休制度,健全老年人才开发的政策和规章制度,明确老年人才开发部门,建立人才信息库,加强老年人才就业培训,通过市场配置老年人才资源,使退休高级知识分子参与社会的途径逐步由学校迈向社会等。本研究提出的上述策略建议,尽管一些建议只是构想,但其源于现实的调查和分析,有一定的针对性和可操作性,期望能为吉林大学离退休高级知识分子人才资源开发与管理工作带来借鉴与启示,同时希望能为我国高校老年人才资源开发提供参考。

【Abstract】 Jilin University is a comprehensive research university which consists of science, engineering, medicine, agriculture, culture, sociology, information science. So the retired senior intellectuals of Jilin University have been struggling in many long-term fields such as education, scientific research, culture, hygiene, industrial and agricultural production, etc. They all have a high level of technological skill and have made great contribution to the development of scientific, economic and social of our country. They are the treasure of our country and Party. These old professors and experts have accumulated a lot of knowledge and experiences through long-term teaching researches and manage works, they also have acquired profound special abilities and formed a wide range of social ties, which can be considered as an irreplaceable advantage. Many of them still maintain a vigorous creativity nowadays and they are continuing to make new contributions to the country. Among all the retired senior intellectuals of Jilin University, 70% of them have a strong body and are able to undertake the work, 70% of them are willing to continue to play a role in working. Because of some reasons, however, the human resources of retired senior intellectuals of Jilin University haven’t been fully used. According to our preliminary survey that among all these 2800 senior intellectuals, only 20% of them could play a relative better role in working, surprisingly, the ones which couldn’t do it have reaches the level as 49.1%. So, exploring ways on making good use of retired senior intellectuals of Jilin University is a meaningful topic.Chapter 1 of this article pointed that the elderly labor human resource is not the mainstream of the elderly labor human resource of the whole society. However, since they have the advantages of rich experiences, low cost on development, flexible ways, works which have lower physical requirements. So the elderly labor human resource is a good and necessary supplement for social elderly labor human resource, rather than the intruders which intended to divide them. It has also be proved by science that the elderly human resource development is both feasible and necessary from all aspects such as physiology, psychology and Maslow’s needing ranking theory.In Chapter 2 we can see that through structural analysis of the composition of all kinds of retired workers in Jilin University, the number of retirees has been rising in a significant line since 2000 until now. Among all the retirees, the ones who have the senior professional title have taken the largest proportion of 40%. Such a large proportion is worth being explored a human resources. Section 2 described the content and scope of the work of the retiree department of Jilin University, and the works it has done for the different groups such as "elderly support getter", "elderly medical-care getter", "elderly fulfillments getter", "elderly education getter", "elderly enjoyment getter", etc. Under the support of school leader, particularly, the "Elderly Science Association" and "Generation Committee" which are organized by retiree department are the examples of "elderly fulfillments getter". At the same time, the final chapter also pointed out the facing difficulties of retiree department and problems in professional and technical retiree resources development and management.In Chapter 3, firstly, through the analysis of present conditions of "elderly fulfillments getter" group of the retired senior intellectuals in Jilin University, we can see that the "elderly fulfillments getter" group of senior intellectuals in Jilin Unversity is maintaining a decentralized, spontaneous and uncertain state. The system of assessment, management, rights protection of elderly human resources is under establishment. The theory of elderly human resources is under perfection, esp. that the school has not yet implement program on how to make good use elderly human resources. In Section 2, through the research analysis of retired senior intellectuals of Jilin University’s participation in social communication, and the research on their agreement degree on "elderly fulfillments getter" , purpose on "elderly fulfillments getter", facing difficulties on "elderly fulfillments getter" and also the best retired age, pointed out that they have a border professional field, such as teaching, scientific research, management, education rural development, etc, and they are fit for various enterprises and institutions around the country. At the same time, the research result pointed out that among the elderly people, the gender, major, age also make some differences on all aspects of "elderly fulfillments getter" group. It also gave us the main factor in effecting on secondary human resources developments.Chapter 4 showed as the analysis on feasibility of retired senior intellectual development in Jilin University. It pointed out that the retired senior intellectuals in Jilin University have the resource advantages that the young talents don’t have. Through long-term teaching scientific practices, they have accumulated a wealth of knowledge, experience and skills, acquired a depth of professional skill. They can be considered as a human capital which can bring back high rewards. They really have great resource effectiveness. In addition, from many points of view such as the physiology provement of elderly human resources development, scientific human capacity growth curve, psychology, this chapter pointed out that the exploration and development of elderly senior intellectuals in college can not only make some contributions to the modernization, but also to their own needs to fulfill their self-achievement. Section 2 pointed out that the exploration of retired senior intellectual resources is the fulfillment of sustainable development and building a harmonious campus in Jilin University. At the same time, the exploration of retired senior intellectual resources is also the fulfillment of healthy elderly aging. As for the construction of socialist new countryside, they need more retired senior intellectuals in particular. Jilin University should make good use of retired human resources and participate in the new countryside construction voluntarily, this is positively meaningful to the revitalization of northeast old industrial base.Chapter 5 pointed out that in exploration retired senior intellectuals resources, firstly, we should change their old concepts, improve their rational views on exploration retired senior intellectuals resources in college, legally support and protect retired intellectuals and try to do more contributions to the school and society, forming a "elderly fulfillments getter" social environment. Secondly, we should build a compensatory system of retired age, that is to say, we should make some appropriate adjustment to the retired age system, and as for those who have a better health and special talents, we should extend their length of working time through some appropriate ways such as "engagement deferring" or "reengagement". They cannot be account for places and they can make good use of their "rest heat" and do more contributions to the country and society. Colleges should set up institutions special elderly talents exploration, in charging the explorations of elderly talents, make sure that they can fully engage on teaching supervision, teaching assessment, adult education, etc. In addition, make sure that the "next generation concerning committee" can play a good role in school ideological and political work. Positively support the "Generation Committee" with the work on research of thinking, learning, working, living conditions and ideological education among college students. It should also actively participate in students’ party construction and the training on "three bases", encourage "Generation Committee" to be an institution which can timely manner back to the school party committee and relative department and continue to bring their intelligence to school construction and development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期
  • 【分类号】G649.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】335

