

On People Juror System’s Existent Flaw and Its Consummation

【作者】 冯宇

【导师】 李洪祥;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中国特色的人民陪审员制度已经走过了近八十年的风雨历程,充分显示出其在国家民主制度和司法实践中的积极效应和独特价值,值得进一步发扬光大。2005年全国人大常委会《关于完善人民陪审员制度的决定》出台,使人民陪审员制度进一步走向规范化。然而,由于立法过于原则,实践中出现了理解不一致、适用不统一和规定不到位等问题,具体反映在人民陪审员的选任方式、使用办法和管理考核等三个方面,这些问题有可能影响人民陪审员制度作用的充分发挥。本文从阐明人民陪审员制度的价值与功能入手,借鉴西方国家陪审制度的精髓,并结合司法实务,在实证分析的基础上找出问题、分析成因,针对存在的三个方面问题提出意见和建议。

【Abstract】 The significance of the People Juror System is great; it is not only a judicial system, but also an important democracy system. Democracy is the value core of jury system. The People Juror System’s function manifests in seven advantageous: First, be advantageous to promote fair in the judicature. The citizen participates in judicial activities by juror’s status has significant meaning in ensuring fair judicature in the meaning of case. Juror’s participation will suppress judge to a certain extent some prejudice which will be constrained by the specialized angle of view or the profession benefit, it may also promote judge to handle a case with the sense of responsibility, thus will reduce fault emerging from neglecting in affirmation of the case fact. Second, be advantageous to the promote judicature democracy. The people’s juror comes from the populace, draws close to populace, and represents the populace. While comparing with people’s judge who proficient in law, the people’s juror has the superiority of understanding the people’s situation and knowing public opinion. He participates in the trial with the good and evil, the right and wrong consciousness which owned by the mass, draw on collective wisdom and absorb all useful ideas, thus effectively prevent subjective one-sided thinking and arbitrary acts of the judge. Third, be advantageous to promote publicity of the judicature. The people’s juror participates in the trial, it may enhance the transparency in judicature decision-making process, expand circumstances knowing range of the judicature decision-making and the radiating scope of justice administration, also expanded the way for the general citizens to understand the jurisdiction and to enhance consciousness of the legal system, reduce the barrier between the judge and the populace. Fourth, be advantageous to promote the reform of trial way. In order to Carry out the trial democracy, it’s needed to strengthen the authority of the collegiate bench, this will need to play the people’s juror’s role fully, change that kind of phenomenon like the Juror does not really give judge, and collegiate do not perform well. To carry out the open trial system, it must ensure the people’s juror to truly fulfill the responsibility. Fifth, be advantageous to promote the independence of jurisdiction. Participated in the judicial trial by the common populace, it may urge the collegiate bench to get rid of the excessively administrative interventions as well as the court interior higher authority leadership’s intervention, thus reduce the judge’s pressure coming from various aspects when making the judgment, and this is advantageous in strengthening the independence of the judicatory adjudication process. Sixth, be advantageous to reduce the judicature corruption. The populace participate in the trial as the juror, not only manifest the abstract judicial democracy significance, but also must be able to manifest the concrete democratic supervision’s content, prevent the phenomenon of black case work in the judicature, reduce the judicial corruption, and ensure the judicature’s fair and democracy. Seventh, be advantageous to construct the harmonious society. Through the bridge of trial jury, people participate in the management of the state affair legally in the judicial domain, which manifests the political status of the people which are the master of own affairs, then realize the organic unification of the legal effect and the social effect, reconcile disputes and conflicts to a maximum degree.To establish the People Juror System with Chinese characteristics, it is necessary to profit from the Western Jury System; the enlightenment of the Western Jury System mainly lies in: Firstly, jury system’s goal lies in the discovery of the truth of case. It must affirm the fact before solve the dispute properly. if the case adjudicator is very familiar with the case situation or easy to infer the case truth according to the evidence, it will be quite easy to try; Once the judge is unable to affirm, it is better to invite the people who has related knowledge of the case and does not have the formidable conflict personnel with the case to participate in the trial, thus the problem will be able to solved well, also be recognized as the most effective way. Secondly, the jury system’s function may share the responsibility suitably. Once mistake appears, the juror from the populace which acts as the democracy symbol will bear more responsibility compared to the judge, thus reduce the judge’s pressure, also share the entire Judiciary’s responsibility, and reduce the national authority’s suspicion and the complaint. Moreover, the jury system also plays the function of assigning resources and enhancing the validity of politics. Thirdly, the jury system’s operation must pay corresponding cost. The cost mainly lies in four aspects like the nation, the society, the litigant and the juror. The four kinds of cost need to be weighted in a synthesizable way. It is not the case that the less the country adopts this system’s cost, the better of its effect, so, we cannot reduce the cost flatly or deny the cost which must be spent. Fourthly, the jury system’s achievements need knowledge to guarantee. The knowledge is the trial information, the question which the jury system needs to solve is one kind of knowledge-authority relational problem, that is, how the useful information of the discovery fact produce from one kind of power structure, so as to satisfy social and the litigant’s requirements. In the process of perfecting the People Juror System, we cannot imitate the Anglo-American legal system absolutely, but we must make transformation which conforms to the Chinese actual situation.At present, to see from the angle of Grass-roots court, the People Juror System exist some insufficiencies in the aspects of appointing, usage and management: firstly, in the aspect of appointment of the people’s juror, regardless of the qualifications and the way of appointment, or various aspects of training, the tenure in office and the way of working and so on, the current standard and method of appointing the people’s juror does not ensure a more widespread citizen to participate in the trial, and falls into the Faults in arguing the elitism and civilian; secondly, in the aspect of usage of the People’s juror. Random drawing becomes just a kind of formality, even if uses the method, it still meets some difficult problem in practice, first, the people’s juror specialty is unsuitable, which is hard to play the role; second, as a result of random drawing’s uncertainty, often enable the people’s juror in place normally with difficulty; third, in the aspect of the management of the people’s juror. The current law stipulated that the juror and the judge have the same level authority, but some of the existing juror simply do not have the ability to fulfill the responsibility stipulated in the law. The people’s juror does not belong to the court, so it is difficult for the court to give restriction on them.Various problems encountered by the People Juror System in practice have its history and the realistic reasons. The primary factor lies in the following two aspects: Firstly, the location of the People Juror System is not very accurate. All were changed as current needs, and lack of long-term plan. Secondly, corresponding matched measures concerning the People Juror System haven’t been carries out. In order to display the effect of the juror system, corresponding matched measures are required, such as make clear about the responsibility assignment and the scope of trial case which need to participate in and so on.How to consummate the People Juror System, the author has the following considerations: First, in the aspect of appointment of the people’s juror, it is important to pay great attention to juror’s overall quality, simultaneously, manifest the juror team’s representation. Therefore, suggested that the establishment of the expert juror and the populace juror. Second, in the aspect of usage of the people’s juror, follow the principle of random drawing, but strengthen the drawing work in a scientific and reasonable way, suggested that the juror candidate should combine random drawing with individual willing of the people’s juror, and reduce the juror’s annual number of case for trial. Third, in the aspect of examination of the people’s juror, it is necessary to establish and consummate the examination method of the people’s juror. Suggested that the people’s juror’s authority, supervisory authority should be better exercised by the same level Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, and establish the juror responsibility investigation system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期
  • 【分类号】D926.2
  • 【下载频次】562

