

Study on Public Health Management in Chongqing during the China’s War of Resistance Against Japan

【作者】 谢晶

【导师】 赵有声;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 行政管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 城市是人类文明的载体,也是十分复杂的有机体,要使城市平稳的运行和发展,就需要对其进行管理。城市管理的内容涉及许多领域,各个管理领域的地位、作用与方法也不尽相同。城市公共医疗卫生管理是城市管理的内容之一,直接关系着居民的健康状况与城市面貌。重庆市抗战时期公共医疗卫生事业管理是对民国时期城市医疗卫生管理的延续与发展,许多传统的城市公共医疗卫生管理方法在重庆延续下来,抗战时期颁布和实施的新政策更是开启了重庆市公共医疗卫生事业管理全面发展的新篇章,重庆市公共医疗卫生事业管理自此步入早期现代化进程。抗战时期,重庆市公共医疗卫生事业管理取得长足发展:医疗卫生机构不断发展,医卫人才不断增加,新设备、新技术不断引入,法律、法规不断充实和完善。重庆市抗战时期公共医疗卫生事业管理呈现出了许多显著特征,如:战时动员机制与公共医疗卫生事业管理的结合;中央政府、地方政府、卫生机构和社会团体的紧密合作;日常管理和应急管理的有机结合;社会组织、国际友人的广泛参与等。这些特征的出现看似偶然,实则是制度、观念、技术全面改变的结果。重庆抗战时期公共医疗卫生事业管理的发展带来了三方面的影响:首先,近代重庆城市公共卫生机构、制度开始形成,并向科学化、现代化方向发展,促进了城市管理的现代化;其次,市民们的公共卫生参与意识日益形成,也促使了市民参与意识的早期现代化;再者,是对当代城市公共卫生管理的危机管理、市民参与的重要历史示范和借鉴。

【Abstract】 City is the carrier of civilization, and it is also a complex organism. City management is necessary to make a city run smoothly and develop well. There are many aspects in city management, and they are quite different in status, effects and methods. Public health management is one part of city management; it has a close bearing on citizen’s health and the portrait of the city.Public health management in Chongqing during the the China’s War of Resistance against Japan is the continuation and development of the city public health management of the Republic of China, many traditional ways of city public health management were passed down in Chongqing, the new policy issued and implemented during that time turned the new leaf of development of city public health management in Chongqing, public health management in Chongqing started to step into a scientific and modern way.Public health management in Chongqing had made a remarkable development during the China’s War of Resistance against Japan: the healthcare agencies developed continuously, the number of helth care workers increased greatly, new equipments and technologies were constantly introducted, laws and regulations about public health management enriched and completed gradually. There are many marked features in the public health management in Chongqing during that time, for instance: the combination of the mobilized mechanism in war and the public health management; the close cooperation of central government, local government, health agencies, and communities; the logical integration of normal management and emergency management; the wide participation of social organizations and foreign communities. The occurrence of all these features seemed like a coincidence, however, it was the reasonable result of integrated development of systems, ideas, and technologies.The public health management in Chongqing during the China’s War of Resistance against Japan brought influences in three aspects: first, modern city public health organization and system started to form, and developed to the scientific and modern way, which promoted the modernization of city management ; secondly, residents’paticipation consciousness of public health formed gradually and took shape, which also promoted the modernization of citizens’paticipation consciousness; finally, it has important reference and demonstration value on crisis management and participation of citizens for city public health management of the present age.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期

