

The Career Management of the State-owned Commercial Banks’ Women Staffs

【作者】 文方

【导师】 赵泽洪;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 行政管理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 国有商业银行是中国金融业的主体,在国民经济和我国金融体系中发挥着支柱性作用。随着外资银行的全面开放、股份制商业银行的兴起,国有商业银行面临日益激烈的市场竞争,人才问题越加严重,占有国有商业银行员工半壁江山的女性员工的重要性日益明显。如何充分发挥女性的积极性、主动性,提高女性人力资源的使用效率,成为商业银行的当务之急。职业生涯管理是现代人力资源的重要内容,通过构建完善的职业生涯管理体系,为女性员工创造成功的条件,激发她们的潜能。本文把职业生涯管理理论系统的运用到女性职业生涯管理中,探讨适合我国国情的女性职业生涯管理模式。通过运用文献分析、开放问卷调查、封闭问卷调查和结构化访谈等方法,选取四川省若干县市的国有商业银行女性员工做为调查对象,由点及面,了解我国国有商业银行女性职业生涯管理的现状。通过对县市级国有商业银行女性员工职业生涯管理现状的调查数据和访谈资料的统计、分析,研究得出:一.国有商业银行没有彻底改变传统的人事行政理念,缺乏性别平等的“人本化”企业文化,这是女性员工职业生涯管理无法顺利开展的最深层次的原因。二.县市级国有商业银行女性员工职业生涯管理缺乏宏观性和系统性,各项管理职能比较松散、衔接性差,难以形成体系。三.各个环节管理不完善,如信息管理、评估考核机制、咨询管理、培训管理、工作—家庭平衡管理、阶段管理等存在着许多弊病和走形式、有法不依的现象,且各个职能之间发展不平衡、参差不齐。针对上描情况,本论文从社会、组织、个人三个层面对如何促进国有商业银行女性员工职业生涯发展提出了对策:社会层面上社会应该全方位关心国有商业银行女性员工的成长,一方面,树立女性职业成功的良好典范,另外一方面,多一点对国有商业银行女性员工的理解和爱护。组织层面:一是提供有针对性的职业培训和稳定的就业环境,第二是积极进行女性职业生涯管理帮助,制定个人职业生涯发展方案,第三积极改革退休制度。个人层面上是积极进行个人的三维管理:自我事务管理、职业生涯管理、家庭生活管理。

【Abstract】 The state-owned commercial banks are principal parts of Chinese financial system and have a supporting effect on the national economy and our monetary system. With the comprehensive opening to foreign capital of Chinese banking system and joint-stock commercial banks springing up, the state-owned commercial banks are faced with increasing intense competitions and their human resource problem seriously. The women staffs are more important for there are more than half of all staffs. How to attract and maintain their talent, exert enthusiasm and initiative of them and how to enhance the use efficiency of human resources become the most urgent things of the state-owned commercial banks. Career management is an important subject of modern human resources management .By constructing a sound system of career management and providing success conditions for the staff, the state-owned commercial banks can inspire and lead employees to be promoted vertically.This paper applies the theory of career management to the state-owned commercial banks’women staffs in order to find a career management pattern that fits for the actual situation of our country. Through using such methods as the analysis of documents, open questionnaires investigation, closed questionnaires investigation, structured specific interview. picking women staffs from some state-owned commercial banks of Sichuan province as investigation target, we got some investigation results about the career management of women staffs which come from the state-owned commercial banks.Through the women staff’s career management statistics ( interview material’s statistics) in the county municipal state-owned Commercial banks, we get a results:The state-owned Commercial banks don’t change the idea of tradition personnel administration , lack of the sex equality enterprise culture.This is the deepest reason which the feminine staffs’professional career management is unable to develop smoothly.The county municipal state-owned commercial banks lacks macroscopic and the systematic characteristic in feminine staff professional career management, each management function is quite loose, the connection to be bad, forms the system with difficulty.Each link management is imperfect, like the information management, the appraisal inspection mechanism, the consultation management, the training management, the work - family balanced management, the stage management and so on .So, thist paper suggest the state-owned commercial banks to promote feminine staff professional career development from three stratification planes:the society, the organization, the individual .The society should care about the feminine staffs growth of state-owned commercial bank . On one hand, it should be sets up the females successful good models;on the other hand, the society giving more understanding and loving to them. On organizations: Firstly, organizations should be provide the target-oriented training and the stable employment environment for them.Secondly, organizations positively help the individual to make a professional development program. Thirdly, positively reforms the retired system.On individuals: they should positively carry on individual’s three dimensional management——self-business management,career management, family life management.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期
  • 【分类号】F272;F832.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】522
  • 攻读期成果

