

Research on the Core Competencies of Chongqing District-level Government

【作者】 李朗

【导师】 何跃;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 行政管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 重庆是兼有城市型政区与地域型政区双重特征的中央直辖市,重庆市区级政府作为地方政府,是国家政治体系的基本组织单位,在公共产品和服务的供给以及国家法律政策的执行和地方经济社会的发展中扮演着极其重要的角色。重庆正处于国家统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区的地位,建设“新特区”、工业反哺农业、城市支持农村、以城带乡长效机制的关节点和中继点恰在“区”,这对区级政府的能力建设提出了更高的要求。本研究从组织核心胜任特征角度出发,通过构建重庆市区级政府层面的胜任特征模型,为重庆市政府在关键的未来10年里,进一步整合自身资源,提高政府的核心能力,增强政府的发展和适应能力提供了技术性的指导,为促进政府绩效管理、培训教育、薪酬设计和文化建设等管理实践活动提供了可靠的评价工具。本研究吸收融合了管理学、行政学、心理学、统计学等学科的相关知识,首先从研究背景、研究意义及胜任特征国内外研究现状入手,指出本研究的创新点、难点、目的、内容和方法,并提出本文的研究框架。其次在简单介绍胜任特征的概念界定和分类的基础上,明确提出核心胜任特征的定义、研究方法、模型构建方法及实践应用。再次通过文献分析、结构性访谈、情景测验和专家评判等方法收集胜任特征变量、编制预试问卷,发放、回收问卷并进行数据统计分析,再结合专家评判等方法修订完善调查问卷用以展开正式调查研究,对回收的数据运用探索性因素分析法和验证性因素分析法,构建重庆市区级政府胜任特征模型并对各个维度进行操作性的定义。运用独立样本T检验和单因素方差分析法进一步分析人口学变量对该模型是否存在显著差异,从而定量的给出研究结论,并最终验证、修正、完善本研究的总体模型。最后分析、讨论重庆市区级政府胜任特征模型的各个维度、人口学变量对该模型评价的差异及模型在实践中的运用,提出本研究的结论及今后的努力方向。通过研究,得到以下几条结论:(1)初步构建重庆市区级政府胜任特征模型。研究表明该模型结构清晰,意义明确,具有良好的聚合效度和区分效度;该胜任特征模型由9个维度构成,分别为:战略导向、协调发展、廉政建设、管理创新、执政能力、人才机制、组织保障、法治建设、服务政府;(2)80.5%的人员认为《重庆市区级政府核心胜任特征调查问卷》中的60个胜任特征评价因素都“重要”,问卷克隆巴赫系数为0.9550,表明问卷具有很高的信度,是一份能够很好反映区级政府核心胜任特征的问卷,可以作为开展政府核心胜任特征进一步研究的工具。(3)通过核心胜任特征评价因素重要度的频数分析,资源配置、责任政府、政府廉洁、公务员素质、以人为本5个因素平均量表值在93.4%,是评价重庆市优秀区级政府核心胜任特征最重要的因素;(4)人口学变量对重庆市区级政府胜任特征模型各维度的评价有差异性。

【Abstract】 Chongqing is a municipality directly under the central government who holds double characteristic of city and regional district. As a local government, Chongqing is a basic organization unit of the government political system. It plays a very important role in the supply of public product and service, in the implementation of law, and in the development of local economy. There is a higher demand on the construction of district-level government as Chonqing has been a trial zone of national comprehensive coordinated reform balancing the urban and rural areas, the joint and junction point of establishing new special region, of setting up the long-efficiency mechanism of industry nurture agriculture, cities supports the countryside and driving countryside by city. This research builds up competency model of the district-level government of Chongqing through research of organizational core competencies, which provides a technical guide for the Chongqing government in the further integration of its own resources, the improvement of government core competition, and the strength of government development and adaptation ability in the future key ten years, and provides a reliable evaluation tool for the management activities, such as facilitating performance management, lecture education, reward devising and government cultural construction.This research absorbs and combines the related knowledge of management, administration, psychology and statistics etc. First, after introducing the research background and significance, and reviewing the research status on competency at home and abroad, this research points out the originality, difficulties, research purpose, content and methodology and puts forward the research organization. Then after a brief introduction of the definition and classification of competency, the definition of core competency, research methodology, and the method of model building and its practical application are presented. Next, the variables of competency are collected and a questionnaire is designed through literature analysis, structural interview, scene test and expert judgment. Then the questionnaire is distributed and collected. Based on the analysis of the data, the unimportant variables are eliminated and a final questionnaire is designed. The competency model of Chongqing district-level government is put forward and the operation definition of each dimension is given by employing exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). By employing Independent Samples Test and One-Way Anova of variance analyse further differences demographic variables in this model.Finally, we come to quantitative research conclusions and amend overall framework of this study.At last, after analyzing and discussing each dimension in the competency model of Chongqing district-level government, the differences of demographic variables and its application in practice, the conclusion and future research are presented.The conclusion can be drawn as following: (1) The construction of competency model of Chongqing district-level government. The research reveals that this model has a clear structure and significant importance, and has good aggregation validity and distinction validity. The competency model includes nine dimensions. They are strategic guide, coordinating development, construction of honest and clean government, management creation, administrational ability, intellectual mechanism, organization security, legal systems construction, and service government; (2) 80.5% of the investigated people think that sixty competency assessment valuables in the questionnaire on competency of Chongqing district-level government are important. The Cronbach’s coefficient alpha of the questionnaire is 0.9550, which indicates that the validity of the questionnaire is high and the questionnaire can reflects the competency of district-level government very well, and it can be a tool for further research on developing government competency. (3) Through frequencies analysis on the importance of competency assessment factors, the average scale values of the five factors—resource allocation, responsible government, government’s clearance, quality of civil servant and human-orientation are 93.4%. These factors are important factors in assessing the competency of excellent Chongqing district-level government; (4)The variables of demology have differences between dimensions in the competency model of Chongqing district-level government.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期

