

Study on the United Optimal Dispatching of Cascaded Hydropower Plant in Lower Reaches of Dadu River Basin

【作者】 尤渺

【导师】 刘颖; 杨忠伟;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 工业工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着瀑布沟、深溪沟等电站的相继开发建设投入运行,大渡河流域下游近期将形成以瀑布沟、深溪沟、龚嘴、铜街子四大电站组成的梯级水电站群系统,其装机规模大,电站数目多,调节性能好,在国内水电行业居于前列。以瀑布沟水库为代表的大渡河下游四大梯级水电站联合发电优化调度运行,对于提高大渡河流域以及四川水电的整体发电能力,改善供电质量,缓解四川电网丰枯、峰谷矛盾,优化四川电源结构,将会发挥越来越重要的作用。本文针对大渡河流域下游的实际情况,主要对大渡河流域下游以瀑布沟为控制性水库的四个梯级水电站发电优化调度问题进行了较为系统地研究,研究的内容主要包括:首先,分析论文选题的背景,以及国内外对水电站发电优化调度方面的研究现状,阐述本论文研究的目的意义,并确定了研究对象和论文主要拟解决问题内容,为论文研究指明方向。其次,运用动态规划方法,以梯级电站年发电量最大和年内来水最小时时出力尽可能大为目标进行了大渡河流域梯级电站中长期发电优化调度研究,采用实例计算并分析优化结果。然后,运用逐次优化算法和遗传算法,以日发电收入最大和日负荷厂间合理分配为目标进行了大渡河流域梯级电站短期发电优化调度研究,采用实例计算并分析优化结果。最后,依据建立的大渡河梯级电站发电优化调度模型,对大渡河流域梯级电站发电计划编制系统进行了设计及仿真,用以指导实际生产调度。

【Abstract】 With the Pubugou, Shenxigou, and so on the development and construction of power stations have been put into operation, the lower reaches of the Dadu River valley in the near future will be formed to Pubugou, Shenxigou, Gongzui, Tongjiezi station of the four major sub-components of the cascade hydropower stations group, the Large-scale capacity, the number of power stations, good conditioning, water and electricity in the domestic industry in the forefront. Pubugou dam in order to represent the lower reaches of the River cascade hydropower stations of the four major joint operation of power generation optimization for improving the Dadu River in Sichuan basin of water and electricity as well as the overall generation capacity, to improve the quality of electricity supply to ease power grid in Sichuan between water peak period and dry season, between peak and valley, optimization Sichuan power structure, will play an increasingly important role. In this paper, the Dadu River valley downstream of the actual situation, mainly on the lower reaches of the Dadu River valley in order to control for the Pubugou dam’s hydroelectric power generation in four steps optimization problems more systematically studied, the research include:First of all, the analysis of the selection of background papers, as well as hydroelectric power generation at home and abroad for the optimal operation of the aspects of research on this thesis research purposes, and to establish a research and papers to be the main problem-solving, as specified in the direction of the research paper.Secondly, the use of dynamic programming approach to the cascade power stations in the largest power generation and water years, the minimum time and effort as far as possible, a significant goal of the Dadu River valley had a cascade power generation and long-term optimal operation, using examples of calculation and analysis of the results of the optimization.Then, successive use of optimization and genetic algorithms to generate electricity on income and the largest daily load between the plant targets for the rational allocation of the Dadu River valley cascade power generation short-term optimization studies, using examples of calculation and analysis of the results of the optimization.Finally, based on the establishment of the Cascade River Power generation optimization model for the Dadu River valley cascade power generation planning system design and simulation to guide the actual production scheduling.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期

