

Study on Non-liner Architectural Building in Theory, Digital Aided Design and Practice

【作者】 李文勍

【导师】 顾红男;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪的后20年间,各种建筑理论和思潮竞相登场,尤其是进入21世纪以后,建筑的理论和实践都出现了世界范围内的百花齐放局面,一扫近半个世纪现代派建筑一统天下的局面,更使得人类建筑史出现了前所未有的多元化局面。尤其是上世纪90年代开始,在信息科学、计算机科学、环境科学、生态科学及人文科学等多学科相互渗透的过程中,促使了建筑学科的理论和实践向着科学化、生态化、更具民族性和地方性的方向不断地发展和完善。与此同时,在大范围的工业化生产过程中,多元化复合学科的影响力逐渐扩大,分工明确的多工种配合工作的趋势也日趋明显,这些社会变革促使了与工业生产密切相关的建筑学及建筑创作早已不再是建筑师独领风骚,而是趋向于多学科、多层面、多工种的共同配合,以前看似只起到辅助配合作用的边缘科学越来越多的扩大着其在建筑创造中所占据的比例,包括哲学,美学,人文科学,计算机辅助设计学,计算机辅助制造学,工业生产数控技术,高等参三维模型技术等一系列的复合学科和高新型科技融入到了建筑学体系中,一时间技术化建筑和建筑化技术的论坛竞赛和学术交流在世界范围内兴起了。近年来最受建筑先锋前沿关注的非线性概念的建筑实例随着全球化的思潮传入各国,我国的建筑界也受到程度不小的冲击。如何正确看待新生的非线性建筑理论、观念和设计方法,如何正确的看待数字化技术对建筑学科的作用,以及如何总结借鉴其经验并为我所用,是一个关键的问题。不弄清楚什么是进步的思潮、什么是错误的思潮,不搞明白技术进步对人类生产的正确作用,而无选择地一概接受或排斥,都是武断而非理性的。为了避免拿来主义和盲目照搬照抄的错误借鉴,本文试图从“第一章-非线性建筑的理论发展”,“第二章-非线性建筑的现代数字化技术”以及“第三章-非线性建筑的实践”逐层展开,逐一阐述,对非线性建筑所依赖的理论支持进行发展回顾:在社会生产力的发展,科学技术水平的进步,人文美学思想的需要,建筑师自身创造的诉求共同作用下,使本已多元繁茂的建筑发展更加丰富多彩,非线性建筑应运而生;对所依靠的新技术辅助设计方法进行了系统介绍:CAD计算机辅助设计、CAE计算机辅助分析、CAM计算机辅助制造,多学科综合运用,多工种协调配合,共同辅助建筑师完成非线性建筑由设计构思,技术分析,事件生产等全过程的建造工作;并并对已经实现的各个工程实例进行了从设计立意到方案深化直到实际建造过程的追踪记录,归纳总结了设计方法应用,技术分析集成,材料应用种类等相关方面的信息资料,希望可以为国内非线性建筑领域的多学科复合性研究起到抛砖引玉的作用。在文章总结中重点对国内外相应的技术化建筑或建筑化技术的发展给与了客观的评价,应该正确的认识到,建筑创造及建造过程,始终是强调着建筑师的主观能动性,而并非技术至上论,需要认识清楚:先进的技术设计方法是一种辅助实现建筑师设计目标的手段,而并非是指导建筑师的创造构思。而且非欧几何体系影响的非线性建筑和传统欧式几何体系,由于人类生产生活习惯的影响和科学技术水平发展对精神文化的反射,将促使这一事物的两面性在很长一段时间内会共同作用、相互影响、同时并存。

【Abstract】 In the last years of the 20th century, many different architectural theories give the shot in the world, especially the early time of the 21st century, this issues appear more powerful that make the human being architectural history into a versatile estate.From the 90 decade of last century, as the speedup development in information, computer working, environment science, ecology science and human culture working through each others, the architecture practice more express its scientific, ecologic and more localigy. As the same time, in more spread filed industrial developing, the effect of the multi-science more powerful, and the working of dividing more definitude, all of these make a result which the create working in architecture not only by architects themselves, that’s a multi-science. multi-working dividing and multi-cooperation work, the proportion which include the philosophy, art, human culture, computer aided design, computer aided manufacture, digital control in industry and high uniform 3d model technology more and more important in the architecture creative working.In recent years, Non-line science study in architecture, that’s the most impressive spot practice rush into our mainland market with global tidal current. How to make a correct attitude to this new born theory, design method, the digital design to the architectural creator, these questions area very important. If we have mess thinking in which one is improved, how correctly effect of the technology improvement, the result of the that is non-rational.For avoid blindness working from abroad, the theme of this paper try from“chapter one-the development of the Non-line”,”chapter two-the digital technology of the Non-line”and“chapter three-the practice of Non-liner”, make a clearly spreading to expatiate. That’s make around thinking: with the development of the productivity and science technology, human being culture’s versatile, the non-liner base on that three key-points and born out. After that, this study continue to introduce the technology of computer aided design, computer aided analysis and computer aided manufacture, multi-science, multi-technology that how to cooperate working well into the Non-line building design.In the conclusion of the paper, the key-point is the correct attitude all base on: the architect is the spotlight in design working, from the sketch till the construction, the director all from architect, and the digital aided work is only a good help to the human creative working, we should clearly recognize that the advanced technology is only a good aided working, not the director in the design, and can not replace the architect.

【关键词】 非线性数字化CADCAECAM
【Key words】 Non-linerDigital TechnologyCADCAECAM
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期

