

Study on the Counties Directly Administrated under the Municipality Directly under the Central Government

【作者】 李旭斌

【导师】 周庆行;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 行政管理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 上世纪八十年代初我国之所以确立了市管县体制,政策动因是为了推进城乡建设一体化,发挥中心城市的经济优势,对县乡产生辐射效应,使城市带动乡村的发展,但从现实情况看,很多县的发展并没有从中受益,反而受到了很大的束缚。随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步确立,“市管县”体制的弊端开始不断显现,市县之间在经济利益、行政管理以及城乡关系上的矛盾逐步激化。针对以上情况,2005年6月,温家宝总理在农村税费改革工作会议上指出:“具备条件的地方,可以推进‘省直管县’试点”,十六届五中全会通过的“十一五”规划的《中共中央关于制定十一五规划的建议》则明确提出要“减少行政层级”,传达出重要的改革信息,由此,“省管县”的改革思路已经渐渐浮出水面。重庆市是我国最年轻的直辖市,其超广域性特征极为明显,重庆市更类似于一级省级建制,是一个具有中等省构架和欠发达省份特征的直辖市。因此,重庆市的“直辖市——县(区)”模式对我国的“省管县”改革有着极大的借鉴意义。本文针对重庆市的“直辖市——县(区)”及其对“省管县”改革的借鉴意义进行了论述,具体的思路如下:第一部分,主要论述研究的背景、意义以及研究现状,并介绍了本文的技术路线、研究方法及创新之处。第二部分,此部分主要是行政区划层级理论概述。主要介绍了行政区划层级的内涵、国际通行的行政区划层级模式以及我国现行的行政区划层级体制。第三部分,在对市管县内涵及沿革介绍的基础上从正反两方面论述了我国现行的市管县体制,最后论述了市管县改革的必要性。第四部分,主要围绕重庆市的“直辖市——(县)区”模式展开论述,内容主要包括了重庆市行政区划的沿革以及现行的重庆市行政区划层级体制论述。第五部分,在前文论述的基础上,总结了重庆市“直辖市——县(区)”模式的经验,并对该模式的意义进行了论述。第六部分,从重庆市的“超广域性”特征谈起,总结出了“重庆市是一个具有中等省构架和欠发达省特征的直辖市”的结论,从而进一步论述了重庆直辖市行政区划层级模式对我国“省管县”改革的简介意义,在此基础上,具体论述了我国进行省管县改革的外部环境以及路径选择。第七部分,对全文进行了总结,并对后续研究进行了展望。

【Abstract】 In the 1980s,“counties directly administrated under the cities”system has been established. This system is established to promote the integration of urban and rural areas and lead to the development of rural areas. In fact, many counties did not benefit from this system, but rather by a lot of constraints. As China’s socialist market economic system is establishing gradually, the shortcomings of“counties directly administrated under the cities”system began to appear. The conflict of the economic interests and administration between urban and rural areas become more and more serious.For the above reasons, Premier Wen Jiabao brought up that the provinces that the conditions are right can try to put the“counties directly administrated under the province”system into practice in June 2005. During the fifth plenary session of the 16th central committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in October 2005, the idea of“reduce the administrative level”had also been mentioned. The tendency towards the innovation of administrative level has been more clear than it was in past.Chongqing is China’s newest municipality directly under the central government, its“ultra-wide-area”feature is extremely obvious. Chongqing municipality directly under the central government is more similar to a medium scale and less developed province. Therefore, the experience of Chongqing’s administrative level innovation is applicable to use for reference.In this paper,“The counties directly administrated under the municipality”system is discussed as the following thought:The first part focuses on the background, significance and present situation of the study, the research methods and innovation is also mentioned.The second part is mainly on the administrative division hierarchy theoretical overview. The common administrative division hierarchy system is discussed in this part.The origin of“counties directly administrated under the cities”system is discussed in the third part first, the necessity of administrative division hierarchy innovation is also discussed in this part.Part IV mainly focuses on the city of Chongqing’s administrative division hierarchy system. The“municipalities - (County) District”is discussed in this part. Part V is about the experience and the significance of Chongqing’s administrative division hierarchy system.Part VI is mainly on the reference significance of Chongqing’s administrative division hierarchy system, and discussed the way of china’s administrative division hierarchy innovation.Part VII is a summary of the full text, and a prospect of follow-up study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期

