

Research on Development Strategy of Chongqing TJM Automobile-part Company

【作者】 李天杰

【导师】 李春红;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,新一轮的汽车产业经济上升为汽车零部件企业带来了诸多机遇和挑战,虽然我国汽车零部件市场潜量很大,但国内外汽车零部件的市场之争、品牌之争、服务之争、价格之争已经随着市场的扩大而愈演愈烈。因此,如何科学的选择和实施发展战略以提高企业综合竞争力,已成为当前我国汽车零部件企业面临的主要课题。本文就是基于这种认识出发,对重庆TJM汽车零部件公司发展战略问题进行全面分析,提出适合该公司未来发展、切实可行的发展战略选择与实施方案。本文首先回顾了企业战略管理相关理论;然后,从我国汽车零部件产业发展现状及趋势、重庆汽车零部件产业发展环境、汽车零部件产业竞争状况以及重庆汽车零部件企业竞争环境等几个方面对重庆TJM汽车零部件公司外部环境进行了深入分析,并对该公司进行了外部因素评价EFE矩阵分析;紧接着,从组织结构、产品结构、生产能力、生产设施、产品技术、财务状况、人力资源以及企业文化等方面对该公司内部资源与能力状况进行了全面分析、并指出当前公司内部面临的突出问题;最后,对其进行了内部环境IFE矩阵分析以及VRIO模型分析。在以上研究基础上,结合SWOT矩阵分析,提出了重庆TJM汽车零部件公司发展战略的选择与实施,包括发展战略的总体思路、具体发展战略选择、发展战略实施的关键问题和保障措施等。最后,总结出全文结论。本文认为,重庆TJM汽车零部件公司应实施以核心竞争力战略为核心总体战略,以产品战略、质量战略、技术开发战略、总成本领先战略、企业文化战略以及人才战略等六大战略为支撑。本文研究得出的重庆TJM汽车零部件公司发展战略的选择与实施方案是在充分结合实际情况基础上提出来的,具有一定的创造性、针对性和可操作性。本文研究坚持理论联系实际,遵循由外及里,由浅到深的研究方式。同时,运用比较分析法、统计分析法、EFE/IEF因素评价矩阵、VRIO模型以及波特“五力”竞争理论模型等;并坚持定性和定量分析相结合、局部分析与全局分析相结合。

【Abstract】 At present, a new round of economic growth for the auto industry auto parts business has brought a lot of opportunities and challenges, although China’s auto parts market, a large amount of latent, but domestic and foreign auto parts market dispute, the dispute over the brand, services Dispute over the price dispute as the market has been growing and expanding. Therefore, how to choose and implement the scientific development strategy to enhance enterprise competitiveness, has become China’s auto parts enterprises are facing a major issue. This article is based on this understanding, TJM Chongqing on the auto parts company to conduct a comprehensive development strategy analysis for the company’s future development, the practical choice of development strategy and implementation plan.This article first reviewed the strategic management of enterprise-related theory, an analysis of corporate strategic management process, the general application of this article, as well as the strategic management of research and theoretical models and methods; and then, from China’s auto parts industry development trends and the status quo, Chongqing auto parts industry The development of the environment, competition in the auto parts industry as well as Chongqing auto parts companies such as the competitive environment in several areas of Chongqing TJM auto parts companies in the external environment had an in-depth analysis, and Chongqing TJM auto parts companies to evaluate the external factors EFE Matrix Analysis; then, from the organizational structure, product mix, production capacity, production facilities, products, technology, financial situation, human resources and corporate culture, the company’s internal resources and the ability to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the situation and pointed out that the current Chongqing Automobile TJM Parts company faced problems; Finally, its internal environment as well as analysis of the IFE Matrix VRIO model. In the above study based on the Chongqing TJM auto parts company’s choice of development strategy and implementation. Including the development of overall strategic thinking and concrete development strategies choices, the key to the implementation of development strategies and security measures.This article, Chongqing TJM auto parts company should be based on core competence strategy at the core of an overall strategy, product strategy, the quality of strategy, technology development strategy, low-cost strategy, corporate culture, as well as the strategic human resources strategy to support the six strategies. Finally, a summary of the full text of the conclusions. This paper studies the Chongqing TJM auto parts companies to choose development strategies and implementation of the program is fully integrated in the actual situation on the basis proposed, with some creative, targeted and maneuverability.This paper studies to integrate theory with practice, followed by the outside and, from shallow to deep study of the way. At the same time, the use of comparative analysis, statistical analysis, value chain analysis, EFE / IEF factor evaluation matrix, VRIO model Porter, as well as the "five forces" model of competition and so on; and adhere to the qualitative and quantitative analysis, analysis of local and global Analysis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期
  • 【分类号】F426.471
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】330

