

Study on the Electrical Injection Matching Experimentation for LX200-2 Motorcycle

【作者】 李国强

【导师】 李以农; 邓志勇;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 车辆工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国家环保法规的日益严格和国际燃油价格的逐步上升,传统化油器式发动机已经无法满足摩托车高性能、低油耗和新的排放法规要求。众所周知,只有采用发动机电喷管理系统才是唯一的途径。本课题以重庆隆鑫工业(集团)有限公司生产的LX200-2化油器式摩托车(配装LC163FML-2发动机)为基础,选用上海联合汽车电子有限公司(UAES)的成熟电喷系统(MSE2.0版本)进行电喷化转化工作,课题主要目的是使整车排放满足欧Ⅲ法规要求,并兼顾动力性和经济性。课题主要工作内容包括:(1)系统零部件改造:通过发动机进气系统的优化设计、改进磁电机、增设转速和曲轴位置传感器等工作,把化油器式发动机转化成了电喷专用发动机;同时改造整车供油系统,在消声器上安装氧传感器实现闭环控制;(2)确定控制目标:通过理论分析,确定空燃比和点火时刻为控制基本要素,使催化剂转化效果达到最佳。而空燃比的控制是通过精确控制一定负荷下的喷油时刻和喷油量来实现;(3)发动机参数标定:通过分析标定试验方法,在初步确定基本喷油量和基本点火时刻的基础上,根据排放结果调整喷油时刻,最终确定在不同转速和喷油量状态的喷油时刻,随后再精细调整点火时刻,确定在不同转速和负荷下的点火提前角,形成喷油MAP和点火MAP储存在ECU中;(4)整车参数优化:在工况底盘上标定整车参数,包括起步、急加速等过渡工况下的参数,通过实验数据处理,形成各工况参数存储在ECU中;(5)环境实验:通过高原地区试验、高温地区试验和高寒地区试验,考核了零部件的可靠性,并根据环境变化造成的进气压力变化、进气温度变化等情况修正了相关参数,同时在试验中检验了ECU的自学习功能。本课题是隆鑫集团摩托车电喷转化的探索性课题,通过探索、研究,寻求化油器式摩托车电喷转化的最有效方法和途径,达到整体提升摩托车技术水平的目的。该课题经过一年来的努力,达到预期目标。试验数据表明,整车排放性能显著改善,满足国Ⅲ法规要求,动力性能略有下降,经济性能基本持平,为公司大排量摩托车全面电喷化奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 Along with the strict environment protection regulation and the raising price of fuel , it is very hard for the traditional carburetor-mounted engine to meet the requirement of high power,low fuel consumption and less pollution, and it is well known that the electronic controlled fuel injection system is the only and best way which can meet the needs.This project is based on the LX200-2 motorcycle(using carburetor gasoline engine of LC163FML-2)made in Chongqing Loncin Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. The goal of the task is making vehicle’s exhaust emission fulfill the Emark-III standard while keeping consistent on power output and fuel economy. The following main work is:(1) alteration of the components : through optimizing the engine air input system, altering the magneto and adding the sensor of running speed and position, changed the carburetor-mounted engine into electronic controlled engine ,then rebuilding the vehicle fuel- supplying system, fixing lambda sensor on the muffler to achieve closed loop control(2)confirm the control element: after analysis , confirm the A/F ratio and ignition time as the control element (3)calibration of the engine parameters: estimated fuel-injection and ignition time beforehand, then adjusted the time exactly , and made the injection and ignition time as MAP deposited into the ECU.(4)optimized vehicles’parameters in all kinds of running state,including start-up、quickly accelerated.then deposited the parameters’ changes into the ECU.(5)environment test: having test in different environment , including tableland、high temperature area and lower temperature area , checked the reliability of assembly components, modified related parameters according to the changes. at the same time , verified the self-learning function of ECU.As the company doesn’t possess any technical deposit or accumulate ,so it’s a exploring work . Through looking for the best way for the electronic control system alteration, finally reached the object of advancing technology level. After more than one year’s hard work, the project have finished and reached it’s purpose . the project made a massy foundation for the following electronic control alteration on motorcycle.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期
  • 【分类号】U483
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】91

