

Market Economies in Transition Period of China’s Urban Heritage Protection and Management to Explore

【作者】 吴朝宇

【导师】 李和平;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,我国正处于市场经济转型期,社会主义市场经济体制的建立和完善为历史文化遗产保护带来了机遇。城市历史遗产是具有多元价值的社会文化资源,市场经济是有效的资源配置方式,市场的发育可以促进城市历史遗产的市场化利用,促进各种生产要素与历史遗产的结合,促使日益衰退的资源得到价值重现;与此同时,市场经济也是一种商品的经济,多元化的利益主体面临多元化的利益诉求和利益回报周期,使历史遗产的保护出现大量的市场化利益冲突,并由此带来的“破坏性开发”与“破坏性保护”正在大量的吞噬着我国日益稀少而珍贵的历史遗产资源。“无以规矩,不成方圆”,在市场经济运行过程中,首先要探讨的是如何建立一个规范成熟的市场经济运行管理体制。由于我国历史文化遗产规划管理体系根植于传统的计划经济的管理模式,面对市场经济的巨大冲击和快速变革,已经显得滞后于时代发展的需要。因此,本文尝试将经济学的概念引入城市历史遗产保护,以城市历史遗产的本身所在的多元化价值入手,寻求市场经济对其价值的实现的过程,探索我国城市历史遗产保护规划管理的宏观决策与微观改革方向,力图探求历史资源保护与城市发展“双赢”的目标。论文的内容主要包括四大部分:论文第一部分(第一、二章)介绍了论文研究的意义、内容及研究工作的框架与方法。然后着重回顾近现代我国历史文化遗产保护管理的历史进程,文章以时间发展为序列,以大规模的社会变革为阶段,介绍各历史时期我国保护管理发展的社会背景、机构设置、法律法规和管理制度。试图理清近现代我国历史文化遗产管理发展脉络,了解我国历史文化遗产保护发展的缘起。论文的第二部分(第三章)以市场经济转型期为切入点,对比分析计划经济与社会主义市场经济两个不同时期的经济社会特点和这种背景条件下城市历史遗产管理呈现出来的特色。而正是由于市场经济出现,使城市历史遗产的各种价值得到市场的实现才导致当前城市遗产空前重视、空前破坏的局面,为此本文引入经济学的概念,以商品经济的视角分析城市历史遗产的价值和价值实现途径进行研究。并对当前我过程是历史遗产保护规划管理进行介绍,并扼要列举当前出现的问题,为保护管理的宏观决策和微观改革提供研究背景。论文的第三部分(第三章)分析规划管理的宏观策略,以城市政府的角度,讨论城市历史遗产这个公共产品的属性和政府的公共管理职能;从经济学原理出发寻求保护与发展之间的决策;新旧分区发展的决策和“保用结合”的整体性保护策略。论文第四部分(第四章)主要是对城市历史遗产保护微观管理入手,以管理法规、管理机构、管理制度三个方面作为研究对象,对保护管理的改善和发展进行系统性的研究和探索。

【Abstract】 Now ,China is in the process of changing from government-oriented economy to market-oriented market. People begins to care about protection of history and culture heritage due to establishment of social market-oriented economy.Urban history heritage is a multi-valued social cultural resource , market-oriented economy is a efficient way to regulate kinds of social resource. The development of market economy can promote urban history heritage to be paid attention to ,and promote combination of all kinds of production factors and history heritage.Thus, decaying resources can be valued again.At the same time, market-oriented economy is also a commodity economy。diversified profits faces diversified profit requirement , as a result, there is a conflict between protection of history heritage and market-oriented profit. Furthermore, brokening development and protection is swallowing delicious history heritage resource.“Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards”,In the process of running market-oriented economy, the first that should be discussed is how to establish a regulated, grown-up management of market-oriented economy. As Chinese culture and history heritage is based on traditional management of plan market ,it is obviously left behind social need when encounter huge impact and fast changes of market-oriented economy.The Papers is consist of four parts;The first part(Chart one , Chart two) introduces meaning,content of this thesis,and how to establish frame ,and how to research thesis,paying more attention on the management process of protection of Chinese cultural heritage in recent history. On the background of mass-scale social transformation, showing social background , specific organization, law and regulation and management style that Chinese government used in different historical stages. It tried to figure out the development process of Chinese history and culture management , so that the root of development of Chinese history and culture management can be easily found out.The second part (Chart three), introduce that in the process of changing from plan-oriented economy to market-oriented economy, compare and research the characteristic economy social characteristic in mixed stages and urban history heritage management. Increasing development of market-oriented economy makes kinds of value of urban history heritage come true, as a result , urban history heritage is being paid more attention to and destroyed than ever before. In an angle of commodity economy , we analyze the value and urban history heritage and briefly introduce the planned management of history heritage and list current issues,The 3rd part (Chart three) analyze the strategy of plan management , from the eye of government, discussing property of public products, urban history heritage and major function of government. From the eye of economics , to find the solution of efficient protection of urban history heritage; the strategy of cutting new district and old district and half strategy and half use.The four part (Chart four) is mainly the protection of historical heritage of the city start with micro-management, to manage and regulations, management, management system as a study three aspects of the protection and management for the improvement and development of systematic research and exploration .

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期

