

Study on Basin Development and Human Settlements Construction of Southwest China

【作者】 左晓舰

【导师】 赵万民;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 通过对西南地区流域资源环境系统的研究,探索在当前快速城镇化的过程中,西南地区流域资源环境评价和承载力的研究框架、理论依据、系统分析、模型建构、现状问题、指标体系、评价结论和对策建议,丰富流域人居环境建设理论体系,并为实践提供参考。文章首先点题并说明研究的现实及理论意义,然后通过对学科背景、人居环境评价、宏观政策、社会经济四个方面的背景的分析突出文章写作的时代背景,接着针对论文选题划定了论文的研究范围,明确“西南地区流域”的所特指的研究范围和对象,最后从研究目的、研究思路、研究内容、技术路线及研究框架和研究方法五个方面构建了论文的研究框架。在理论综述的部分,明确了文章中出现频率较高、比较容易混淆的六个概念:“流域”、“资源”、“环境”、“资源环境评价”、“资源环境承载力”、“可持续发展”。并通过对流域人居环境建设研究概况及发展趋势、系统科学相关理论、适宜性评价方法、可持续发展评价方法及相关指标体系、区域资源环境承载力评价、综合评价方法论的研究,使论文研究建立在前人研究的坚实基础之上。在流域资源环境系统分析部分,通过对系统构成、各子系统的相互关系、系统特征、系统结构、系统功能六个方面分析了流域资源环境系统,在此分析的基础上建立了流域资源环境系统评价和承载力研究的模型。第三章的研究思路是(1)系统分析——模型建构;(2)一般性与特殊性研究相结合;(3)分层次分类别梳理问题。在西南地区流域适宜性评价部分,通过对西南地区流域资源环境系统适宜性相关因素的调查,确立了一般性和特殊性两种针对西南地区流域的评价指标体系。分高程、大于等于10度积温、土地利用类型、土壤侵蚀、坡度、地貌、泥石流、滑坡崩塌和岩溶现象八项指标评价了西南地区流域资源环境系统的人类居住地适宜性,并确立了三类适宜度地区的主导因子,最后总结了西南地区七大流域各类适宜性用地的指标,为与下面章节可持续评价指标结果相互印证,选取资源环境承载力研究的重点区域建立了基础。在可持续评价部分,论文在第三章对流域资源环境系统分析和评价模型构建研究的基础上,从流域资源环境系统可持续评价的方法步骤、指标体系构建和评价结果分析三个方面继续深入研究。首先是介绍了整个评价的思维方法和执行步骤,然后对本章研究的重点——指标体系构建从构建原则,评价指标选择、指标处理、确定指标结构和权重四个方面进行了详细地论述,最后将西南地区七大流域的特征数据代入评价公式,得到西南地区流域资源环境系统整体和分流域的可持续发展得分和影响主导因子。在流域资源环境承载力研究部分,论文通过对相对资源环境承载力的研究和第四、五章的评价结果叠加,确定了本次西南地区流域资源环境承载力研究的重点区域:嘉陵江、岷沱江和长江干流三大流域地区,最后通过对重点区域三大流域地区人口增长、耕地减少和粮食产量变化的预测分析了其资源环境人口承载力从1999年到2020年的动态变化过程。在对策建议部分,论文试图从资源环境发展、社会经济发展和科技与人口发展三个方面提出西南地区流域资源环境可持续发展的对策和建议。在结论部分总结全文,指出了由于论文的框架较大,视角较特殊、以及某些研究方法的局限性,导致研究存在的一些不足,并提出了进一步研究的思考。

【Abstract】 This dissertation aims at the study on resources and environment system of the southwest basin in the present tide of urbanization. It investigate the issues of frame structure, fundamental theory, system analysis, present problem, indicator system, influencing factor, countermeasure and suggestion, to enrich the theoretical system of human settlements in basin area, to offer a reference for relevant practice .It first shows the topic and explains the reality and the significance of the theory, then through the background analysis on macroscopic policy, social economy, human settlements sciences, region resources and environment quality synthetic evaluation, emphasizes the times background and delimits the paper’s range of study in allusion to the paper’s topic, defines what is called“southwest basin”and its studying range and objects, finally designs the paper‘s research frame due to five aspects: the research goal, the research content, the technical route, the research frame and the research technique.In the part which summarizes the theory, the paper defines six concepts:“basin”,“resources”,“environment”,“resources environmental evaluation”,“resources environmental carrying capacity”,“sustainable development”, which are frequently seen and easily confused. Base on the study about the sustainable development appraisal theory and indicator system, the carrying capacity of regional resources environment appraisal, the online of basin human settlements construction and the trend of development, the systemic science correlation theory, the quality synthetic evaluation methodology, the paper‘s research establish above the solid foundation which the predecessor have founded.In the part which analyzes the basin’s resource and environment system , the analyzing job is base on six aspects including the system constitution, the various subsystems’ reciprocity, the system characteristic, the system structure and the system function. Base on the foundation of analysis, the model of system appraisal and supporting capacity research for basin resources environment has been founded. The research mentality of Chapter 3 are blow: (1)the system analysis—model construction;(2)unify the general and particular research;(3)comb the questions in administrative levels and categories.In the part of basin suitability appraisal , through the investigation about system suitability, the paper has established both general and particular evaluating indicator systems in view of the southwest basin. It has appraised the suitability of human inhabited area in southwest basin according to eight targets: elevation, >&=10 degrees accumulated temperatures, the land utilization type, the soil erosion, the slope, the landform, the mud-rock flow, the landslide avalanche and the phenomena of karst. It also has established leading factor for three kinds of suitable area. Finally, it summarized the targets for all kinds of suitable land in seven biggest basins in southwest and established the foundation for choosing key region to study supporting capacity of resource environment in the following chapters.In the part of evaluating indicator system research, the paper has first established the basin’s resources and environmental system sustainable appraisal goal, the content, the method and the basic principle, then it also has proposed the bare structure about the establishing principle, the composition content, the screening method, the structure constitution and so on, in view of the evaluating indicator system. and southwest three provinces. Then, the statistical data is normalized according to the basin the reorganization, simultaneously the paper will ensure all indicators’weights by using the AHP theory and the expert consults law. Finally it will have processed the data substitution, obtains result of the southwest basin’s resources and environmental system sustainable appraisal.In the influencing factor analysis part, by analyzing the southwest basin’s resources and environmental system’s sustainable influencing factors, the paper has first appraised the southwest basin’s resources and environmental system’s interior various subsystems’ mutual influence and restricted condition from four aspects including the resources carrying capacity, the environmental security, the economic development and the population development. Then it has determined the key region of the southwest basin’s resources environment carrying capacity’s research through the relative resources environment carrying capacity’s research and the fifth chapter’s results: Jialing River, min Tuojiang River and Yangtze River , the main three big basin areas. Finally, it analizes and predicts the resources and environmental carrying capacity’s dynamic change process of key region from 1999 to 2020 by the research of population growth, farming reduction and grain yield change of the three basins.In the countermeasure and suggestion part, the paper attempts to propose give some countermeasure and the suggestion from three aspects including the resources and environmental development, the socio-economic development, the science and technology and the population development for the southwest basin resources environment sustainable development.In the part of conclusion, the study summarizes the full text, and point out the deficiency of the research and the further researches to be conducted.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期

