

Study on the Research into Adult Guardianship System

【作者】 孙宜硕

【导师】 杨春平;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 民商法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 成年监护制度作为一项重要的民事法律制度,是与未成年人监护制度相对称的一项私法制度。自罗马法以来就承担着保护成年人中判断能力不足者的民事权益的功能。目前,国外成年人监护制度放弃过去的成年人监护模式,以保护制度取代传统民法上的禁治产宣告制度成为通行理念。各国开始重视对被监护人人身权益方面的照顾以及在日常生活中的自主决定权,从而建立起以充分尊重被监护人人权为核心的现代监护制度。我国有关成年监护的立法主要见于我国1986年《中华人民共和国民法通则》(以下简称《民法通则》)之中,但由于通则体例自身及通则制定时社会生活条件与认识水平的局限,现行的成年监护制度难以面对许多新现象的产生和与国际法律制度接轨的趋势。随着老龄化社会的到来以及维护身心障碍者人权观念的深入人心,成年人监护制度的改革已势在必行,关注他们的生存状况,维护他们的基本人权,取得私权保护与社会稳定的平衡具有重要的意义。本文除引言和结语共分为四个部分,共计三万三千余字。本文第一部分概述成年监护制度,介绍了成年监护制度的概念、历史演进以及现代成年监护制度建立的法理基础,完整的勾勒出成年监护制度的面貌;第二部分是两大法系成年监护制度的探析和借鉴,介绍了大陆法系代表性的国家即法国、德国、日本修改前的背景以及修改后的监护制度的主要内容的分析,提炼出三个国家修改后的成年制度共同的理论内容和各自结合各自国家国情的内容规范。在此部分还介绍了英美法系主要国家英国的持续性代理权授予条例和美国的代理权授予法,并对两大法系成年监护制度进行了评析,指出了可供我国借鉴的经验;第三部分是关于介绍我国成年监护制度的立法现状,在全面分析了现有内容的基础上,分析了我国成年监护制度的存在的问题;第四部分阐述了在我国构建新型成年监护制度的必要性,着重提出对我国现代成年监护的制度应当吸收现代监护制度理念的基础上选择适合我国国情的制度框架体系,还提出了应增加的具体规范。结语部分再次强调了成年监护制度的修改对我国完善民法体系的重要性。成年人监护制度是每一个文明国家的民法都应包括的内容,它的存在代表着全社会对精神障碍、意思表达障碍、年老、残障者的关怀,代表着对弱势群体的重视。它的制度安排和具体内容标志着国家的立法水平和执政水平,标志着一个社会人权的实现、保障程度。

【Abstract】 As an important civil legal system, adult guardianship system, as opposed to minor custody system, is an old private system which has been essential to civil law system since the emergence of Roman Law. Currently, the adult guardianship system in foreign countries has been seeing a new revolution. It has further distanced itself from the old adult guardianship system, substituting the system of interdiction declaration with the system of protection. Many countries have started paying attention to the right for physical assistance and everyday self-decision making of the guardedness, thus establishing a modern guardianship system with the sufficiently respecting the rights of the gaudiness at its core. Our country see mainly concerning the legislation of adult guardianship in the general rule of civil law, is but more limited than the style self of general rule and the establishment of general rule social life condition and the limitation of horizontal knowledge, current adult guardianship system is had to face a lot of new phenomenon produce with conform with the law system of international law tendency, melt along with longevity the arrival of society as well as the maintenance obstacle human rights of body and mind the thorough popular feeling of idea, adult guardianship system reform have been imperative, pay attention to their survival condition and their maintenance basic human rights, get personal right protect become the writing purpose of this paper with social steady balance.The article divides six parts. Summary and first part of this paper outlines adult guardianship system, introduced the concept and the historical evolution of adult guardianship system, introduction of the modern adult guardianship system established by the legal basis. The next is adult guardianship system research Study, introduced the civil law and common law of the major countries of the adult guardianship system, and comparative analysis adult guardianship system for Two Schools, and pointed out that the draw the experience for China. Again, on the basis of introducing mainly of content of the adult guardianship system in China, analysis of China’s adult guardianship system efficiencies. The fourth part is the necessity that analyze to set up become adult to serve as guardian at our country the system.The fifth part emphasize to put forward the system design that becomes adult the guardianship to the our country speculation, and some detail problems set up in a specific way.Ending of the thesis is the conclusion,the guardianship system is important to perfective our civil law system.is also can improve who need this system can realize their rights.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期

