

A Research on the Urban Public Goods Marketing Supply

【作者】 罗玉林

【导师】 王春兰;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 区域经济学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 城市公共物品是一个城市得以存在、发展的前提和基础,切实加强城市公共物品的供给,必将对国民经济的发展起到重要的推动作用。改革开放以来,我国城市经济取得了巨大发展,它对于我国经济体制改革的完成、市场经济制度的最终确立发挥了重大的作用。国际城市发展的经验表明,我国城市经济目前已经由初步阶段进入到加速发展阶段,我国居民对原有城市公共物品和对新的高层次城市公共物品需求也不断增加。如何加强城市公共物品的供给,促进城市公共物品市场化供给的健康发展,就成为迫切需要解决的课题。本文以城市公共物品作为研究对象,运用市场经济理论、公共选择理论、公共物品理论以及制度经济学等有关理论,采用理论阐述的方法,全面分析了城市公共物品市场化供给的基本问题,从经济的角度论述了城市公共物品市场化供给的主体问题、价格确定问题、供给范围问题及供给模式问题。采用案例分析法,以城市污水处理为例,较详细地分析了我国城市公共物品市场化运作过程中面临的具体问题,并分析了问题产生的原因,为此提出的解决我国城市公共物品市场化供给问题的主要对策有:正确处理政府与市场的关系、实现公共物品供给主体的多元化、划清中央政府与地方政府公共物品的供给边界、做好城市公共物品市场化运作的各项配套改革,大力营造其市场化运作的环境、努力探索良好的公共物品定价方式,发挥价格的调节作用等。全文共分六部分,主要分为总论、文献综述、理论借鉴、问题分析、案例分析和对策研究。

【Abstract】 The urban public goods is the basic and premise of city’s existence and development, improve the supply of urban public goods conscientiously will promote national economy certainly. The city’s economic has been developed greatly in our country since the Reform and Opening, what has important function for Restructing the Economic System’s accomplishment and ultimate establishing the market-oriented economy. According to the experiences of the development of city international, our urban economic has developed from primary stage go accelerate stage now , there is an ever-growing demand for original urban public goods and new high-level urban public goods in our country. Academic circles pay attention to all the following problems: how to strengthen the supply of the urban public goods, how to make the urban economic grow along a more health orientation.This essay considers the urban public goods supply marketization, This thesis applies public selecting theory, institution economic theory, public goods theory, use the method of elaborating theory, analysis the basic problem relate to urban public goods marketing supply all-round, study the following problems from economical angle: theoretical concept of urban public goods; subject of provide; formulate the price of urban public goods; provide model of urban public goods, use the method of case analysis , take sewage treatment as an example , analysis the concrete problems existed in the urban public goods marketization in our country ,and then,analysis the reasons for the problems . So, there are the following methods for the problems of the urban public goods marketization in our country: deal with the relations between government and market correctly; make there are various supplying principal parts of public goods, make its clear of the boundary of the cent-government and the local-government, form a complete set or system for the marketization of the urban public goods, make a environment of market-oriented, seek for a good way for fixing a price , bring the function of adjust of the price into play , and so on .There are six sections in this thesis. They are introduction, summarize of documents, reference of theories, analysis for the problems, case analysis and study of countermeasure.

【关键词】 城市公共物品市场化供给问题
【Key words】 urban public goodsmarketizationsupplyproblem
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期

