

Study on the Fast Charge System of Series Lead-acid Batteries

【作者】 夏永峰

【导师】 苏玉刚;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 电动汽车电池组快速充电技术是电动汽车领域非常重要的内容,是目前我国电动汽车发展急需解决的核心技术之一。目前,我国的电动汽车用蓄电池大多为铅酸蓄电池,为此论文选择在我国很有发展前景的电动汽车铅酸电池组快速充电装置作为研究对象,针对系统研制开发中的一些关键技术难题进行了研究。本论文以电动汽车电池组快速充电技术为背景展开研究,是重庆市科委自然科学基金项目《电动汽车动力电池智能快速充电技术研究》中研究内容的重要组成部分,论文由以下6部分组成。①系统地概述了铅酸电池组快速充电技术与产品的国内外研究现状,论文的研究目的和主要研究内容。②详细介绍了铅酸电池的工作原理和自身特性,阐述了铅酸电池充电的基本规则马斯3定律和快速充电过程中以1C(C指的是待充蓄电池的额定容量)以上的电流对蓄电池进行充电,并在充电过程中保证其不产生大量气体和温升不过高的指标,最后分析了铅酸电池组快速充电过程中所要解决的极化和单体电池电压均衡的问题。③对铅酸电池组快速充电方法和均衡方法进行了详细介绍,提出了可变脉冲结合无损均衡的快速充电方法,并对铅酸电池组快速充电电路和均衡电路进行了设计,建立了仿真模型,借助软件PSPICE和PSIM对其进行了仿真研究。④对铅酸电池组快速充电系统中所采用的非接触供电技术也进行了研究,发现非接触供电技术能为装置设计带来诸多便利,为此引入非接触供电技术解决了充电装置的灵活性供电问题,并对整个快速充电装置进行了设计。⑤在理论研究的基础上,搭建了一个简易的铅酸电池组快速充电装置,进行了实验验证,并结合软件对实验结果进行了分析。实验表明,作者研制的铅酸电池组快速充电装置能满足铅酸电池组充电的快速性和均衡性要求(在快速充电过程中,电池组极化现象得到明显抑止,析气不严重,温升不过高,且对相同规格电池来说,充电时间得到显著缩短,为常规充电时间的1/8~1/10),为铅酸电池组快速充电技术的进一步研究奠定了一定的基础。⑥论文的最后一章对全文的主要研究内容进行了总结,介绍了论文的主要研究成果和论文存在的不足以及今后继续研究的方向。

【Abstract】 The fast charge technology of batteries for electronic vehicles is very important in the field of electronic vehicle, and also one of the core technique problems that need to be solved in the development electronic vehicles of at home now. At present, the storage cells used by the electronic vehicles of our country mostly are Lead-acid batteries, so this paper chooses the fast charge system of series Lead-acid batteries for electronic vehicles with the development perspective as the direction for studying, and studies some key and difficulty technique problems in the development of the system.This paper is based on the fast charge technology of batteries for electronic vehicles, and some parts of the key fund project of Science & Technology department of Chongqing< Study on the intelligent fast charge technique of power batteries for electronic vehicles >. The paper consists of six parts:①In the paper, research status and products of series Lead-acid Batteries’Fast Charge are briefly introduced, and also the aim of this paper, the content of this paper.②The principle and the characteristics of Lead-acid battery are introduced detailedly. Then the basic rule~J.A.Mass rule for the charge of Lead-acid battery and the fast charge index are introduced detailedly. At last, the polarization and balanced charge during the fast charge process are analyzed.③The Lead-acid Batteries’fast and balanced charge methods are introduced detailedly, then the changeable pulse with“no loss”current distributary balanced circuit’s fast charge method of Lead-acid batteries are put forward, after that the Lead-acid Batteries’fast and balanced charge circuits are designed, emulational research are done based on PSPICE and PSIM.④The contactless power supply technology used by Lead-acid Batteries’Fast Charge System is also researched and many excellences of it are found. So the contactless power supply technology is imported to solve supplying flexibly, after that the whole system is designed.⑤The simple system is made and the method is proved to satisfy the Lead-acid Batteries’fast and balanced charge (in the fast charge process, the polarization is restrained obviously, gas extracting and temperature rising are not serious. For the same spec batteries, the charge time shortens obviously, about 1/8~1/10 of the regular charge time). Then the conclusion comes out and is analyzed, which settles foundation for the future’s research of Lead-acid Batteries’fast charge.⑥Finally, the main research contents of total paper are summarized, main research conclusions are given, and the insufficiency of this paper and research emphases in the future are pointed out.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期

