

Research and Application of Automobile Key Components Design System Based on CBR

【作者】 童福安

【导师】 郭钢;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目前汽车的关键零部件绝大多数由跨国汽车零部件巨头提供,中国的企业要想进入国际汽车零部件采购体系,必须在关键汽车零部件领域要逐渐形成系统级开发能力,在一般汽车零部件领域要形成先进的产品开发和制造能力以满足国内外市场的需要。产品实例设计知识作为企业产品设计知识的一个重要组成部分,是企业宝贵的财富,对实例设计知识进行有效的重用可以促进企业充分利用现有的设计资源、提高产品设计的质量和效率。本文针对产品实例设计过程中所涉及的实例设计知识的表达、实例的检索、修改进行了深入研究。首先,本文对分析了产品的设计过程,同时结合基于实例推理技术对基于实例推理的产品设计方法做了探讨,然后结合框架表示法和面向对象的表示法对实例设计知识进行表示;其次对实例的检索策略和检索算法进行了比较深入的研究,同时结合最近相邻策略对实例相似度算法进行了研究。最后把基于实例的设计技术和UG二次开发技术相结合开发了基于实例的汽车关键零部件设计系统。事实证明论文提出的基于实例的产品设计理论符合当前中国汽车零部件企业的实际需求,为增强企业的产品研发能力和缩短新产品的开发时间进有较大的促进作用。

【Abstract】 Nowadays,the cross-border automobile components tycoon companies have dominated the market of key automobile components. If Chinese automobile components enterprises wanted to enter the international automobile components’ buying system,they would gradually form the systematic developing capacity in the key automobile components field and advanced developing and creating capacity of products in general automobile components field,in order to meet the needs from the internal and external markets.The case knowledge on product design,as an important part of product design knowledge of the enterprises,is the treasure of enterprises. The efficient reusing of the case knowledge can urge enterprises to make full use of the present designing resources and improve the quality and efficiency of product design. This paper has focused on the case representation,case retrieval and modification of the product case design,and it has done a deep research on it .First, this paper has researched on the case-based product design method, expressing the case knowledge with the combination of framework representation and object-oriented knowledge representation .Then, it’s done a deeper research on the case retrieval and algorithm as well as the similarity algorithm based on the nearest-neighbor method. Finally, it’s combined CBD method and technology of Secondary Development on UG to develop a CBD system on designing automobile key components. Facts have proved that CBD theory meets the piratical needs of the present Chinese automobile components enterprises, and it’s made a great contribution to increasing the developing capacity on products and shortening the developing time of new products of enterprises.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期

