

Study on the Micro-Near-Infrared Spectrometer System

【作者】 向贤毅

【导师】 温志渝;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 光学工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着近红外光谱分析技术的快速发展,特别是微型化近红外光谱仪显现的独特优势,使微型化近红外光谱仪成为近年来世界各国研究的又一个热点。本论文针对食品有效成份定量、无损、快速、现场在线检测的需求,在重庆市科技攻关项目的资助下,进行微型近红外光谱仪系统的研究,应用背景迫切,具有重要的科学意义和实际应用价值。论文在本中心前期研究紫外—可见微型光谱仪成果的基础上,根据攻关项目要求,进行了微型近红外光谱仪光学系统的理论分析与模拟,提出了基于平场全息凹面光栅为核心的微型近红外光谱仪方案;进行了微型近红外光谱仪系统的设计、加工、装调、标定和一体化集成等关键技术研究,成功地研制出接近实用要求的微型近红外光谱仪样机;通过了重庆市计量质量检测研究院的测试,波长范围为850-1700nm、分辨率小于10nm,性能接近国外同类产品水平;同时,完成了对食品有效成份定量分析应用实验。论文主要研究工作是:①在分析近红外光谱仪国内外研究现状的基础上,针对具体应用方向,结合本中心前期研究紫外—可见微型光谱仪成果,制定了微型近红外光谱仪研究的总体方案;②研究了光学系统结构微型化的相关理论与方法,提出了基于平场全息凹面光栅为核心的分光光学系统;采用光学设计软件CODE V设计出了用于近红外光谱仪的平场全息凹面光栅,实现了光学系统的微型化、高效率、小像差,并解决了宽光谱、窄谱面展宽的矛盾;③研究了系统一体化集成和装调等关键技术,完成了微型近红外光谱仪集成化结构设计和专用装调夹具的设计,解决了微型近红外光谱仪的系统装调、标定、检测等关键技术问题,讨论了光谱仪稳定性、可靠性、重复性等问题。④研制出了微型近红外光谱仪样机,并通过了重庆市计量质量检测研究院的第三方测试,结果表明:研制的样机波长范围为850-1700nm,分辨率小于10nm,性能接近国外同类产品水平。⑤研究了基于微型近红外光谱仪系统的定量分析技术,进行了葡萄糖水溶液和乙醇水溶液定量分析实验,建立了相应的定量分析模型,模型的相关系数高达0.98以上,并在此模型基础上成功进行了浓度预测。

【Abstract】 Near-infrared spectroscopy is the fastest growing and the most visible spectroscopy technology, especially, the micro-near-infrared spectrometer shows the unique advantages, so the micro-near-infrared spectrometer research has become another hot spot in the world in recent years. Based on the application of non-invasive, rapid, on-site detection to quantitative effective ingredients for food, and with the support of Chongqing scientific and technological project, the micro-near-infrared spectrometer system was studied, which is valuable in practical application and science research. This paper is as follows:①The large number of available literature at home and abroad is consulted. Based on application target, the overall plan of the project is constituted.②Near-infrared spectrometer miniaturization is studied. Combined the basic theory of spectrometer, the flat-field holographic concave grating for near-infrared spectrometer is designed by using CODE V. The contradiction between wide spectrum bound and limited spectrum extension is resolved, aberrations are reduced successfully, spectrum information are utilized fully.③Basis on the optical system, the micro-structural is designed. System alignment, demarcation, spectrometer examination are researched, and spectrometer stability, reliability, duplication and so on are studied.④A micro-near-infrared spectrometer prototype is developed successfully. Its operating wavelength is 850-1700nm, optical resolution is less 10nm, and main technical parameters have achieved the level of the congener foreign products.⑤The near-infrared spectral data analysis software is developed, quantitative analysis application are researched, the quantitative tests for glucose water solution and ethanol water solution are completed, and the corresponding high accuracy analysis model are established.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期

