

The Research on the Bidding-apprise Model System of College Books Purchase Bidding

【作者】 王敬

【导师】 王铮;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着改革开放的深入,市场经济的发展,使得图书的发行与供应格局发生了很大的变化。这就给高校图书工作者进一步优化图书采购工作带来了良好的机遇。这些变化给高校图书采购工作提供了新的契机,同时也对图书采购人员提出了新的挑战。图书招标采购是高校图书流通的第一环节,也是最重要的一个环节。采购的效率和采购成本直接影响到图书资料采购的质量。高校图书采购招标与一般工程招标有共性也有其自身的特点。高校图书招标委员会一般由专家成员,院系老师以及学生等成员组成,他们的评标权重以及评标目标不尽相同。在招标过程中还要考虑到诸如图书价格、专业类别、质量、服务等诸多因素。因此在图书招标的多个环节中,评标是关键环节,它关系到图书采购任务是否顺利完成。科学公正的评标方法对招投标双方都很重要。目前使用最为广泛的评标方法是定量综合评价法。定量综合评价法可以看作是一个多目标决策问题,而群决策层次分析法以多目标决策问题的成熟理论和方法为基础,它能对评标问题提出科学、系统的解决方案。本文从以下方面对原有群决策层次分析评标模型进行改进。针对现有运用群决策层次分析法建立评标模型的方法中,主要采用简单的算术平均法、几何平均法等集结各专家所给出的判断矩阵,忽视了各矩阵的可信度及一致性的问题,本文研究了调整各判断矩阵一致性及根据各判断矩阵可信度集结判断矩阵的方法,并将此方法应用到改进的群决策层次分析评标模型中,提高了评标决策结果的可信度。因此本文在研究群决策层次分析法的基础上,提出了改进的群决策层次分析评标模型,将群决策层次分析法(GAHP)具体运用到高校图书采购评标过程中,系统地建立了适应于高校图书招标的基于改进的群决策层次分析评标模型,并对基于此评标模型的评标系统进行研究,详细介绍以此模型为基础的高校图书评标系统的总体结构、主要功能模块、开发平台及开发工具。经实例验证,改进的群决策层次分析评标模型能够在高校图书招标过程中提高图书采购评标的成功率,并通过计算机系统实现对评标过程的控制及数据的自动处理,增加评标过程的客观性、公正性,提高工作效率,减少人为因素的影响。

【Abstract】 As the competition becomes more intense, the traditional industries through e-commerce have begun joint independent vendors large-scale joint procurement tenders, in order to get price discounts. These changes to the procurement of University Library provides a new opportunity, but also on the books of procurement staff has brought new challenges. College Library tender procurement is the first link in circulation, but also one of the most important links. The efficiency of procurement and procurement costs directly affect the quality of library materials procurement. University Library procurement bidding and tendering a common general works also have their own characteristics. University Library Tender Board members generally by experts, teachers and students, and other faculty members, and their re-evaluation and the evaluation of different objectives. In the tender process and to take into account such as the price of books, professional category, quality, service, and many other factors. Therefore, in many areas the tender books, the evaluation is the key link, it has a bearing on the procurement of books is the successful completion of tasks. Scientific and fair evaluation of the bidding method is very important to both sides.In this paper, existing bidding-apprise methods were analyzed, their principles and characteristics when applied were pointed out, respectively, and an advanced bidding-apprise model were presented, which is based on the GAHP method and the fuzzy comprehensive appraisal method. Improve the level of group decision-making - fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of the existing evaluation model perfect model and the model used to tender University Library, University Library to make it more suitable for the tender.In this paper, the primary bidding-apprise model of GAHP-fuzzy comprehensive appraisal was developed in these aspects.Aimed at the problem of existing bidding-apprise models that based on GAHP method which often use simple arithmetic average method or geometry average method to aggregate experts’ judgment matrix, and which neglect the reliability and consistency of every judgment matrix, this paper investigated on the method of how to adjust the reliability and consistency of the judgment matrix, and applied this method to the advanced bidding-apprised model, which improved the reliability of decision-making. After research on the advanced bidding-apprise model, this paper designed on the framework and some detailed function of the bidding-apprise system based on the model, which establish a basis for the realization of the system. the authors of this paper has set up an improved GAHP-based appraisal bid model and presented the general structure, primary function modules, workstations and exploitation tools of the GAHP-based online appraisal bid system.Further more, through this GAHP-based appraisal bid system on some projects, the authors concluded that the method introduced in this paper is more scientific , rapid and accurate in the bidding evaluation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】241

