

Study on Energy Recycling Water Source Heat Pump System

【作者】 宋景娜

【导师】 卢军;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目前我国能源形式非常紧张,建筑能耗在能耗中占有相当大的比重,据统计2000年的建筑能耗占总能耗比例为27.7%。随着人民生活水平的提高,对居住环境的舒适性提出了更高的要求,导致了建筑能耗的加剧。建筑节能首当其冲,而地表水源热泵技术以其节能环保性和可持续发展的特点在建筑供暖空调领域得到了逐渐的重视和应用,本文正是针对应用于重庆地区的地表水源热泵系统进行研究。本文首先回顾了国内外地表水源热泵的研究应用现状、使用特点,并介绍了水轮泵的国内外发展现状。从水量、水质、水温等方面分析了重庆地区水资源条件,研究表明水源热泵技术在重庆地区是可行的;但重庆地区应用水源热泵技术的特殊性——机房与江面水位之间的大高差,会制约地表水源热泵技术在重庆地区的应用。本文分析了重庆某水源热泵工程的取水系统形式,闭式管路会使得冷却水系统中存在很大的负压,以致取水系统无法正常运行;而开式管路会增大取水系统水泵扬程;取水能耗的增加成为制约江水源热泵技术在重庆地区发展的瓶颈。若能回收大高差形成的重力势能将使水源热泵技术在重庆有更广泛的应用。本文提出了解决重庆地区应用地表水源热泵的局限性的方法,采用能量回收型水源热泵系统,即利用水轮泵回收冷却水排水系统的重力势能。本文介绍了能量回收型水源热泵系统的系统形式、水轮泵的应用特性、变频泵与水轮泵的匹配问题以及相关辅助设施的设计等,解决了回收冷却水排水重力势能的核心问题。针对某地表水源热泵工程,确定了变频泵的变频控制方式和整个系统的开启台数控制,并以变频泵能耗最小为目标函数,建立了优化模型,利用Matlab软件编程求解。本文最后对能量回收型水源热泵系统进行了经济性分析。利用Dest能耗模拟软件模拟建筑的能耗,并在此基础上分析了常规空调系统和能量回收型水源热泵系统的能耗,结果表明能量回收型水源热泵系统相对于常规空调系统的节能率为20.8%,每年可节约标准煤291.1吨。提出了冷水机组综合能效比的概念,即制冷(热)量除以热泵机组和冷却水泵的总功率,并对该系统与常规空调系统的综合能效比进行比较,结果表明该系统的能效比明显高于常规空调系统。

【Abstract】 At present our country energy form extremely is intense, the construction energy consumption holds the quite great proportion in the energy consumption, According to the statistics 2000 construction energy consumption accounted for the total energy consumption proportion is 27.7%.Along with lives of the people level enhancement,set a higher request to the environment comfortableness,has caused the construction energy consumption aggravating.The construction energy conservation bears the brunt,while the surface water source heat pump technology obtained the gradual value and the application by its energy conservation environment-protective and the sustainable development characteristic in the construction heating air conditioning domain.This article first reviewed the domestic and foreign surface water source heat pump research application present situation, the handling characteristics, and briefed the turbine pump domestic and foreign development present situation.From aspects and so on water volume, water quality, water temperature analyzed the Chongqing area water resources condition, the research had indicated the water source heat pump technology in the Chongqing area was feasible;But, Chongqing area applies the big discrepancy in elevation between water source heat pump technology particularity machine room and river water level,will be able to restrict the earth’s surface source of water fever pump technology application in Chongqing area. This paper analyzes the water source heat pump project system form in Chongqing, the closed pipeline can enable in the cooling aqueous system to have the very big negative pressure,so that takes the aqueous system to be unable the normal operation;while the open channel road can increase takes the aqueous system lift of pump;Increasing by taking water energy consumption becomes restraint river source of water fever pump technology bottleneck developing in Chongqing area.If will be able to recycle the gravitational potential energy which the great elevation difference will form enable the water source heat pump technology in Chongqing to have a more widespread application.This article proposed solving the Chongqing area of surface water-source heat pump application of the limitations of the method, energy recycling water source heat pump system, namely use turbine pump recycling cooling water drainage system gravitational potential energy.In this paper,introduced the system form of energy recovery systems for water-source heat pump system, the characteristics of the pump-Water Turbine, and the matching problem, as well as water tanks,and the design of pumping station structures,solving the core issues in recycling cooling system energy. Analysis of the variable flow of cooling water, pump frequency control methods, such as the frequency range, and fitting pump performance curves by Matlab, making the optimization model of variable frequency pump and water turbine pump.This article finally has carried on the efficient analysis to the energy recycling water source heat pump system. Using Dest energy consumption simulation software simulation construction energy consumption,and has analyzed the convention air-conditioning system and the energy recycling water source heat pump system energy consumption in this foundation.The result indicated the energy recycling water source heat pump system is opposite in the convention air-conditioning system fractional energy savings is 20.8%, may save the standard coal 291.1 tons every year.Putting forward the idea of comprehensive energy efficiency ratio for the system,that is the cooling(heating) load of the airconditioning system divided by the total power, by comparing with conventional air conditioning system, the results showed that comprehensive energy efficiency ratio of energy recovery systems is higher ,the system is more energy saving.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期

