

Development of EPS Insulation Mortar and Project Application

【作者】 张桂红

【导师】 彭家惠;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 材料科学与工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 实施建筑节能必须大幅度提高外围护结构,尤其是外墙的热工性能。保温砂浆以其热工性能好、施工方便,可以通过改变保温砂浆容重和厚度调节墙体热阻、工程造价低的特点,是建筑节能拟采取的主要节能措施之一。近年来,我国聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料EPS发展迅速,每年有上千万立方的废弃EPS因不能进行处理与降解而成为危害环境的白色污染。将废弃EPS破碎成粒度小于5mm的颗粒作为轻集料来配制施工性、热工性、耐候性优良的保温砂浆,变废为宝,是废弃EPS建材资源化的有效途径。本文以提高EPS保温砂浆的施工和易性,热工性能、耐候性为研究重点,配制性价比优异的再生EPS保温砂浆。选用级配优良的再生聚苯颗粒作为轻骨料,充分利用其颗粒热阻大、耐碱蚀、化学稳定性好、韧性较大、表面不规则的特点,提高保温砂浆的热工、耐水、施工和易性等性能,通过实验分析确定了EPS粒径级配形式;通过掺加可再分散乳胶粉粘结剂对再生聚苯颗粒表面进行改性处理,使其表面由憎水性变为亲水性,成功地解决了无机胶凝材对聚苯颗粒不润湿、混合料和易性差、粘结强度低的技术难题;采用纤维素醚保水剂的保水增稠作用,配合乳胶粉粘结剂来改善产品的保水性和内聚性,提高了保温砂浆的施工和易性能;利用聚丙烯纤维增韧措施,提高保温砂浆韧性与抗裂性能,有效降低了砂浆的线性收缩率;通过有机硅防水剂的改性作用,有效提高了保温砂浆的耐水粘结强度、降低了体积吸水率,增强了保温砂浆的耐水、抗渗性能。通过实验研究各组分对EPS保温砂浆性能的影响,确定各主要组分的种类和最佳掺量如下:42.5R普通硅酸盐水泥162kg/m3;粒径为0~5mm的再生EPS颗粒1200L/m3;大连化学DA-1410可再分散乳胶粉5.0~6.0kg/m3;山东瑞泰纤维素醚1.5~1.7kg/m3;6mm聚丙烯纤维0.9~1.1kg/m3;有机硅防水剂0.6kg/m3。本文根据目前外墙外饰面情况的不同,结合聚苯颗粒外保温砂浆产品自身的优良性能,确定了两种不同的EPS保温砂浆外保温构造体系:涂料饰面构造体系和面砖饰面构造体系,并建立了各自的施工工艺,有效保证了施工的规范性和系统的使用性能。工程应用表明:本EPS保温砂浆外保温系统具有施工和易性好、热工性能高、耐候性优良、施工方便、工程造价低的特点,产品性价比优势明显,是极具市场竞争力的保温材料,可广泛应用于外墙外保温工程中。

【Abstract】 The implementation of building energy-saving must be a substantial increase on the thermal insulation properties of outer building envelope, especially the external walls. Insulation mortar is to be taken one of the major energy-saving measures because of its thermal insulation properties, convenient construction, low cost and can adjust the thermal resistance of wall with changing the density and thickness of insulation mortar. In recent years, expanded polystyrene(EPS)develops rapidly in China, about 10 million cubic meters of waste EPS need to be dealt with each year, because they can not be treated and degraded and then become the white pollution to the environment. The insulation mortar with excellent construction, thermal and weatherability is prepared by the waste EPS which be broken into particles with the granularity of less than 5 mm as the lightweight aggregate, recycling waste, and becomes the effective way for waste EPS as resources of building materials.This paper focuses on increasing the workability of construction, thermal properties and weatherability of EPS insulation mortar, preparation of renewable EPS insulation mortar with excellent cost-effective. Selecting renewable polystyrene particles with excellent grading as a lightweight aggregate, making full use of its large thermal resistance, alkali-resistant corrosion, chemical stability, larger toughness, and irregular surface characteristics of its particles, improving the thermal, water-resistant, workability of construction, and other properties of insulation mortar, the granularity and grading of EPS are confirmed through test analysis; Modificating the surface of renewable polystyrene through the mixing of redispersiable latex powder binder particles from hydrophobic to hydrophilic, having successfully resolved the technical problems such as the inorganic gelling materials and polystyrene particles being not wet with each other, poor workability of mixture, and low bond strength; Improving workability of the insulation mortar by using water-retentive and thickening action of the cellulose ethers and using latex powder binder to improve the water-retentive and cohesion of the products; Using polypropylene fiber toughened measures to improve the toughness and crack resistance of insulation mortar, effectively reducing the linear shrinkage of mortar; Using the modified role of organosilicon waterproofing agent to effectively improve the water-resistant mortar bond strength of the insulation mortar and reduce the water absorption in volume and enhance the water-resistant and impermeability of the mortar.The influence of various components on the properties of EPS insulation mortar is studied by experiments, the type and the best dosage of the major components are identified as follows: ordinary portland cement of 42.5 R with dosage of 162kg/m3; 0~5mm renewable EPS particles with dosage of 1200L/m3; redispersiable latex powder binder particles of Dalian Chemical DA-1410 with dosage of 5.0~ 6.0kg/m3; Cellulose ether of Shandong Ruitai with dosage of 1.5~ 1.7kg/m3; polypropylene fiber 6mm length with dosage of 0.9~ 1.1kg/m3; organosilicon waterproofing agent with dosage of 0.6kg/m3.Based on the current situation in the external walls of the different finishes, combining with the excellent performance of their products of polystyrene insulation mortar, two different external thermal insulation structure system that using EPS are identified: paint finishes structure system and tile finishes structure system, and establish their own construction technology, effectively guaranteed the specification of the construction and the application of the system.Application of engineering indicates that: the EPS insulation mortar thermal insulation system has good workability, high thermal properties, good weatherability and convenient construction, and low cost for engineering, and its products having obvious advantages on cost-effective, being the highly competitive insulation materials, can be widely used in the exterior insulation works.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期
  • 【分类号】TU578.1;TU551
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】446
  • 攻读期成果

