

Study on Loss Reduction of Yanchi Distribution System and Reaction Power Compensation

【作者】 王伟

【导师】 卢继平; 吴彦雄;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 电气工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 能源是发展国民经济的关键,合理充分地利用和节约能源不仅可以大大降低国民生产总成本,同时对国民经济发展也具有深远的意义。电能作为当前最优秀的二次能源之一,是社会与经济发展的基础。实际配电系统中的线损是衡量考核供电企业生产技术和经营管理水平的一项综合技术指标,也是实行经济运行,提高经济效益的重要手段和有效途径。我国的线损率与世界发达国家相比还比较高,节电潜力很大。随着电力企业经营理念的更新,不断掌握现代化管理手段,摒弃粗放管理,更好地应用定量的、可操作的、可考核的科学管理方法,把不合理电能损耗减小到最少,使线损率达到先进水平,这是电力企业现代化管理的核心内容之一,也是电力企业生存和发展的必要条件。本课题的提出,正是应对盐池县供电局配电网实际情况,研究解决配电网10kV线路线损偏高问题以及线路电压不合格的问题。论文首先介绍了线损理论计算的原理,根据盐池地区10kV配网的实际情况建立分析计算模型,进而对盐池地区10kV配网进行了全面的线损理论计算,在分析计算结果的基础上针对盐池电网的网损和电压越限情况,提出采用无功补偿作为系统的降损方案,根据拟定的降损方案对电网重新进行了线损理论计算。线损计算的结果表明盐池配网存在线损偏高,电压不合格点众多,功率因素偏低的特点。在采取无功补偿的降损方案后将两次线损理论计算结果的比较,两条线的线损大大降低,功率因数有很大提高,节点电压均在合格范围。验证了降损方案的可行性和经济性,对节能降耗的推广具有重大意义。论文提出的方法具有针对性强的特点,为盐池地区电网进行降损改造和电网规划提供了很好的参考依据。

【Abstract】 Energy source plays an important role in the development of national economy, so exploiting energy source fully and reasonably and saving it can not only reduce the cost of national production remarkably but also benefit to the development of national economy. Electric power, as the best one in secondary energy, is the foundation of economy. For electric utilities, the line loss is an important technical index for assessing their technique and management levels; moreover, in practical operation reducing line loss is also an effective measure and approach for improving the economic benefits.Compare with the developed countries of the world, the line-loss rate of the power network of China is still high, so the potential of power save is also great. By the management conceptions of the power company have been upgraded, the line-loss rate of the power network of China will be advanced in the world with adopting modern management method, giving up extensive management, making better use of quantitative, operable and examinable scientific management methods, reducing the irrational line-loss to the least as it can be. This is not only the main aspect of the modern management of the power company, but also the necessary condition for the development of the power company.The topic is proposed to study and solve the high line losses and line voltage failure problem of Yanchi 10kV distribution network at the actual situation of Yanchi distribution network. This thesis introduces the theories about theoretical calculation of the line losses first, discusses calculation of the line losses for Yanchi power network by setting up models with the actual conditions of the power network of Yanchi. According to the analysis of the results based on the line losses and the limit voltage, a scheme of reducing losses by using reactive power compensation for Yanchi power network is presented. On the basis of the scheme of reducing losses, the line losses calculation is repeated.According to the comparison of the two results, the loss of the two lines is greatly reduced, the power factor is greatly improved, and the nodes voltage is qualified. The feasibility and economy of the scheme is validated. It has a great significance on the promotion of energy saving. The scheme in this thesis have an advantages of pertinence, can provide good reference for reducing line losses and the planning of power network.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期
  • 【分类号】TM714
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】211

