

Study on Mutation Effect and Inheritance Model of Agronomic Traits of Waxy Maize Mutagenized by Space Radiation

【作者】 邱正高

【导师】 王贵学;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 配合力是评价玉米育种材料的重要指标,主要农艺性状的遗传表达特点可为农艺性状的选择提供理论依据。本文以糯玉米自交系S147(CK)及其航空处理诱变系M562、M563、M564、M566、M567、M568、M569为母本,以糯玉米自交系S181(CK)及其航空处理诱变M571、M573、M574、M575、M576作父本,按照NCⅡ不完全双列杂交试验设计,分析航空处理对糯玉米自交系S147、S181农艺性状配合力的诱变效应;采用LSD法,比较诱变系农艺性状的GCA与未处理(对照)GCA的差异显著性。以组合M578(P2)×S147(P1)的P1、P2、F1、B1、B2、F2六世代群体为材料,用植物数量性状主基因+多基因世六代联合分析方法,分析株高、穗位高、雄穗主轴长度、雄穗分枝个数、穗粗五个性状的遗传模型、主基因和多基因遗传效应,估计了相关遗传参数。研究的主要结果如下:①空间诱变可使纯合玉米自交系农艺性状和配合力产生变化,两个糯玉米自交系对航空诱变处理反应有很大的差异。②在父本组中,株高、穗位高、穗长三个性状的GCA方差分析差异显著。采用LSD法多重比较,各个选系的株高的GCA效应与对照S181差异不显著;选系M573、M574的穗位高的GCA与对照差异极显著;有4个诱变系的穗长性状GCA效应与S181差异极显著,其中M571、M573、M574三个诱变系的GCA为正效应,用其作亲本可得到长穗型组合。在母本组中,出苗-抽雄、出苗-吐丝、出苗-成熟、抽雄-吐丝、株高、穗位高、穗长、秃尖、穗行数、行粒数、单穗粒重、百粒重、出籽率13个主要性状的GCA方差分析差异达显著或极显著水平。采用LSD法多重比较,诱变系M562、M563、M564、M566、M567、M568、M569诱变系分别有9个、8个、6个、6个、7个、10个、11个性状的GCA与对照S147的GCA差异显著或极显著。在7个诱变系中,M564、M569的单穗粒重的GCA为正效应,用其作亲本,可获得高产组合。父母本双亲间的SCA,有出苗-成熟、单穗重、单穗粒重三个性状差异达显著水平;出苗-抽雄、出苗-吐丝差异达极显著水平,其余9个性状双亲间SCA差异不显著。③在组合M578×S147中,株高的最优遗传模型为E-1模型,即株高的遗传符合两对加性-显性-上位性主基因+加性-显性多基因混合遗传模型。雄穗主轴长度最优遗传模型为D-2,即符合一对加性主基因+加性-显性多基因遗传模型。穗位高、雄穗分枝个数、穗粗的遗传均符合C-0模型,即符合加性-显性-上位性多基因遗传模型。④株高的主基因遗传率在B1、B2、F2群体中分别为12.07%、39.88%、48.38%,多基因遗传率在B1、B2、F2群体中分别为50.64%、0.00%、15.25%。雄穗主轴长度主基因遗传率在B1、B2、F2群体中分别为0.20%、1.80%、21.40%,多基因遗传率在B1、B2、F2群体中分为43.20%、21.20%、0.00%。穗位高的多基因遗传率在B1、B2、F2群体中分别为31.97%、34.69%、19.80%。雄穗分枝个数的多基因遗传率在B1、B2、F2群体中分别为25.02%、3.08%、3.63%。穗粗的多基因遗传率在B1、B2、F2群体中分别为35.48%、44.47%、42.19%。⑤最后,对航空诱变基础材料的选择、组合农艺性状遗传模型双亲的选择、农艺性状的遗传模型、基因遗传率、分析方法,诱变系的利用进行了探讨。

【Abstract】 Combining ability, which is an important index for maize breeding material, as well as characteristic of genetic expression in main agronomic characters, can provide theoretical foundation for selecting the agronomic characters. In this thesis, Fourteen waxy maize inbred lines, which included eight females(S147 together with its mutation lines M562、M563、M564、M566、M567、M568、M569 )and six males(S181 together with its mutation lines M571、M573、M574、M575、M576), were crossed in a North Carolina designⅡ(NCⅡ). Effects of GCA (general combining ability) and SCA (special combining ability) were analyzed and mutation effect on agronomic characters of waxy maize inbred lines S147 and S181 were discussed. And then, the method of least significant difference (LSD) was used to compare difference of combining ability between mutated inbred lines and its CK. What’s more, The six generations (P1, P2, F1, B1, B2 and F2) from cross M578(P2)×S147(P1) were also used in this study. The genetic models of plant height, ear height, tassel length, tassel branch number, and ear diameter were established using series of mixed inheritance models of quantitative traits of major genes plus polygene. Finally, the major genetic effect, polygene effect and inheritance parameters were studied on the basis of such models. And the results indicated that:①Space radiation can led to changes on main agronomic characters and combining ability of offspring lines. Responses to space mutation between waxy maize inbred lines S181and S147 were very significant difference.②Analysis showed that the GCA variance of plant height, ear height and ear length in male parents were notable. By means of LSD analysis, the differences of GCA effects of plant height between S181 and its five mutation lines was not reach significant level. The differences of GCA effects of ear height of M573and M574 were reach significant level. As for ear length , four mutation lines had notable difference compared to S181, there into, M571、M573、M574 had positive GCA effect. So long ear hybrids could probably be screened from crosses combined by those.Similarly, Analysis showed that the GCA variance of emergence-teaseling, emergence-silking, emergence-maturity, teaseling- silking, plant height, ear height , ear length , bald top length of ear, ear row, number of kernel per row, grain weight per ear, 100-grain weight, ratio of kernel dry weight per ear in female parents were prominence. By using LSD method, nine characters were discovered notable difference between S147 and its mutated line M562, As for M563, M564, M566, M567, M568 and M569; eight, six, six, seven, ten, eleven characters were detected respectively. Furthermore, the positive GCA effects for grain weight per ear in maize mutation lines M564 and M569 indicated that high yield hybrids can be obtained by using them as parents.Results also revealed significant or highly significant differences in SCA variance for emergence-teaseling, emergence-silking, emergence-maturity, weight per ear, and grain weight per ear among male and female parents.③The optimum genetic model of plant height was E-1,the inheritance were controlled by two pairs additive-dominance-epitasis major gene plus additive-dominance polygene. The optimum genetic model of tassel length was D-2,the inheritance was controlled by one pair additive major gene plus additive-dominance polygene. The optimum genetic models of ear height, tassel branch number and ear diameter were C-0, the inheritance were controlled by additive-dominance-epitasis polygene.④The major genetic heritability of plant height in B1, B2 and F2 were12.07%,39.88% and48.38% respectively,and the polygenetic heritability in B1,B2 and F2 were 50.64%,0.00%and 15.24% respectively. The major genetic heritability of tassel length in B1, B2 and F2 were0.20%,1.80% and21.40% respectively,and the polygenetic heritability in B1,B2 and F2 were 43.20%,21.20%and 0.00% respectively; The polygenetic heritability of ear height in B1, B2 and F2 were 31.97 %, 34.69% and19.80% respectively. The polygenetic heritability of tassel branch number in B1, B2 and F2 were 25.02%, 3.08% and3.63% respectively. The polygenetic heritability of ear diameter in B1, B2 and F2 were 35.48%, 44.47% and42.19% respectively.⑤At last, some problems which included maize materials for space radiation, parents used for genetic models analysis, heritability of agronomic characters, analysis means of major gene plus polygene inheritance model were discussed, and utilization mutation lines were also mentioned.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期

