

The Performance Characteristics Detection and Analysis of Brushles Synchronous Motor

【作者】 付东旭

【导师】 刘惠康;

【作者基本信息】 武汉科技大学 , 模式识别与智能系统, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 同步电机由于具有功率因数高、运行效率高的优点,在工业领域得到广泛的应用。尤其是近年来水利、冶金、化工等行业的迅速发展,使得同步电机的市场需求很大。励磁系统是同步电机正常工作的核心部件。基于国内同步电机的励磁发展现状,本文介绍一种无刷同步机智能全数字励磁系统的设计,介绍了同步电机的基本概念,分析了同步电机的励磁原理。介绍了同步电机的亚同步顺极性投励、灭磁原理和灭磁方法、频率检测、三种励磁模式等内容;重点分析了同步机旋转整流子的各种故障的详细情况以及当出现相应的故障时直流侧出现的谐波分量,为了达到能在定子交流侧方便的检测旋转整流子的故障,本文还分析了整流子侧通交流脉动电时与定子侧感应出的电动势之间的关系,用具体的实例分析了这一过程。本文分七章,前四章介绍了同步机的相关问题,在第四章中还具体分析了旋转整流子的故障情况,第五章分析了同步发电机的相关情况,并且加以实例说明。后三章中介绍了该系统的软硬件实现情况。

【Abstract】 With high power factor and efficiency, the synchronous motor is widely used in industrial areas. Particularly, in the area of the water conservancy, the metallurgy, and the chemical industry, the number of using synchronous motors is rising rapidly in future; the market demand of synchronous motor is great.The excitation system of synchronous motor is the core components for its normal work. Based on the situation of excitation of synchronous motor in our country, this paper gives me a design for a brushless synchronous digital excitation system-wide intelligent. This article introduces the basic concepts of synchronous motor, principle of excitation for synchronous motor. It focuses on the exciting in towards polarity of synchronous motor, the principles of deexcitation, testing of frequency and three excitation modes. Especially analysis many kinds of detailed failures of the synchronous electromotor about the rotating rectifier, and the corresponding harmonic waves will come forth in the direct current of the rotating rectifier with the corresponding failure’s appearance. in order to measure the failures quickly and expediently on the stator’s cables side of the motor, this paper shows me that the relationship between the rotating rectifier with AC pulse voltage and the pulse voltage on the stator side which is induced by the magnetic field. After that we use an example to explain this process.This paper includes seven chapters, in the front four chapters, it say something about the synchronous electromotor, in the fourth chapter, it give me the corresponding harmonic waves of the detailed failures of the synchronous electromotor, the fifth analysis something about electromotor. The last three chapters show me the achievement of the hardware and the software.


