

【作者】 况华

【导师】 周晓唯;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 政治经济学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪30年代,美国已经开始个人信用制度建设,迄今已经发展成为世界上个人信用制度最完善的国家。与发达国家相比我国个人信用制度研究起步较晚,至今我国尚无完善的个人信用制度体系。我国现有的个人信用制度存在严重的问题,制度下各权利主体福利低下,制度供给已经不能满足需求,制度变迁的预期收益大于预期成本,制度变迁势在必行。通过对发达国家个人信用制度体系的借鉴,分析我国个人信用制度现有安排下的制度需求及制度供给所要达到的目标,明确我国构建个人信用制度就是要实现福利最大化,即利用产权界定等手段促使各权利主体进行交易,以实现资源的重新配置,使各制度主体能够在一系列制度条件约束下进行福利最大化的有效决策。本文分为五部分,第一部分为引言,分析我国个人信用制度的缺失现状,提出问题;介绍国内外的研究动态,指出本文的研究视角和研究方法。第二部分提供整篇文章的分析框架,包括对“信用”的经济学含义的界定、对个人信用制度的概述、对各制度主体及其相关利益的分析,以及对个人信用制度的经济学理论支持的讲述。第三部分是对国内外个人信用制度发展状况的介绍。包括对发达国家经验的研究,以作为我国建设个人信用制度的借鉴,以及对我国近年来发展状况的说明。第四部分重点介绍了我国个人信用制度的需求问题。我国个人信用制度建设虽然取得了一定的进展,但在效率与福利方面还是存在严重的问题,需要新的制度供给。第五部分在上述分析的基础上提出了完善我国个人信用制度的对策建议。首先,给出我国制度供给所要达到的目标,即一般均衡目标,使制度下各权利主体能够在市场配置资源的基础上,面临一系列制度约束条件做出福利最大化的选择,实现各制度主体的经济利益和谐。然后,针对问题,从效率与福利两个方面入手给出解决问题的对策。最后,给出结论,并提出要加强配套制度建设,为个人信用制度运行提供一个良好的社会环境。我国目前对个人信用制度的研究更多的是对制度缺失现象的描述,从而引发对制度完善的呼吁,或是对国外制度的纯粹性介绍,而没有从效率与福利两个角度入手更全面、具体的分析个人信用制度构建的实质性问题,以致造成制度出台缺乏可操作性,工作进展十分缓慢。本文从经济学角度出发,通过分析制度主体的效益成本,在一般均衡的制度构建目标指导下,研究我国个人信用制度建设的具体问题。

【Abstract】 In the 1930s, the United States has begun building a personal credit system. Now, it has developed into the most perfect personal credit system of the world. Compared with the developed countries, Chinese personal credit system has a late start. China has not yet established a comprehensive personal credit system, and Chinese current personal credit system is plagued with serious efficiency problems. By analyzing the target of Chinese personal credit system and efficiency loss of our current institutional under the existing arrangements, we are now clearly that the efficiency option of Chinese personal credit system is to maximize the welfare, so, people can maximize their benefits in the face of a series of restrictive conditions.This paper is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction, which stays the deletion status of the personal credit system, then asks questions; introduces a dynamic research at home and abroad, points out the perspective and research methods of the study. Part II provides the analytical framework entire article, including the economics meanings of the credit and the personal credit system, an overview analysis of the system and its main stakeholders, as well as the support of the economic theory. The third part is about the development of personal credit system in domestic and international. It includes the experience of the developed countries, as well as our personal credit system’s development status in recent years. Part IV focuses on China’s personal credit system needs. Although, our personal credit system’s construction has been made some progress, in terms of efficiency and welfare serious problem which needs to supply the new system. Part V gives the countermeasures of perfecting China’s personal credit system. First of all, gives supply objective of the new system, to make the Right Main would maximize their benefits in facing a series of constraints on the basis of market allocation resources. And then gives the suggestion from the aspects of efficiency and welfare. Finally, we should strengthen the supporting systems construction and provide a good social environment for the personal credit system.

【关键词】 个人信用制度效率福利
【Key words】 Personal credit systemefficiencywelfare

