

【作者】 高润

【导师】 王勇慧;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 心理弹性是在心理学上有关应对压力的相关研究下发展而来的。20世纪前五十年,儿童身处压力和逆境的经历与心理疾病的关系问题受到广泛关注,这一时期,各种不利于儿童身心发展经历的研究都认为逆境对儿童发展的不利影响是绝对的和普遍无差异的。六七十年代以后,对儿童高危经历的所有研究却发现,这些经历在儿童身上的反应存在很大差异,部分儿童似乎不受危险经历的影响,他们与其他非危险儿童一样获得了良好的发展。进一步的研究表明,儿童对压力的抗拒能力是相对而非绝对的,抗拒压力的能力来自个体特征和环境以及两者之间的交互作用,人们开始从传统关注个体转向关注家庭、社区等相关生态系统,逐渐注重从多水平、动态、交互作用层面进行研究设计和系统分析,儿童与环境的关系及其相互作用成为研究的焦点。长期生活在贫困中的儿童往往处于由贫困而产生的一系列诸如营养不良、受教育机会缺乏、疾病以及多种生活事件等危险因素的影响下,这对他们的身体和心理健康的发展都构成了威胁。然而由于包括个人特质和外部环境的心理弹性保护因素的存在,许多贫困儿童并没有因此而产生严重的心理问题,并获得了良好的发展。本研究的目的就在于探讨生活事件等危险因素和心理弹性保护因素是如何相互作用而对贫困儿童的心理健康产生影响的。本研究以春蕾女童作为贫困女童的代表,通过对陕西西安附近地区四到六年级春蕾女童和其他小学生在青少年生活事件量表、症状自评量表和自行选编并修订的心理弹性量表上的测量得分比较,来检验以下假设:假设1:家庭经济贫困、父母感情不合、社区经济贫困等因素以及生活事件对贫困儿童的心理健康会产生不利的影响。假设2:由外部保护因素和自我特质组成的心理弹性是贫困儿童的心理健康起到保护的作用。假设3:贫困儿童比非贫困儿童受到更多危险因子的影响。假设4:心理弹性通过缓和生活事件对心理健康的负面影响来提高贫困儿童的心理健康水平。通过相关分析,多元线性回归,以及结构方程分析,本研究得出以下结果:1.贫困女童的同伴关系优于非贫困儿童,生活压力事件少于非贫困儿童,心理健康水平高于非贫困儿童。2.生活事件对儿童的心理健康具有负性的消极作用,心理弹性保护因素可以提高儿童的心理健康水平。3.心理弹性通过减少生活压力事件的影响力来提高心理健康水平。根据研究结果,我们提出以下建议:首先,同伴关系、自我和家庭因素是贫困儿童心理健康的保护因素。因此致力于提高贫困儿童心理健康的干预措施可从这三个方面着手。其次,本研究中教师因子并没有进入预测模型,即没有发挥出对儿童心理健康的保护作用,这从另一方面表明这些地区师资力量可能仍需加强。第三,由于这些地区儿童普遍处于贫困状态,因此只进行单个贫困儿童的救助的作用是比较有限的,必须综合考虑,采取整体措施来提高贫困儿童的家庭及地区的经济水平。

【Abstract】 The concept of resilience is developed based on researches of coping stresses. Befor the 1950s, the relationship of exposing to stresses and adversity to mental illness in children has been noticed by many researchers. And all studies about disadvantaged children considered that adversity has an absolutly and generally negative impact on childern’s development. But after 1960s it was found that some children who exposed in high risk situations were seemed to have no affected by those hameful experiences and got the same outcomes as those normal children. The further study suggested that the competence of children’s coping stresses is relative rather than absolute, and it comes from the characteristic of individual, environment and interaction of the both side. Consequently, people began to turn their attention from individual to an ecosystem such as family or community, gradually making their research design or system analysis on the lay of multilevel, dynamic and interaction. The relationship of children and environment, as well as their interaction became the focus of study.Children live in long term poverty are often exposed in innutrition, lacking of educational opportunities, illness and various life events which produced of poverty, and they construct the threaten to both physical and psychological development of children. Nevertheless, being the existence, of resilient protective factors including individual traits and external environment, many children living poverty don’t produce severe mental problems and develop well. The purpose of the present study is to explore how the risk factors such as life events and the resilient protect factors interact and exert influence on mental health in children living in poverty.The present study takes Spring Bud girls as girls living in poverty, examining the following hypothesis by comparing Spring Bud girls and common students near by Shaanxi province Xian city, on the scores of Resilience Scale, Adolescent Self-Rating Life Events Check List (ASLEC) and Symptom checklist 90 (SCL-90):Hypothesis 1: Family poverty, parents’ relational problems, community poverty and life events have the negative impact on mental wellbeing of children living in poverty.Hypothesis 2: Resilience which consists of external protective factors and individual traits can protect mental health of children living in poverty.Hypothesis 3: Children who live in poverty expose to more risk factors than those who don’t live in poverty. Hypothesis 4: Resilience can enhance the mental health of children living in poverty by buffering the negative effect of life events on mental health.The present study achieves the following result by analysis of correlation, motive liner regression and structure equation.1. Poverty girls have better peer relationship, less stressful life events and higher mental health level than other children.2. Life events have negative influence on children’s mental health while resilient protective factors can improve children’s mental health.3. Resilience improves mental health by reducing the effects of stress life events on mental health.We propose suggests according to our results: At first, since peer relationship, individual traits and family factors are protective factors of mental health of children who live in poverty, interventional approaches addressing improving mental health of children living in poverty can set about from these three respects. And second, the teacher factor doesn’t enter the final model (ie. It doesn’t exert its protective function to children’s mental health.), which suggests from another side that teachers resource need to be reinforced. Finally, as children in these areas generally live in the state of poverty and it’s relatively limited to just help a few individuals. So we’d better take it in integrity to improve the whole environment for children.

【关键词】 心理弹性生活事件心理健康贫困女童
【Key words】 resiliencelife eventsmental healthpoverty girls

