

【作者】 郭小艳

【导师】 王振宏;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 Fredrickson提出的积极情绪的扩展和建设理论是一个全新的理论,该理论认为积极情绪比如快乐、兴趣、满意等能扩展个体的瞬间思维活动序列,并且能够建设个体的资源,包括身体资源(如身体技能、健康)、智力资源(知识、心理理论、执行控制)、人际资源(友谊、社会支持网络)和心理资源(心理恢复力、乐观、创造性)。消极情绪一般会缩小个体的瞬间思维活动序列,缩小个体的认知范围,让个体在当时的情境下只产生某些特定的行为,动员个体身体能量应对特定的环境挑战。而积极情绪却能在一般条件下促使个体冲破一定的限制而产生更多的思想,能够扩大个体的注意范围,增强认知的灵活性,能够更新和扩展个体的认知地图。积极情绪扩展人的瞬间思维活动序列和消极情绪缩小了人的瞬间思维活动序列,都得到了实验研究一定的支持,但这种瞬间扩展效应能否得到重复验证?能否延伸到思维活动序列的其他方面?积极情绪对于工作记忆、心理旋转、问题解决等认知加工是否也具有扩展效应?此外,积极情绪的扩展和建设理论是否能涵盖所有类型的积极情绪?是否具有跨文化一致性?这种扩展效应的发挥是否会有条件限制等等一系列的问题都需要开展进一步的研究去探讨和验证。本研究主要考察了积极情绪对工作记忆、心理旋转和问题解决的影响,采用两因素混合实验设计,选取甘肃陇东学院教育学院的本科一、二年级学生作为被试进行了研究。研究的目的就是进一步验证积极情绪的扩展和建设理论,证实积极情绪的重要作用。研究结果表明:1、积极情绪状态下的工作记忆任务的成绩并未显著高于消极情绪状态下工作记忆任务的成绩。这一结论存在着一些疑点,还需要进一步去验证。2、积极情绪状态下的心理旋转任务的成绩显著高于消极情绪状态下心理旋转任务的成绩,积极情绪促进了心理旋转。3、积极情绪状态下的问题解决任务的成绩显著高于中性情绪状态和消极情绪状态下问题解决任务的成绩,积极情绪促进了问题解决。研究的价值:进一步验证了积极情绪的扩展和建设理论,完善了积极情绪的研究成果,在一定程度上丰富了情绪研究的内容,并且为愉快教育的进一步开展提供了理论支持。

【Abstract】 Abstract: The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotion offers a new view of their functional significance, beyond those functions shared with other positive emotion. This theory posits that distinct positive emotions such as joy, interest, contentment, and love not only share the feature of broadening individual’s momentary thought—action repertoires, but also share the featureof building individual’s personal resources, including physical resources (e g, physical skills,health), the intellectual resources (knowledge, psychological theory, the implementation of control),social resources (friendship, and social support networks) and psychological resources (mentalresilience, optimism and creativity). Generally negative emotion will narrow the momentarythought-action repertoires, and narrow the scope of individual attention, the individual in the contextof the time only a certain behavior, and mobilize individual physical energy to specific environmental challenges. And positive emotion in the general conditions under managed to breakthrough the individual’s narrowed thought-action repertoires, expand the scope of individualattention and enhance cognitive flexibility to update and expansion of individual cognitive map.Although the positive emotion broaden individual’s momentary thought-action repertoires andthe negative emotion narrowed the negative emotion individual’s momentary thought-action havereceived direct support in an initial experiment, many questions remain. For example, are theseeffects replicable, and do they extend to other measures of the breadth of thought-action repertoires?Is there broaden effects in positive emotion for working memory, mental rotation, problem-solving?In addition, whether is the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotion covering all types of positive emotion? Whether is the cross-cultural consistency of this theory? Whether is the conditions in the broaden effects of positive emotion? And so on. The issues require further research to exploreand certification.This study selected the impact research of positive emotion on working memory, mental rotation, problem-solving . using two factors mixed design method, selecting undergraduate and second-year students of the Long Dong College in Gansu as subjects.The purpose of the study is to further test the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotion, confirm the important role of positive emotions. The results show that:1. The working memory performance in positive emotional state not significantly higher than that of negative emotional state. The result requires further research to certification because of some doubt.2. Mental rotation performance in positive emotional state of was significantly higher than that of negative emotional state, proving that positive emotion enhanced mental rotatipn ability.3. The problem-solving performance in positive emotional state of was significantly higher than that of neutral and negative emotional state, proving that positive emotion enhanced problem-solving ability.The value of research: The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotion is further certificated in this study, and the results of past research further improved a certain extent, the emotional content is rich too. It proved theoretical support for the pleasure education.

【关键词】 积极情绪认知扩展效应
【Key words】 positive emotioncognitionbroaden effects

