

【作者】 黄义

【导师】 康喜来;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会和经济的快速发展,人才竞争日趋激烈,人们所承受压力越来越大。研究生作为高素质、高层次的人才,在面临更多机遇和挑战的同时,也承受着更大的心理压力与冲突。学习、生活、科研和就业等一系列问题改变了研究生的生活方式,不良的生活习惯影响到他们的健康。这应引起人们的注意和重视,在增强学生体质的同时,注重学生的全面健康发展已成为当前学校体育改革与发展的重点和趋势。因此,关注和重视高校研究生体育锻炼状况与健康现状问题,从而加强研究生体育锻炼,增强体质,全面提高健康水平,是十分重要而迫切的问题。本文采用文献资料、问卷调查等方法,对西安市高校在读硕士研究生参与体育锻炼状况与健康现状进行调查研究,旨在全面了解西安市高校研究生体育锻炼状况与健康现状,找出并分析问题存在的原因,提出建议。以便为西安市高校体育决策部门组织和管理研究生体育锻炼活动等工作提供依据,为研究生参加体育锻炼提供一些理论参考,为推动高校体育深化改革提供经验借鉴和理论依据。本文对西安市10所高校(学院)进行问卷调查,结果显示:(1)目前西安市高校在读硕士研究生的消费水平较低,为了满足学习生活的费用需要利用了大部分余暇时间进行社会活动。(2)研究生参与体育锻炼的首要动机是为了强身健体,男女研究生参与锻炼动机在缓解压力和健美塑型上存在较显著的差异。(3)研究生参与体育锻炼的频度是影响西安市高校在读研究生体育人口比例的主要因素,有40.8%的研究生能够达到国家对体育人口的要求。(4)研究生参与体育锻炼场地选择为“就近原则”,参与方式以集群性为主,时段集中在下午和晚上。(5)学业和科研负担重造成缺乏时间及其自身惰性是影响研究生参与体育锻炼的主要原因。(6)研究生没有养成良好的生活习惯,健康状况令人担忧,生命质量较低。(7)体育锻炼的运动强度与健康水平相关,不同运动强度对健康效应不同,中等及大运动强度的锻炼效果较好,更有利于心理和社会健康的完善。(8)体育锻炼是一个可挖掘和利用的促进研究生心理和社会健康的有效手段,通过体育锻炼提高研究生总体健康水平是一条重要途径。为了改善西安市高校在读硕士研究生体育锻炼状况,促进身体健康,合理解决好学习、生活、科研及体育锻炼之间的关系,建议:1、构建良好的校园体育文化氛围。创造自然、良好的体育氛围和环境,从而吸引更多的研究生加入到锻炼的行列中来,促使体育锻炼群众化,对研究生身心健康起到润物细无声的作用。2、增加投入,完善和健全学校体育设施提高场馆利用率。建议政府职能部门和学校决策者加大对学校体育基础设施的投入,建立有利于发展学生个性项目的场馆,提高场馆的利用率,促进学生身心健康发展。3、对西安市高校开设研究生体育课程。体育以其特殊教育功能是其他学科无法替代的,倍受学生青睐,相信在不久,普及研究生开设体育课程将得于实现的。4、开展各类体育竞赛增强研究生体育兴趣,发展倡导体育俱乐部的组织形式。通过积极有效的措施提高研究生参与体育锻炼的积极性和个性发展,以吸引更多的研究生参与各种俱乐部的活动。5、提高高校体育教师的理论水平和组织管理能力,加强体育锻炼指导。根据本单位情况,建立一支高水平的体育教师队伍,在选项、活动时间、行动强度、活动形式、活动效果等方面经常指导和规范,帮助研究生养成良好的体育锻炼方式和习惯。6、健全心理健康教育咨询评价体系。建立和完善心理健康教育咨询和评价体系,做到心理健康教育的科学化、规范化、制度化。7、养成良好的生活习惯,建立健康的生活方式。良好的生活习惯有利于身心健康,反之不良的生活方式有损健康。8、建立研究生体质监测制度,定期进行体质机能测定。建立高校研究生体质监测体制,为制定符合高校研究生的高校体育工作方针和政策提供科学依据。

【Abstract】 With the development of the soeiety and economy,talents are confronted with the ever-inereasing fierce competition and PeoPle suffer a lot. The graduate student takes the high quality, the top level talented person, while faces more opportunities and challenge, is also withstanding the bigger pressure and the conflict.. The study, the life, the scientific research and the employment and so on a series of questions changed graduate student’s life style, the bad habits and customs affect theirs health. This should bring to people’s attention and take seriously, while strengthens the student physique, pays great attention student’s comprehensive healthy development to become the current school sports reform and the development key point and the tendency. Therefore, pays attention to and takes the university graduate student physical training condition and the healthy present situation question, thus strengthens the graduate student physical training, the enhancement physique, raises the health standard comprehensively, is very important and the urgent question.This article uses methods and so on literature material, questionnaire survey, is reading the graduate student to the Xi’an University to participate in the physical training condition and the healthy present situation conducts the investigation and study, is for the purpose of the thorough understanding Xi’an University graduate student physical training condition and the healthy present situation and the rule, discovers and analyzes the existence the question, puts forward the proposal. In order to organize and manages work and so on graduate student physical training to provide the basis for the Xi’an University sports Decision-making body, participates in the physical training for the graduate student to provide some theory reference, provides the experience for the impetus university sports deepening reform to use for reference with the theory basis.This article (institute) carries on the questionnaire survey to the Xi’an 10 universities, finally demonstrated: (1) present Xi’an University is reading graduate student’s consumption level to be low, to satisfy the study life to need to use the majority of leisure time to make money. (2) graduate student participates in the physical training the most important motive is to strong and healthy body, the male and female graduate student participates in the exercise motive has the remarkable difference in alleviation pressure and on the healthy model. (3) graduate student participates in the physical training the frequency is affects the Xi’an University to read the graduate student sports population proportion the primary factor, some 40.8% graduate students can achieve the country to the sports population request.(4) graduate student participates in the physical training location choice is "nearby the principle", the participation way by the colony primarily, the time interval concentrates in afternoon and the evening. (5) studies and the scientific research burden rebuild lack the time and own inertia are affect the graduate student to participate in the physical training the primary cause. (6) graduate student has not fostered the good habits and customs, the state of health is anxious, the life quality is low. (7) physical training’s movement intensity and the health standard are related, the different movement intensity is different to the health effect, medium and the big movement intensity’s exercise effect is good, is more advantageous to psychological and the social health consummation. (8) physical training is one may unearth and the use promotion graduate student psychology and the social health effective measure, raises the graduate student overall health standard through the physical training is an important way.In order to improve the Xi’an University to read the graduate student physical training condition, promotes the health, solves between the study, the life, the scientific research and the physical training relations reasonably, suggested: 1,construction good campus sports culture atmosphere. Creation nature, good sports atmosphere and environment, thus attracts more graduate students to join to the exercise ranks, urges the physical training populace, plays Run to the graduate student physical and moral integrity the thin silent role.2, increases the investment, perfect and the perfect school sports facilities raise the facility use factor. Suggested that the government Functional departments and the school policy-maker enlarge to the school sports infrastructure investment, establishes is advantageous in develops the student individuality project facility, enhances the facility the use factor, promotes the student physical and moral integrity development. 3, opens the graduate student sports curriculum to the Xi’an University. The sports is other disciplines is unable by its special education function to substitute, time is favored the student, believes in soon, the popular graduate student will open the sports curriculum to realize. 4, carries out each kind of sports competition to strengthen the graduate student sports interest, the development initiative Sports club configuration of organization. Enhances the graduate student through the positive effective measure to participate in the physical training the enthusiasm and the individuality development, attracts more graduate students to participate in each kind of club the activity. 5, raises the university gym instructor’s theoretical level and the organization managed capacity, strengthens the physical training instruction. According to this unit situation, establishes a high level the gym instructor troop, in aspects and so on option, active time, motion intensity, form of action, active effect instructs frequently with the standard, helps the graduate student to foster the good physical training way and the custom. 6, perfect psychologically healthy education consultation appraisal system. The establishment and the consummation psychologically healthy education consults and appraises the system, achieves the psychologically healthy education the scientific style, the standardization, the institution. 7, fosters the good habits and customs, establishes the health the life style. The good habits and customs are advantageous to the physical and moral integrity, otherwise the bad life style harms the health. 8, establishes the graduate student physique monitor system, carries on the physique function determination regularly. The establishment university graduate student physique monitor system, conforms to the university graduate student’s university sports work policy and the policy for the formulation provides the scientific basis.


