

【作者】 刘婷

【导师】 刘路;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 新闻学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 当下,在我们的现实生活中,充斥着大量的虚假广告。其表现形式多样、出现领域繁多,尤其体现在药品、保健医疗,化妆品,农资,美容整形等行业。骗人的招数越来越多,损害社会的程度越来越大。虚假广告给人们、给社会带来的危害已不容忽视。虚假广告的猖獗与泛滥,不仅给消费者造成了经济上的损失,同时使大众对广告、媒体及政府产生了不信任。作为广告市场的主体,广告主和媒体没有很好地完全承担起监督、管理广告的任务,更有甚者,在经济利益的诱惑下,首先选择了金钱,丢弃了职业道德,丢弃了社会利益,置大众利益于不顾。目前,我国的《广告法》、《反不正当竞争法》、《消费者保护协议法》等都有治理、惩处虚假广告,维护大众利益,保护消费者正当权益的条款。国家也在不断加大力度广泛实施各项措施,决心肃清广告行业混乱的局面。但由于我国现行法律、法规的疏漏,一些谙熟法律法规和政府政策的广告从业人员,就开始钻法律的空子,玩擦边球,加之少数政府工作人员又执法不严、风气不正,监管不力,虚假广告泛滥成为客观现实。与此同时,普通消费者由于缺乏对商品质量鉴别的能力,在权益受到侵害时,表现出自我保护意识的薄弱,给虚假广告的屡禁不止提供了土壤和环境。治理虚假广告,整肃广告行业的作风,整顿广告行业的秩序成为当务之急。本研究从虚假广告的产生、表现形式、以及虚假广告对社会造成的危害性,做了一个完整地分析和综述,并配以具体的案例,揭示传播原理是如何隐藏、运用在虚假广告中,畸形地发挥它的传播功能和作用,从而俘虏受众,愚弄受众,使之在无意识状态下接受广告的消费设计,文化传递,具有一定的现实意义。同时,在收集、阅读大量的资料前提下,梳理出一些广告业发达的国家在治理虚假广告方面的成功经验和可行措施,供我国治理虚假广告参考。面对虚假广告的现实,不同层面、不同利益主体的把关人,广告主,广告代理商,媒体,政府应当如何有效的遏制虚假广告,减少它对社会的危害,使这把双刃剑趋利避害,是本研究的目的所在。本文从广告入题,简单概述广告的定义及对社会的功能性作用,以突出对比虚假广告的虚假性及对社会的危害性,由此剖析虚假广告形成的现实原因,以及虚假的种种劣行。通过对国外遏制虚假广告法律、法规的介绍,对比我国政府对虚假广告的治理措施和惩处办法,对虚假广告做一个全面的解读,本文还结合我国现行法律、法规,针对我国广告行业的薄弱环节,提出一些有实践意义,可行性强的建议,期望达到引以为鉴的目的,以探寻适合我国的针对虚假广告的处罚措施和政策法规。

【Abstract】 At present, our life is filled with various false advertisements. Different false advertisement can be seen in many fields, especially in medicine, health care, cosmetic, farming equipment, hairdressing and face lifting. The tricks are increasing and the harm to our society is also greater and greater. The hazard of false advertisement to the people and the society can no longer be overlooked.The rampancy of false advertisement not only causes costumer’s lost in money, but also results in the distrust to the advertisement, media and government. The advertisers and media, as the principal part of advertisement market, have not fulfilled their task of advertisement supervision and management. What’s more, there are even someone allured by money have discarded their professional etiquette without regard of the people and the society.For the moment, there are many clauses in our Advertisement Law, Anti-Unfair Competition Law, Law on Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests for the governing and penalizing of false advertisement to protect costumer’s rights and interests. Our government is also using more efforts on the executing of various solutions to sweep the disordered situation in advertisement field. However, due to some omission in the present laws and regulations, some advertisement jobholderswho are familiar with the laws, regulations and policies can still make use of such omission to gainimproper interests. Besides, there are also some government officers who can not fulfill their duty fully and strictly. These are the base of the rampancy of false advertisement.On the other side, because the people have not sufficient ability in the identifying of commodity quality, their awareness to protect themselves is very weak when the right and interests are violated. This provides the base and conditions to the repeated occurrences of false advertisement. It is an emergency task to prohibit false advertisement, clarify the work style and put the system in order of the advertisement industry. This paper, on the base of the social background analyzed as above, has made complete analyses and summaries on the origination, patterns and the social hazard of false advertisement. Material cases are used to explain the abnormal utilization of promulgation theories in the false advertisement. Some good experience and solutions to false advertisement from the countries with advanced advertisement industry are also introduced for reference. It is the target of this paper to get some inspiration from such cases, so as to bring forward some practical suggestion in accordance with the present laws and regulations as well as in consideration of the weak links of our advertisement industry.

【关键词】 虚假广告经济利益广告主消费者
【Key words】 False advertisementEconomic interestAdvertiserConsumer

