

The Study on Misplace Development of Tourism Screen Zone

【作者】 李娟

【导师】 吴成基;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 屏蔽现象是基于旅游地之间的空间竞争关系造成的,由于不同旅游地之间的资源价值、知名度、开发的先后次序等不同,造成了某一个或某一些旅游地处在另一个旅游地的屏蔽之下,从而使该屏蔽区的旅游开发受到很大的制约。屏蔽现象是旅游地的一种客观存在,而且广泛地存在我国的大部分旅游区(点)之内。因此,加强对旅游屏蔽现象的研究,并探讨其发展思路和对策,对促进我国旅游事业的健康有效发展具有很强的现实意义。笔者在参与2006-2007年吴成基教授主持的《陕西省三原县旅游发展总体规划(2006-2025)》项目的过程中,发现三原县在陕西旅游区和大西安都市圈内存在旅游屏蔽现象,本文拟通过实地考察、实地访谈、调查问卷、三原县政府部门提供的资料以及参阅相关文献,对三原县的旅游屏蔽现象进行分析研究。旨在通过此研究,为旅游屏蔽区的旅游发展寻找出路。本文首先阐述了论文的研究目的、意义及研究背景,对国内外研究现状进行了总括性述评,在竞争优势、消费者行为、旅游者知觉选择性等相关理论基础上,归纳总结旅游屏蔽的基本类型(资源、区位、要素、形象、客源等旅游屏蔽),并以陕西省三原县为例,对三原旅游的屏蔽状况进行了深入地分析,总结三原旅游屏蔽的主要类型。其次根据对调查问卷及三原县相关资料的统计,综合分析三原旅游资源特色和市场优势,以确定三原是否具有发展旅游的潜力。最后依据以上相关分析提出促使三原旅游走出屏蔽的错位发展策略和在GIS、多媒体等技术支持下进行科学化管理的建议。经过研究,本文得出以下结论:1.三原旅游屏蔽的主要类型是形象屏蔽,定位、打造属于三原的特色形象是发展三原旅游的突破口。2.根据三原旅游资源特色和市场优势分析,发现三原旅游是完全可以走出屏蔽的。需以己之长,以己之特,先在大西安都市圈内寻得立足之地,饰演大西安都市圈文化“戏”中一个关键的“配角”。待站住脚,打好基础,则要与其他竞争。即采取错位发展战略。3.三原在错位发展过程中,确定产品开发重点为城隍庙古建筑景区、特色饮食步行街、于右任博物馆和东里花园。当前阶段大力发展以城隍庙为核心的历史文化观光游,以三原特色小吃为核心的食神朵颐旅游和以“于右任”为核心的名人遗迹、书法游等组合型旅游产品,重力打造两条精品路线——城隍庙文化之旅和名人足迹文化之旅。4.针对不同旅游客源市场,树立差异化的旅游形象。与大西安都市圈其他各地的旅游形象形成“形象叠加”效应,西安打造“东方古都”,咸阳市区打造“中国地热城”,三原则主打“渭北汉文化美食城”。5.加大投资力度,做好三原的旅游营销工作。运用GIS和多媒体、视频等技术,建立三原旅游地理信息系统(SYTGIS),并与大西安都市圈旅游管理信息系统挂钩,实现与大西安都市圈其他各地之间的旅游信息传递,对三原旅游屏蔽区进行科学化管理,使其在大西安都市圈内的发展如蝴蝶般“飞”的精彩。

【Abstract】 The tourism screen comes from the space competition between the different tourism districts. It’s hard to open tourism screen for development because the resources up the value, fame and the development order will make some beauty spots lie in the shadow of some others. As this kind of phenomenon exists wildly in a lot of tourism districts in our country, there will be great realistic significance to promote the development of China’s tourism by studying the tourism screen and its train and finding the countermeasure. In the process of participating in the project names "Develpoing Tourism Planning of Sanyuan County. Shaanxi (2006-2025)" which chaired by Professor Wu Chengji in 2006-2007, the writer found that there is the tourism screen in Shaanxi tourist areas and Xi’an metropolitan area The paper plans to analyze the tourism screen of Sanyuan County by field visits, field interviews, questionnaires, materials provided by Sanyuan government and literatures. This study aimed at finding a way to develop the tourism of the tourism screen area.This paper describes the purpose and significance of the paper and research background of the current situation at home and abroad, summarizes the basic tourism screen type (such as resources, location, elements, image, tourism source screen) on the basis of relevant theories-the competitive edge, consumer behavior, tourists perceived selectivity. And to Sanyuan County, Shaanxi Province as an example, in-depth analyzing the tourism screen situation, and summing up the main tourism screen types of Sanyuan. Secondly, based on the statistics of the questionnaires and related materials, the paper analyzes the characteristics of tourism resources and the market advantages comprehensively to determine whether Sanyuan has the potential for tourism development. Finally based on the above analysis, the paper offers the misplace development strategy and the proposal of scientific management in GIS, multimedia and other technical support to Sanyuan which will make it get rid of the tourism screen.The results are as follows:1. The main tourism screen type of Sanyuan is image screen. Positioning and creating the image features is a breakthrough in the development of Sanyuan tourism.2. According to the characteristics of tourism resources and the market advantages of Sanyuan analysis, finding Sanyuan tourism is fully able to get out of the screen. Sanyuan need to find place in the Xian metropolitan area firstly with its advantages, where playing a key "supporting role" in the culture "drama". When it lies a good foundation, will compete with the other. That is, take the misplace development strategy.3. Focusing product development on Chenghuang Temple ancient buildings area, special diet pedestrian street, Yu Youren Museum and East Garden in the misplace development. In the current phase, Sanyuan need to develop the combination-type tourism products vigorously—Chenghuang Temple as the core of the historical and cultural sightseeing , Sanyuan specialties as the core of the God of Cookery tasting and eating tour and "Yu Youren" as the core of the celebrity relics and calligraphy tour. Building two excellent routes: Chenghuang Temple cultural tour route and celebrity footprints cultural tour route.4. Setting up different tourism image for different tourist market. Making Sanyuan and other places of Xi’an metropolitan area form image superposition effect: Xi’an as "the ancient capital of the Orient", Xianyang urban as "China terrestrial heat city", Sanyuan as "the Han culture dainty snack city in Weibei area."5. Increasing investment, do a good job in tourism marketing efforts. Establishing Sanyuan Tourism Geographical Information System (SYTGIS) by GIS, multimedia, video and other technologies, and linking to Xi’an Metropolitan Area Tourism Management Information System, making the management information transmit during Sanyuan and Other Place of Xi’an Metropolitan Area, and managing Sanyuan tourism screen area scientifically, developing it as a butterfly "flying" wonderfully in Xi’an Metropolitan Area.

【关键词】 屏蔽现象错位发展形象叠加GIS
【Key words】 screen theorymisplace developmentimage superpositionGIS

