

【作者】 曹海滨

【导师】 李永明;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 音乐学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 商羊舞是山东菏泽地区一个古老的民间舞种,对于传统舞蹈文化中具有重要的意义和地位,尤其是对于研究古老的祭祀求雨舞蹈有着极其重要的艺术价值,研究商羊舞的目的在于:一、考察其起源和发展,对其现状进行分析调查,以求达到保护民间“非物质文化遗产”的目的;二、归纳总结该舞蹈的艺术风格及其特点,充实民族民间舞蹈的理论性,并论证其在艺术史上的重要性;三、可以促进传统舞蹈文化在新世纪的传承和发展。本文采用了田野调查法、文献法与分析法相结合的方法。首先从史料文献中寻找商羊舞的古老踪迹,完善民族民间舞蹈文化的理论性;其次,在田野调查基础上对商羊舞进行全面的整理和总结,继而更充分地研究商羊舞所具有的独特艺术魅力;最后并结合人类学、民俗学等,以探讨该舞蹈在中国古代、近现代艺术史中所具有深层次的学术理论价值。本文共分为6章,在第1章绪论中,介绍了商羊舞的研究目的、意义、方法和现状;第2章商羊舞的渊源中,着重介绍史料文献中有关商羊舞的起源和神话传说;第3章商羊舞的现状调查中,介绍商羊舞当今发展的现状和所流传分布,以及商羊舞活动形式的演变等问题;第4章商羊舞的风格与功能中,主要论述商羊舞的形状风格和一些动律特征,并从祭祀性和娱乐性两个方面阐释了商羊舞在不同时代所具有的功能,体现出商羊舞完成了从娱神到娱人的转变;第5章商羊舞的艺术价值中,论述了作为商羊舞这一古老的舞种以及从殷商时期流传至今,并且保存的如此完整,更被专家学者们称之为具有研究古老祭祀求雨舞蹈的活化石的艺术价值,充分体现了商羊舞在我国艺术史上和传统文化中所具有的非物质文化遗产的重要地位和意义;第6章历史遗存的商羊舞在现实中的运用与发展中,论述了现今在菏泽地区所遗存的商羊舞发展现状和发展前景,并针对商羊舞中的“商羊神鸟”的观点提出自己的观点和商羊鸟出现的科学原因分析,结合自然科学知识,客观的提出认识。

【Abstract】 Shangyang Dance is a kind of folk dance popular in Heze region in Shan Dong Province. It plays an important role in tradtional dancing culture . It has great art value in study of the dancing for rain in sacrificing activity. The purpose to research Shangyang Dance lies on: firstly, Studying its origins and development and analyzing its actuality to protect the national non-material cultural heritage; secondly, summarizing its art style and characteristics and enriching its theory and demonstrating the importance in art history; thirdly, promoting the traditional dance to develop in new century.This article adopts the combination of fieldwork, literature search and analytical method. First , searching the trace of Shangyang Dance in historical data and improving the theory of folk dance; Secondly, comprehensively cleaning up and summarizing Shangyang Dance based on the fieldwork and adequately studying the unique art fascination; Lastly, exploring Shangyang Dance’ s theoretical value in Chinese ancient and modern history by combining anthropology and folklore.This article is divided into six chapters. The first chapter introduces the research purpose, meaning, method and current situation of the introducing ShangYang dance. The second chapter introduces the origin of ShangYang dance. Emphatically introduces about the origin of ShangYang dance and mythical legend in the literature of historical data. The third chapter introduces investigation of ShangYang dance in the current situation. Nowadays current situation of development of ShangYang dance of recommending and spreading and distributing, and questions such as the development of ShangYang dance activity form, etc. The fourth chapter introduces in style and function of ShangYang dance. Mainly form style and some of the expounding the fact ShangYang dance work up law characteristic, and the function that have from sacrificial and two recreational respect explaining ShangYang dances in different eras, the embodying ShangYang dance has been finished from giving pleasure to the god to the transition which gives pleasure to people. The fifth chapter introduces in the artistic value of ShangYang dance. It have expounded the fact as this old dance kind of ShangYang dance and spread from Yin Shang so far, and the one that kept is so intact. Calling that by the experts and scholars has artistic value which study the old living fossil that offer sacrifices to and pray for rain the dance. The reflecting ShangYang dance is in our country’ s art history and important status and meaning of the non-material cultural heritage had in traditional culture fully. The sixth chapter introduces the application and developing in reality of ShangYang dance of the history remains. It have described the current situations of the development of ShangYang dance of the remains and development prospect in Heze prefecture now. Until sheep view of " ShangYang supernatural bird " of dance put forward one’ s own view and ShangYang scientific reason that bird appear analyze, combine the knowledge of natural science, objective proposition realizes.


