

【作者】 杨金辉

【导师】 李令福;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 历史地理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 河道变迁是历史自然地理研究的一个重要内容,它与人们的生产、生活息息相关。渭河作为黄河最大的支流,在中下游冲积形成了广大的关中平原,成为中国历史上周秦汉唐等几个强盛王朝的国都的所在地。在某种程度上可以说,正是渭河孕育了历史上中华古老文明的辉煌。进入人类历史时期,关中平原渭河河道的演变是人类活动和自然环境综合作用的结果。本文通过对历史环境的复原与重建,对关中平原渭河河道的变迁进行深入的探讨。通过对历史时期各种文献对渭水记载的归纳分析研究,深入把握渭水河道的特性和发展演变规律。这些也有助于对关中地区历史时期环境演变研究的深入。文章共分三个部分:第一部分由绪论和第一章组成。绪论主要介绍论文的选题背景、研究现状、研究思路、研究方法等。第一章分别介绍了现代渭水的概况、关中平原的自然地理背景及先秦时期渭水的河道概况。通过对这一部分的介绍,确立了全文的研究对象、研究思路,说明了渭水河道变迁的背景,为全文的写作奠定了基础。第二部分是文章的主体内容,从第二章到第五章。按照时段对渭河河道状况进行了分段论述,第二章主要论述秦至北周时期渭水河道的状况。考虑到时间跨度较大,具体又分为秦汉时期和《水经注》时代两部分,首先将渭河按照中游、下游和二华河口三段划分;接着对秦汉时期选取了成国渠、秦汉渭河三桥、漕渠等遗址为参照点结合文献记载展开论述;对《水经注》时期则主要以《水经注》为主线,结合相关的历史遗存和其他文献进行分析。第三章论述了隋唐时期渭河的河道变迁。同样首先将渭河按照中游、下游和二华河口三段划分;接着以《元和郡县志》为代表的文献资料为主线,选取了沿河县治、庆善宫、唐代渭河三桥、泾渭汇流处、永丰仓、漕渠渠口等为参照分析了当时渭河流路及变迁情况。第四章对宋金元明时期的渭水河道进行了论述。运用丰富的方志等文献资料归纳梳理出了各个河段的河道流路及变迁状况。第五章则对清代渭河河道变迁进行了详细的论述。由于时间距离关系和方志的发展特点,与之前相比清代是资料最为丰富的时代。本章充分利用地方志等文献资料,结合踏勘访问所获的信息,对这一时期的渭河河道变迁作了详细的分析论述。第三部分是结论,为文章的总结与延伸部分。首先对文章的研究成果进行了总结,接着探讨了影响河道变迁的主要因素。通过对研究成果的归纳分析,来揭示历史时期渭水河道变迁的内在规律。通过对全文的总结,有以下四点认识:(一)从时间上来看,历史时期关中平原的渭水河道决徙频繁,经常冲崩两岸,但长期来看主河床相对北移。(二)从空间上来看,中游河段有明显的北移趋势,下游河段虽然也有较大幅度的南北摆动,然而由于下游的水沙性质,实际基本只是在一定范围内的南北循环往复。(三)运用文献考证与实地考察相结合方法,一方面要重视文献资料重大的价值,但运用过程中需要辨别分析、去伪存真,切实与其他史料及实地踏勘资料相结合,更不能以史料之无来断定史实之无。(四)既要善于总结历史经验,也要善于吸取历史教训,合理地开发利用自然,实现人地的和谐和科学的发展。

【Abstract】 River changes is an important element of the historical study of physical geography, it is closely related with the people’s Productive activity and daily life. As the largest Tributary of the Yellow River, the Weihe River alluvial format the broad masses of the Guanzhong Plain in the middle and lower reaches. the locations of the Zhou, the Qin, the Han and the Tang dynasties, and several other powerful countries in the history of China were in the plain. it can be said to some extent that the China’s splendid ancient civilization in the history is the Evolved by Weihe River.The changes of Weihe River in the Guanzhong Plain is he results the evolution of human activities and natural combination in the human historical period.This article through restoration and the reconstruction of the historical environment, carries on the thorough discussion of the changes of Weihe River in the Guanzhong Plain. Through the analysis of various historical recorded in the literature on the Weihe river, grasp the law of the development and evolution of the Weihe River in-depthly. These are also helpful to the research of the evolution of historical environment of Guanzhong area thoroughly.This Paper is divided into three Parts: Part one is made up of introduction and chapter one. The introduction mainly introduces the research background, research current situation, the thinking of research, research approach of the thesis, etc.. Chapter one, this part mainly introduces the overview of the modern Weihe river, the geographical background of the Guanzhong Plain and the general situation of the Weihe river course in pre-Qin period. Through the introduction, the research object and ideas are established. The background of changes in Weihe river course is explained. And it laid a foundation for the article to write.Part two is the core of this paper, from chapter two to chapter five.In accordance with the period of time, I discuss the course condition of Weihe River in subsection. The second chapter mainly discusses the course condition of Wei River during the Qin Dynasty and the Northern Zhou Dynasty. Considered the time span is too long, I divide the time into two parts: the Qin and Han Dynasty period and the "Commentary to the River Classic" period. First, I divide the Wei River into three sections: the middle reaches, the lower reaches and Erhua Bayou. Then I selected the ruins of Chengguo canal, three bridges on the Weihe River in the Qin and Han Dynasty, water transport of grain canals and so on as the reference points, and discuss it combining with the document. To the "Commentary to the River Classic" period, I take "Commentary to the River Classic" as a master line, associated with the historical monuments and other documentation for analysis. Chapter three mainly discuss the changes of the course of Weihe River during the Sui Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty. I divide the Wei River into three sections: the middle reaches, the lower reaches and Erhua Bayou too.I take "Yuan Hejun County annals" as a master line, associated with the historical monuments and other documentation for analysis.Chapter four, it’s the discussions of Weishui waterway in the period of Song-Jin-Yuan-Ming. Generalize the river flow and changes in various sections on the base of the abundant local annals and other documentations.The fifth rules had carried on the detailed elaboration to the shifting of Weihe River in Qing Dynasty. Because the reasonof time and the development characteristic of local chronicle, the material in the Qing Dynasty was richer then the time before it. Though useing local chronicle fully and unioning the information which attained by visit, this chapter had made the detailed analysis elaboration to the shifting of Weihe River in the period.The third part was a conclusion which included the summary and extending of the article. First, it had carried on the summary to the research results. Then, it had discussed the primary influence factor to the shifting of river. Through the induction and analysis to research results, it had revelated the inherent rules of the shifting of Weihe River in historical period.Through the summary of the full text,we have four cognitions :(a) From the time perspective, the Weihe River in the Guanzhong Plain frequent resettlement and often collapsing the two sides the historical period. But in the long run, the main river course relative toward to northward.(b) From the space perspective, the middle reaches of the river marked by the northward movement of the trend, although the lower reaches of the river sections also have a larger north-south swing, because the nature of water and sediment downstream, the actual basic only within a certain range of the North-South cycles.(c) Use of literature research and field visits method of combine. On the one hand, attention to the value of literature major, but use of the process of identifying needs analysis, and effectively with other historical data and information integration field visits,We cannot conclude no historical evidence only by we don’t have the historical data.(d) Not only should be good at summing up the historical experience, but also should draw lessons from history. We should develop and use the nature reasonably what can make human and nature harmonious and develop scientificly.


