

【作者】 丁德超

【导师】 张萍;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 历史地理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 研究豫西北农村市场与近代社会转型,有助于人们加深对当前河南农村市场经济发展的认识,有重要的理论和现实意义。农村市场既是农村农副产品进入城乡市场网络的起点,又是城市工商业品输入农村消费市场的终点。豫西北农村市场是豫西北地区综合的社会经济文化载体,亦是反映豫西北农村社会经济文化发展的一面镜子。近年来学术界对于农村市场的关注逐渐增多,但大多局限于沿海发达地区,而对于处于内陆腹地的豫西北地区则大多不言其详。豫西北地区位于河南省西北部,其地貌特征复杂多样,而且处于黄土高原和华北平原的过渡地带;加之近代自然灾荒频繁,社会局势动荡不安,经济发展落后于东部沿海地区,同时豫西北区域内人口密度分布也不均衡,在一定程度上限制了豫西北北农村市场的发展。笔者对于豫西北地区农村市场的复原性研究,希望在一定程度上尽量弥补前人对于微观研究的不足,使处于边缘过渡地带的豫西北地区农村市场研究的深度和广度得到进一步加深。近代时期,随着沿海沿江等城市的开埠通商,豫西北地区农村商品经济得到了很大程度的发展,表现为豫西北农村集镇数量大幅度增加,农村集镇开市频率提高,集镇开市期限缩短,农村集镇的经济贸易功能得到不断增强。豫西北地区集镇已形成以间日集为主,每日集、十日四集、三日一集及五日一集的集期格局,集镇的空间分布大多数设在距城10至50里之间的区域,集镇方位围绕县城分布,呈现出不规则状态;豫西北集镇市场对活跃当地农村社会经济方面起到了十分重要的作用。近代豫西北地区商品经济的发展,还引起了豫西北地区经济作物种植面积的扩大,豫西北地区以市场为导向的传统农村市场化程度得到不断增强;同时,豫西北近代新兴的专业型农村市场也开始大量出现,并迅速发展。豫西北地区不仅传统的粮食市场、棉花市场、土布市场、中药材等市场商品交易量大增,而且诸如烟草市场、毛皮鸡蛋市场、草帽辫市场、茧绸市场等近代出口贸易型市场也迅速增加,豫西北地区农村专业市场的分布特征开始出现专业化、区域化的趋势,其在很大程度上活跃了豫西北地区的农村市场,促进了豫西北地区社会经济的发展。近代以来,豫西北地区庙会市场分布也开始增多,不仅集镇的村落有众多的庙会分布,而且非集镇的村落,其庙会分布也在不断增加,甚至无人居住的山顶处的庙会也开始出现;庙会会期时间逐渐延长,大多集中于二、三、四月份,庙会的组织管理发生了变化,近代的绅商开始进入庙会的组织管理领域;最为重要的是豫西北地区庙会市场的经济贸易功能迅速增强,开始占据庙会功能的主导地位;尽管豫西北庙会市场的内部区域差异在逐渐增大,但是豫西北庙会市场对于弥补豫西北集镇市场在空间分布和商品贸易等方面,起到了不可估量的作用。豫西北农村市场作为初级商品的汇集地,其交通原来主要依靠传统的水陆运输,主要在区域内或国内流动;近代以来,豫西北地区借助于便捷的铁路、公路运输,把本地所出的农副土特产品汇聚于通商口岸然后进入国际市场:同时,外来的工业制成品也依靠铁路、公路输入到豫西北各地,更为重要的是近代交通运输方式的改变,使豫西北地区农村市场的结构逐渐从传统水陆型转变为近代铁路公路型。至此,豫西北农村市场开始纳入以通商口岸为中心的商品流通结构之中,成为国际商品流通体系的一部分。随着豫西北农村市场的发展,其对豫西北的农村社会产生了重大的影响。首先,在农村市场的作用下,农业改良速度加快,农业结构也随之发生了重大变化,经营重点由粮食作物转向经济作物,自给性农业开始向商品性农业发展。同时,豫西北地区手工业和商业也发生了一定程度的变化,农民对农村市场的依赖程度增强,农村市场的商品结构发生了重大的变化:最后,农民的经商意识开始增强,思想观念逐步近代化,这些都在客观上推动了近代豫西北地区的农村社会转型。本文运用历史学、历史地理学、经济学等学科的研究方法和理论,就近代时期豫西北地区农村市场发展的脉络做了复原性的研究,部分农村市场发展情况上溯到清初。全文通过近代时期豫西北农村市场的研究,清晰地认识到豫西北农村市场是不断发展变化的,其主要表现形式是集镇市场和庙会市场的发展,豫西北农村市场以市场为导向的专业化市场倾向进一步增强,近代交通格局的变迁改变了豫西北农村市场的空间分布结构,总之,豫西北农村市场对豫西北农村社会转型产生了重大的作用和影响。

【Abstract】 Study on the rural market and social transformation in modern times of Henan province,help people deepen their understanding of the current market in rural areas of Henan province understanding of economic development,important theoretical and practical significance.The rural market is a rural agricultural and sideline products entering the starting point of the urban and rural market network,and the city industrial and commercial goods imported the end of the rural consumer market.Henan Northwest rural market is in Northwest integrated socio-economic and cultural carrier,Northwest is also reflected in rural Henan socio-economic and cultural development of a mirror.In recent years the academic community’s concern for the rural market gradually increasing,but this is mostly confined to the developed coastal areas,and for a landlocked hinterland of the Henan northwest region is mostly words and not in detail.Henan Province in the northwest region northwest of Henan Province,geomorphological features complicated and varied, and the Loess Plateau in the North China Plain and the transition zone in addition Modern frequent natural famine,the social situation in turmoil and backward economic development in the eastern region,at the same time within the North West Henan uneven distribution of population density,to a certain extent,limit the Northwest North Henan rural market development.Henan Northwest rural areas for the recovery of the market study and hope to a certain extent,as far as possible to make up for their predecessors microcosmic study of the shortcomings so that the transition zone marginalized rural areas of Henan Northwest market research breadth and depth has been further deepened.In Modern times,with the coastal port cities along the river,such as trade,rural commodity economy in the Northwest of Henan have been a large degree of development,Northwest of Henan showed a substantial increase in the number of rural market towns,rural town of trading frequency increased trading shorten the period Town,the rural town of trade and economic functions are growing.Henan Province in Northwest China Town,has been formed to set mainly between daily set,and 10 four-,3-and 5 and a collection of a set pattern,the majority of the spatial distribution of market towns in the city from 10 to 50 Lane regional,county town position on the distribution,and display irregular status Henan town northwest of the active local rural market has played a very important socio-economic role.The Henan Northwest Territories town already has taken form giving first place to gradually assemble,everyday collection,four part on 10th,one part on 3rd and the collection that one gathers on 5th expect a pattern,the town space distribution great majority are set up in the spur city 10 town bearing distributes,displays irregular state around county town till the area between 50 li,;Henan Northwest Territories temple fair marketplace distribution also begins to increase by,the date of a meeting time prolongs gradually,change the temple fair organization is managed having happened, being most important is that the temple fair marketplace economy trade function is prompt strengthen;But,the north west Henan inside,temple city area difference enhance gradually.With modern Henan northwest region the development of commodity economy,but also from the northwest region’s economic Henan crop acreage and the expansion of Henan Province in Northwest China market-oriented degree of traditional rural market continually enhance At the same time,Henan Northwest emerging professional modern-rural market appeared in large numbers have begun,and rapid development.Henan Northwest region not only the traditional food market,the cotton market,Chabu market,Chinese herbal medicine,and other market commodities trading volume increase,and the market,such as tobacco,fur eggs market,the market braided straw hat, Chongchou market,and other modern-export trade growth in the market,Henan Northwest rural areas the distribution of market professionals began to specialization,and the trend of regionalization, largely active in the northwestern region of Henan and the rural market and promote the northwest region Henan socio-economic development.In Modern times,Henan temple in the northwest distribution market also began to increase,not only the Town villages distribution of a large number of temples,villages and non-Town,the temple has also increased the distribution,and even uninhabited hilltop temple began Department appeared temple will be gradually extended period of time,mostly concentrated in two,three,in April,the organization and management temple there is a change in the modern Shenshang has begun to enter the temple in the organization and management areas;Henan is the most important temple in Northwest China economic and trade market function is rapidly increasing,the temple has begun to function in a dominant position,although Henan temple Northwest regional differences in the internal market in gradually increasing,but the market for the temple Northwest of Henan Province compensate for the market in the northwestern town spatial distribution and commodity trade,and others,played a inestimable role.Henan province northwest rural market as a commodity pool,the original mainly rely on the traditional surface transportation,mainly in the region or domestic flows;modern times,through the use of its convenient rail,road transport,Henan province northwest region began clustering in agricultural trade ports access to international markets;At the same time,foreign industrial products also rely on the railways,highways input to the western part of Henan,what is more important is the modern mode of transportation changed that Henan province northwest region of the structure of the rural market gradually transition from traditional to modern surface Highway-rail.At this point, Henan Northwest into the rural market has started trading ports as the center of the structure of the circulation of commodities,as part of the international commodity circulation system.Henan province northwest rural market with the development of its rural community northwest of Henan have had a significant impact.First,speed up agricultural improvement,there is a change in the structure of agriculture,business focus from food crops to cash crops and subsistence agriculture began to commercial agricultural development.At the same time,Henan province northwest region handicrafts and business has also undergone a certain degree of change,the peasants in the rural areas dependent on the market increased,the commodity structure of the rural market has undergone major changes in the end,the farmers began enhance business awareness, thinking gradually Modernization All these objectively promote the northwest region of modern rural Henan social transformation.This paper uses history,historical geography,economics and other disciplines of study methodology and theory,on the northwest region of modern times Henan province development of the rural market to the recovery of the context of the research,some of the rural market development dates back to the early Qing Dynasty.Henan province modern period by the Northwest through the rural market research,a clear understanding that the rural market continues to develop,its main manifestations of the Town and Temple City,the rural market to be market-oriented and further enhance the specialization trends,changes in the pattern of modern traffic Henan province northwest changed the spatial distribution of the rural market structure,Henan province northwest rural markets in the rural areas have had a significant social transformation of the role and impact.

  • 【分类号】K928.6;K29
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】406
  • 攻读期成果

